Jin Harlow - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Cause of Death, Actress



Platinum Blonde Gin Harlow belongs to the era of the golden century Hollywood. Beauty lived a very short life, but managed to become an icon of style by introducing luxury forms, a languid look and underlined sexuality. The image of the actress with the corporate combination of shining white hair, pale leather, thin eyebrows and bright red lips imitated everything from Marilyn Monroe to ordinary housewives.

Childhood and youth

March 3, 1911 in Kansas City, that in the very heart of America, Harlin Harloou Carpenter was born, which after 20 years the whole world found out like Jin Harlow. And in childhood it was not even called by name, calling just a crumb. A cute, gentle and painful girl was in the family of the idol. Mother, who considered his marriage unsuccessful, was fully gone into the upbringing of his daughter, so as not to remember her husband. He worked as a dentist and provided a family to a soulless existence.

His jin's wife is accustomed to a beautiful life, because he was brought up in a wealthy family of real estate merchant. Her parents mansion became a house for a little Harlin. And her mother hatched ambitious plans for the conquest of Hollywood.

Capturing a 12-year-old daughter, a woman went to Los Angeles to become an actress. By that time she divorced her husband and for the court forbidden him to meet with the child. However, the ambitious gin plans were not destined to come true: she not only did not succeed, but also wondered all the accumulations.

Harlin has changed schools because of frequent movements, and also sick, moved in childhood meningitis and scarlat. Together with the mother, the girl managed to live in Missouri, California, Michigan and Illinois. When a woman married a second time, they moved to her new spouse with her daughter, who had retained her new spouse. There is a personal life of crumbs, which at the age of 16 unexpectedly married and rescued from under the maternal wing.

Personal life

The first husband of the actress was the rich heir to Charles McGru, who married Harlin, barely turned 21 and he was able to dispose of family capital. Capturing your favorite, the guy moved to Los Angeles, where the couple settled in a beautiful house. The charming crumb started at the new place of friends and girlfriends who opened the door to Hollywood. But the relationship with her husband began to deteriorate. In 1929, the girl divorced his spouse and moved.

At that moment, her career developed rapidly, and it was not surprising that the following love actress met on the set. She was the producer of the studio Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Paul Bern, the novel with whom ended with marriage in July 1932. The man was twice as older than the beloved and enjoyed in Hollywood authority. The spouse had all the efforts so that the star Gin Harlow would shine even brighter, but 2 months after the wedding suddenly committed suddenly.

The reason for the death of Bern is still disputes, since his death note, addressed to his wife, turned out to be foggy. The man was suspected of diametrically opposing things - from impotence to infidelity. Be that as it may, at 21, the girl turned out to be a widow.

Marriage failures did not forced the jin to put a cross on a personal life. She spun a novel with a professional boxer Max B., which was almost worth her contract with the studio. The athlete was married, and his spouse turned out to be a special vengeful. She threatened the actress by the court, and MGM decided to settle this process peculiar: they gave their muse to marry the staff operator Harold Rosson. Married in September 1933, Jin and Harold divorced after 7 months. The last love of celebrities was the actor William Powell.


The girl fell into the movie completely by chance. She accompanied his girlfriend on the shooting when cinematographers noticed her and offered to leave the questionnaire. The beauty did it reluctantly and did not always respond to the calls that the representatives of the studio were represented. However, the mother who herself dreamed of being a movie star, insisted that the daughter went to samples.

So the brilliant acting biography of Harlin began, which decided to perform under the pseudonym, taking the name of Mother Jin Harlow.

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She made his debut as a statistical in 1928 and at the same time participated in a frank photo shoot, not even in a swimsuit, but almost naked. Already soon, Harlow became a sex symbol, the image of the American was made by a role model.

A breakthrough in the career of Jean became shooting in the sound remake of the ribbon Howard Hughes "Angels Hell", released on screens in 1929. The role of frivolous and at the same time fatal beauty, which turns three men, overnight brought an actress to a deafening glory.

After that, the young movie star began to replenish the filmography with an impressive speed - less than 10 years later starred in 43 paintings, and the viewer wanted to see it in high roles. Films with Harloow accompanied commercial success, although critics responded about her acting qualities with irony.

However, the plasticity and sexuality did the girl so attractive that she was tested in popularity of more gifted colleagues. And grandfather Gin threatened at all to deprive the granddaughter of the inheritance, as she believed that the good name was frivolous and unnecessary frankness on the screen.

However, the actress was not going to stop. She appeared in the red dust melodrame, where Clark Gableble became its partner on the site. The on-screen chemistry of artists turned out to be so convincing that they starred together in five paintings, which were hire hits. The films "Suzy" and "Oklevny" with the participation of Harlow in 1936 even nominated for Oscar, but the figurine passed by the creators.


The actress since childhood was weak health, and therefore the flu praised in the winter of 1937 caused complications. Jin tried not to notice the consequences of the disease and continued to work as if nothing had happened. She became bad right on the set, from where she was taken to the hospital, where Uremia was diagnosed. Harlow has denied kidneys, and the delay of toxic substances caused acute intoxication of the body.

For the life of a 26-year-old woman fought for several days, but on June 7, 1937, she died as a result of brain edema in the Hospital of Good Samaritan. On June 9, a memorial service was held, on which Janet McDonald sang a favorite song of the dead. The tomb was lying in a pink silk dress. The death of Hollywood's favorites has become a tragedy for family and fans, as Gin left at the peak of popularity and audience love.

The funeral of the adorable actress Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer's guide made the most magnificently as possible. Her grave in the marble crypt of a large Mausoleum of the private cemetery Forest-laun is crowned with the inscription "Our baby".


  • 1929 - "Child of Saturday Even"
  • 1930 - "Hell's Angels"
  • 1931 - "Platinum Blonde"
  • 1931 - "Goldi"
  • 1931 - "Iron Man"
  • 1931 - "The Enemy of the Company"
  • 1931 - "Secret Sixer"
  • 1932 - "Red Dust"
  • 1932 - "The Monster of the City"
  • 1932 - "Three clever"
  • 1933 - "Lunch at eight"
  • 1933 - "Keep your man"
  • 1934 - "Girl from Missouri"
  • 1935 - "Chinese Sea"
  • 1936 - "Oklevny"
  • 1936 - "Suzy"
  • 1936 - "Wife against the Secretary"
  • 1937 - "Saratoga"
  • 1937 - "Personal Property"

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