Leila (Character) - Aisha, Winx, Pictures, Cartoon, TV series, Preli Mustafa, Actress, Her Guy


Character History

Leila is a powerful fairy that has chosen the path of fighting with evil instead of royal privileges. In the corsets and with a lush haircut girl felt like a bird in a cage. Once upon a time, the Crown Princess retains a kind of becoming an inacrety character. At the same time it became decisive and fearless.

History of character creation

WinX Club is one of the most popular animated series, the history of which started in 2004. His creator, Italian director Izhinio Straphphy, spent several years, having hatched the idea and painstakingly studying consumer demand.

At that time, the palm of championship on television won the Japanese animation. The Rainbow Studio Owner used the features of the Maho-Sydzo genre, but decided to remove the most unprinumed huge eyes. Otherwise, the characters of the Sagie about wizards differ little from their no less popular predecessors - the heroine franchise "Sailor Moon".

However, the development of the concept of the project went not one year. Straphiff examined the market thoroughly, revealing the most popular topics. Magic, mythical animals, the struggle with evil - everything organically had the life of Fay. But they themselves, despite the supernatural abilities, did not differ much from people.

The student of the Alfia, as well as ordinary schoolgirls, are interested in fashion, listen to music in the style of rock and pop, love to dress up and feel difficulties in relations with the opposite sex. The intentional mixing of standard adolescent problems and the magical world of Izhinoi used so that the TV viewers see themselves in fictional characters themselves. By the way, Joan Rowling in his novels was already used. And proved the demand for such a concept.

Leila is one of the main actors of the franchise. When developing its image, designers used the appearance of the American singer Beyonce. In the final version in the picture of the character, the dolls of Bratz, who were lying on the toy market at that time were observed.

In the Winx Club animated series, this heroine appeared already in the 2nd season, in the 1st series called "The Shadow of Phoenix". According to the plot, she will face the dark Lord Darkar, after which it is barely saved fairies.

Image and biography Leila

Leila is a royal family representative from Andros planet. The birthday of the princess - June 15, which corresponds to the sign of the Zodiac Chimera. At the time of joining the "Winx club" she was 17 years old - unlike other magicians, learn at the Alpharey school girl began from the 2nd course (1st spent on home learning).

I didn't want to become a future queen of Andros, as it imposed more responsibilities than privileges. His decision to abandon the throne took another childhood, which only with the stretch could be called happy.

Another fairy has forced to spend the whole day for learning etiques. And in the castle, and at the courtyard, Princess went to Krnolina, with an incredibly volumetric hairstyle. It greatly struck the girl, she felt not a representative of the royal dynasty, but a knight in close armor. It is not surprising that one day the daughter went against the will of the parents and broke out. Over time, they took her choice, but angry.

Leila sports figure, height - 176 cm, dark leather and curly long hair. With the first appearance, the character appeared in gray pants with inserts and pink tops. Such a style in clothes is caused by the passion of the heroine of workouts - even in her room there are simulators. In addition to sports, the native of the planet Andros adores dancing.

The basic conversion of the wizard has become an exciting for it. The main color of the transformation of Enchantix was made by green. After him, a turquoise hue began to prevail in the costume. In Belivix, a student of the Alpharea School changed into a brilliant blue suit. Observing the opportunity to act in the ocean, having received a Sirenix, the heroine appeared in a purple skirt and turquoise top. In Drimix gained a gift to use water whips and create waves. Onriksa magic allowed her to study fluid spells.

A description of relations with other members of the Winx Club - Bloom, Stella, Flora, Museum and Tekna - the princess did not always worry a friendly character. One day the wizard even moved to the side of evil. However, this event was preceded by tragedy in the character's biography - the death of her guy Nabu.

Leila and her boyfriend

In general, love in the fate of Leila played a rather big role. She is self-sufficient, and resisted the will of the parents to marry the magician, whom those picked up as a groom. By the way, they also turned out to be Nabu. He even had to pretend to pretend to be a different guy in order to better know the girl.

After the death of the challenger on the hand and the heart of the heroine decided to take revenge on his murderer Ogron, joining the fairy nebule. And even several times fought against the "Winx Club", but in the decisive fight, the princess still supported the girlfriends.

Then a new love appeared in her fate. But these feelings were not so strong, and soon the place in the heart of the wizard took Paladin Nex.

Leila in films

In the original animated series, the role of Princess Planet Andros voiced the actress Laura Lengi. Interestingly, at the home of this character is the name of Aisha. But only in the American version of the cartoon this name is saved. But in Ireland, she appeared as a sofra that in the translation means "Fairy of Water". In most countries, Leila's name was entrenched behind her, which is interpreted as "dark-haired beauty."

WinX Club Franchise today is represented not only by the animated series, but also 3 full-length animation films, games, magazines and other products produced under the name of the popular brand.

Izhinoi Straphphy has repeatedly expressed the desire to film the world-invented. Soon, Netflix took this project, immediately deciding: the series based on WinX Club will be designed for a wider audience, and not just for adolescents.

The premiere series of the painting "Fate: Saga Winx" came out on January 22, 2021 on the Stringing Service. And immediately collected ambiguous reviews. First of all, some fans of the magic story did not like the selection of actors.

However, the performer of the role of Leila did not touch. The role of the Crown Princess performed the beginning of the British actress Preli Mustafa. Like its animated prototype, the preached dark skin and curly brown hair. In addition, the creators of the series used information from the biography of the cartoon heroine. Therefore, Aisha appeared on the screens in the screens in the usual image - athlete and ladner of water.

Interesting Facts

  • Izhinoi Straphphy wondered this character as a rebar and feminist.
  • Pet of Millie's wizard in love with Kiko - Rabbit Bloom.
  • In the initial concept of the series "Fate: Saga Winx" this fey was called Jade.
  • Leila has become the first of the Winx Club, who received Enchantiks.
  • Because of the Valler, Princess lost his view in the 3rd season. It is curious that these heroes in fan fiction often appeared a pair, although there were no hints of relations in the original.


  • 2007 - "Winx Club: The Mystery of the Lost Kingdom"
  • 2010 - "Winx Club: Magic Adventure"
  • 2014 - "Winx Club: Mystery Marine Cupid"
  • 2021 - "Fate: Saga Winx"

Computer games

  • 2005 - WinX Club


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