Terra (Character) - Winx, Pictures, Cartoon, TV series, Eliot Salt, Actress, Bloom, Her Guy


Character History

Terra - a character of a fantastic project "Fate: Saga Winx" from Netflix. The adaptation of animated series rarely pass without criticism. Negative reviews were honored with this heroine for a number of reasons.

History of character creation

"Fate: Saga Winx" caused an excitement long before the premiere - immediately by the Ambassador of the publication of Sinopsis and Tizer. Then WinX Club animated series fans began to write angry comments regarding the acting staff of the project.

The fact is that the film from the Netflix Stregnation Channel is the adaptation of the Spanish cartoon about the fairies. The author of Izhinoiio Idea Straphphy back in 2011 thought about to film the fictional world. However, production started only in 2019.

Most of the heroes from the original history received their development. This, of course, the main characters - Bloom, Muse, Stella, Leila (Aisha). But when the fans of the animated series saw, whom the producers took the role of the Fairy of Nature, they were confused.

Izhinoi Straphphy when creating a heroine image, used the appearance of famous personalities. For the flora, the singer and actress Jennifer Lopez acted as a prototype. By the way, despite the further transformation during the development of the concept, the wizard retained in the appearance of Latin American features.

Expected, when declaring the release of a new television series, filmed by WinX Club, fans expected to see the actress that would meet this criterion. But the creators of "Fate: Sagi Winx" decided differently.

When the discontent in the network began to be overwhelmed, the scripts came up with a good move, and instead of the flora, a previously stated terra appeared on the screen. However, the project brought a lot of new things into the plot, leaving only key points as a foundation. And I also removed from the story the main character of Teknu.

The series from Netflix tells about young fairs, pupils of the magic school. Each of them has a certain force and tries to develop it. At the same time, the plot of the film was not involved solely on the magic. Love, betrayal, friendship - all this was intertwined in the intricate dance, seasoned characteristic of Horrora details.

And this also caused negative comments from the fans of a colorful cartoon film. The Winx Club has been greatly transformed, and instead of solar wizards with wings, the audience got a gloomy picture. However, Netflix insisted in the description of the plot on the fact that "Fate: Saga Winx" is a new reading, not copying the original.

The image and biography of terra

The only thing that producers were left from the multiplication prototype of Kinoheroini, is her gift. As well as Flora, Terra commands the elements of nature. At the same time, the screenwriters left a connection with the character of Izhinoi Straphphy. So, according to the plot, Harvey (surname of the wizard) - her cousin.

The name of the heroine in translation means "earth". The student of the Alfia appeared the Fai of the Fairy, which not only grows out the wonder plants, but also uses them for attack or protection.

In an educational institution, the girl felt unnecessary, it was difficult for her to start friendly relations. The reason for this is the character of a schoolgirl. She desperately wanted to find someone who would be necessary to defend. Excessive diligence and guardianship only annoyed classmates.

From the biography of the character, it is known that she was born and grew up in Alphey. Her father, Professor, worked in school greenhouse. From the young age, the girl dreamed about how to learn magic. But when this time came, waiting was distant from reality.

In the family of the heroine, everyone was engaged in breeding plants. Father, mother Rosa, Brother Sam (Music Guy) and Kuzina Flora - they all, anyway, were associated with the elements of nature. The first thing the Terra took up when it was settled in the campus - it began to place pots with sprouts on floors. This girl wanted to cause students' interest. However, instead of gratitude and participation saw irritation. This oppressed the student even more than its own complexes.

The appearance of the heroine was different from the appearance of the original character. The terry brown-colored hair is medium length, soft features, overweight and low growth. Next to Bloom, the Muse and Stella, who were slender and elegant, went in fashionable clothes and skillfully applied makeup, Harvey felt not in their plate.

In addition, a student was joined in Earth. And she was sure - this occupation will interest anyone. Seducesmen considered the endless from "Mud" boring. However, the epithet "dirt" was used not only as a comparison with soil. According to the creators, the character was described as a gossip, with pleasure, savoring other people's scandals.

In Sinopsis, Terra is characterized as "clumsy benefactor." However, its allegedly and non-painting is a deceptive impression. At the moments when Harvey requires help, it is instantly transformed into a skillful warrior, which crushes the opponent with nature.

For example, it is not difficult for her to instantly grow grape vines and manipulate them to immobilize or even strangle the enemy. She skillfully controls his ability, because he began to do this in childhood.

Terra in films

Fairies from the Winx Club found real faces in the series, which started on the Netflix braming platform in January 2021. Harvey played a beginner British actress Eliot Salt.

Eliot began a career in the role of Comedan in 2017. The acting career started in 2018. For Salt, this project was the first one, where she had to play one of the main roles. But, unfortunately, before the premiere of the pilot series, she felt injuries from WinX Club fans.

Negative comments on the personal pages of the actress forced it to even remove accounts. Later, the executor of the role of terra restored them, while restricting access to information.

But with colleagues on the shooting area, there were no problems. Other actresses - Abigail Cowen (Bloom), Prelbs Mustafa (Leila), Elisha Epplbaum (Muse) and Hannah Van der Westhaisen (Stella) in an interview with Salt as the most tireless optimist and "laughter".

The entire shooting process took place in Ireland. The actors for half a year were in the boarding house. This reception was used to feel the lives of students in a closed boarding school.

Interesting Facts

  • Francesco Artibani, a project screenwriter, on Twitter Account about the question about Flora, replied: it will not be at least in the first season. Therefore, fans build guesses that the Fairy from WinX Club will still appear in the series, but later.
  • In support of Eliot Salt, Flashmob was organized in the Instagram network, since Hayters even after the announcement that the Terra is a separate character, did not stop insulting the actress.
  • When a student begins to use the magic gift, her eye color changes green.


  • 2021 - "Fate: Saga Winx"

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