Riven (Character) - "Winx", pictures, cartoon, series, Freddie Porp, actor, whose guy, muse


Character History

In Winx Club strict separation of characters on negative and positive. Riven is one of the few cartoon heroes whose role is ambiguous. Unlike Prince Skye or Valtor's villain, it develops in every season, struggling against its complexes and negative qualities. And in the film adaptation "Fate: Saga Winx" and appears at all in an unexpected role.

History of character creation

Like other major heroes of the animated series, Riven appeared in the first season of colorful animation, taking a rather controversial position in the fictional world of the Winx Club. This is the merit of the creator of the project - Izhinoio Straphphy, the Italian director, who for 4 years along with the team developed images of each character.

As a result, the audience in 2004 became acquainted with the story about the waves-wizards and specialists who sought to protect the world from the magical impact of the sound. Fierce battles, amazing transformations, unexpected plot turns - all this kept the attention of viewers for 8 seasons of a popular animated series.

But the idea of ​​the project was not only in the demonstration of the Universe, filled with all sorts of manifestations of magical forces. Izhinoi Straphphy thought and presented to the audience the life of ordinary teenagers. Those who do not like her lessons like, adore to go to parties, listen to modern music, fall in love and part.

In this aspect, the character of Riven is much deeper than his colleagues. A young man with a difficult biography is a mansion. And even initially seems to be audiences who are bold and sealchable, with each season there is his growing, understanding and development in social terms.

Izhinio Straphiff specifically called this hero Riven that in translation means "split" etymology names clearly demonstrates the peculiarity of character, including spiritual throwing between good and evil.

Image and biography of Riven

The student of the Red Lanar school was born on October 15 under the sign of the zodiac elemental. Nothing said about the early biography in the cartoon, but it is known that he grew up without parents. On the official website of WinX Club, the information that gave a deeper understanding of the character of the hero was traced. So, according to this information, his mother threw it early.

It became for the boy the fatal event in his life, because of which the studied schoolboy was trying to not trust anyone and preferred loneliness. Of course, the young man had friends-classmates - Skye, Timmy, helium. Although he did not like the teamwork too much, preferring to make independent decisions.

Initially, this feature of the hero pushed the viewer. But with each season Riven changed. More and more began to appreciate those who surround it, penetrating such concepts as friendship and mutual execution.

Guy Music - It was from this fair that he began to meet after acquaintance with the Winx Club - did not even trust his girlfriend. Probably because of the injury associated with the disappeared mother, he subconsciously expected betrayal. Distrust in relations even led to the fact that the lovers broke up and for a long time did not attempt to reunite. By the way, the wizard was also distinguished by a difficult character, since, like her boyfriend, his mother lost early.

Like other protesters of the magic world, this character is endowed with an attractive appearance. High height young man and athletic physique. These advantages skillfully emphasizes clothes - for example, shirts with a short sleeve to demonstrate muscular hands. Also, he has an unusual and attractive attention hairstyle - the hair of the color of Majer is combed high up.

Izhinoi Straphphi put the fairies to acquire certain forms, including basic transformations, Enchantix, Belivix, and so on. With each relief of the wizard, they acquired an additional magic gift to combat the animated series antagonists.

Sky and Rivan

Specialists in this regard were infringed. Their strength of the technical skills and weapons were in technical skills. Riven at the beginning of the cartoon enjoyed pink-neon Yatgan. And his advantage was that the schoolboy turned out to be a master to build traps for opponents. At the same time, it was easily easily bypassed foreign women.

Also, the warrior skillfully addressed the sword and Kusarigama. In the first seasons, they became the only tools in the fight against evil. Subsequently, a graduate of the Red Lantern school appeared nunchaki. And this weapon fully revealed the combat potential of the young man, as he demanded from the owner of a huge energy cost.

Although Riven and the positive hero of the cartoon series, he once had to oppose friends. At the very beginning, he was under the influence of the evil char of the Trix witches, who forced him to serve them and spy for the wizards. However, the vanity of a specialist led to the sweet speeches of tempters was played a considerable role.

Nevertheless, he managed to make the right choice and move to the good path - to return the confidence of colleagues, and also conquer the heart rejected the previously muse.

Riven in films

The project from "Netflix", which started on the cutting resource in January 2021, became the film adaptation of the loved cartoon series. However, there are not so many from the original. The main characters have gained living persons, relied the ideality gloss and matured together with fans - those who were following the amazing adventures of Winx Club in the distant 2004.

Some characters remained overboard. According to information from the creators, the presence in the TV series the flora is still questionable, and the text will not definitely. Bloom appeared on the screens, Leila (Aisha), Stella and Muse.

As for the specialists, Rivan in the execution of the American actor Freddie Torpe again received the fame of such a rebel. In the description of Sinopsis "Fate: Sagie Winx" it is indicated that he is also studying in Alphey, friendly with Sky and Dane.

At the same time, the strict school routine of the young man perceives as a challenge, so one day already remained for the second year. His romantic interest in film adaptation was the fairy of the air Beatrix. And this served, besides a dark picture and genre features, another reason for criticism regarding the project from Netflix. However, fans of magical saga hoped that they were still reunited in the next seasons.

Interesting Facts

  • Initially, Lorenzo Seneca considered the role of Riven.
  • It is believed that the name of the character was inspired by the Universe of John Tolkina. Namely, the hidden destination Rivendel.
  • On the official website of Winx Club, this hero was described as a talented thief, masterfully hacking any locks.


  • 2007 - "Winx Club: The Mystery of the Lost Kingdom"
  • 2010 - "Winx Club: Magic Adventure"
  • 2014 - "Winx Club: Mystery Marine Cupid"
  • 2021 - "Fate: Saga Winx"

Computer games

  • 2005 - WinX Club


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