Thomas Moore - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Poet



Thomas Moore - the poet, songwriter, Balarynik, famous not only by his work, but also in what was the literary debris of George Gordon Bairon. Together with the publisher of the famous writer John Murrey, he burned the author's memoirs after his death.

Childhood and youth

Thomas Moore was born on May 28, 1779 in the Irish city of Dublin in the Bakaleshchik family. The boy brought up with two sisters. Already at an early age, he began to be interested in art, a special sympathy for music and literature. For some time, Thomas cherished the dream to become an actor. From the age of 14, the young man collaborated with Irish magazines, trying herself as the author.

In Dublin, Moore studied in several educational institutions, including the Grammar School of Samuel White. In 1795, he graduated from Trinity College, planning to become a lawyer in the Testament of Mother. As a student, the guy has always been distinguished by adjacent.

In 1799, a young man moved to London to learn the right in Middle Temple. The financial position of the student was heavy, and his income was barely enough to pay the most necessary. The support of the novice writer had pleasants from the Irish community of immigrants organized in the British capital.

In 1803, the poet was appointed to the post of Admiralty secretary for Bermuda. There he lived for several months and quickly disappointed in the work. After time, Moore left Norfolk, a town located in Virginia, and then went on a trip to the United States and Canada, forming a critical view of these countries. Most of all, the writer liked Philadelphia, where by that time already knew about his work. The trip ended with moving to the UK from New Scotland in 1804.

Personal life

In wanderings, Moore received an interesting experience, the result of which was the book of poems. Some essays in it were devoted to the impressions of the journey and the slave-owner rank, which the author was observed in the United States. Moore criticized the country than caused the indignation of the Americans.

Local review of the work of the writer provoked a duel with the editor of one of Francis Jeffrey editions. The conflict stopped local authorities. According to rumors, Thomas provided an empty gun to protect honor and dignity. For this, it was daft for a long time.

The topic of weapons and humiliated dignity rose and Lord Byron, which provoked the wrath of Mura. The dispute was settled during the first meeting of poets, followed by close friendship.

The wife of Thomas became Elizabeth Dyk, actress and younger sister of the performer Ann-Marie Duff. The wedding took place in 1811. For a while, the man hid this fact of his biography from relatives. The reason was not only the fact that the loved ones adhered to the Catholic faith, and the wife was a Protestant. Elizabeth did not have emphasis. By this moment Moore had large fees, which he brought creativity, but soon got into debts and worsened his position.

According to Thomas's friends, his personal life was unfortunately. The spouse avoided a secular society and tried not to come across his eyes to her husband. Despite this, in a couple there were proximity, especially since it was rallied in general grief. Five children born in the marriage of Thomas and Elizabeth, died with different frequency.


The debut column of Thomas Moore became "Oda Anacona", published in 1800. A year later, the light saw the "poems of the late Thomas Little". The author quickly gained popularity and was even invited to the post of the court poet. True, the prestigious status had to abandon the insistence of buddies from the number of liberal bourgeois.

Fame in wide circles Moore found as a songwriter, although most melodies for his poems appeared after the death of the poet.

The fate of Ireland became the main leitmotif in the work of the writer. The author's poetry is distinguished by the lack of drama and tense action, as well as serious conflicts of contradictory parties. The grace and aestheticism overlook the first plan, accompanied by metaphors and epithets. Thomas's creative manner changed. So, from 1806 to 1807, she has undergone the first upgrade. The Irishman demonstrated a fresh approach in a series of works created by order of William and James Powers publishers.

To this period, the creation of the poem "Last Summer Rose". In 1806, the collection "Irish Melodies" was published, following which "National motives" and "Sacred Songs" were published. The books were in demand from the public.

From 1801 to 1811, the poet participated in the formulation of opera performances together with Michael Kelly and Charles Edward Horny. From 1808 to 1810th Moore was involved in a series of charitable performances in the city of Kilkenni. Artists in them were professional performers and representatives of secular society. Implement the dramatic potential of a songwriter, embodying comic images.

Of course, the real fame of the writer brought his poems, ballads and fables. In addition, the author was successful in society. He repeatedly met with Prince Wales. At the same time, Irelander often allowed himself satirical statements, having ridicuing Lord Foreign Minister Robert Castlery.

In 1817, Thomas Moore wrote a work entitled "Lall Hands". The novel created in the poetic genre consisted of four poems. He was transferred to Persian, and the essay was very popular in the Eastern State.

A year later, the writer published a story "Fairy of Fudgean in Paris", which narrated the traveling of the family, sent to the capital of France. Continuation of history (description of the adventures of Fudgean in the UK) followed later, in 1835.

In 1822, the legendary burning of the memoirs of Byron, in which the publisher of the poet took part. Subsequently, Moore wrote a biography of a close friend. It was not the first prosaic experience, because the Irishman also worked on the life level of the Richard Sheridan playwright, which was published in 1825. The "Life and Death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald", published in 1831, also referred to examples of such a format of works of authorship of Moore.


In the last years of the life of Thomas Moore lived on public retirement. The transferred stroke deprived his ability to perform with verses and songs, for which the audience was particularly loved. The author died on February 26, 1852 in Wiltshire. The last path was held by the spouse. The writer was 73 years old. The cause of death was the state of health.


  • 1800 - "ODA Anacreon"
  • 1801 - "Pooms of the late Thomas Little"
  • 1806 - "Irish Melodies"
  • 1811 - "National motives"
  • 1816 - "Sacred Songs"
  • 1817 - "Lalala hands"
  • 1818 - "Fairy Fairy Family in Paris"
  • 1825 - "Memories of the life of Richard Brinksley Sheridan"
  • 1830 - "legendary ballads"
  • 1831 - "Life and death of Lord Edward Fitzgerald"
  • 1832 - "Evenings in Greece"
  • 1835-1846 - "History of Ireland"
  • 1840 - "Triumph of Fars"

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