Valery Borzov - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Athletics 2021



Now in the finals of the Olympic Games on spinning distances, you rarely see a little runner, not to mention the fact that representatives of the countries of the former USSR do not make any way there. Valery Borzov In this regard, the person is unique: he went to the treadmill in the strongest athletes of the planet and convincingly defeated, becoming the only Soviet athlete, which took gold on the rig.

Childhood and youth

Olympic champion was born on October 20, 1949 in the city of Sambor, which is in the Lviv region of Ukraine. In childhood, all children love to run, and Valera turned it into passion. The child's gifold was noticed by school coaches, under the leadership of which he began to engage in an athletic. And if earlier borshot chased against the courtyard of the courtyard and tried to overtake passing cars, now the Stopwatch became a measure of efficiency.

12-year-old Valery came to the sports school of New Kakhovka, where he got to the Boris Vethaus coach. He saw the potential in the boy and even predicted to him the Olympic victory, but it was necessary to work a lot more than the bors and engaged. But nothing human guy was alien. He confessed that she walked, fought and trampled by garden thefts, for which even got a volley of salt.

The promising young man on the advice of mentors moved to Kiev, where he began to engage in the direction of Valentina Petrovsky - a candidate of biological sciences, which built the training process with mathematical accuracy. The coach was confident that the trifles in the preparation of the athlette does not happen, and developed for the ward a special tactical model of running. Borzov delivered in all subtleties and soon began to show impressive results. He entered the Kiev Institute of Physical Culture and devoted himself entirely to sports.

Personal life

Personal life Borzov was in parallel with his sporting successes. With the future wife of Lyudmila Tourskieva, he met in Moscow sports events, and then met at the Games in Munich in 1972. There, the gymnast has become the absolute Olympic champion, and the athlete is a two-time champion and a bannamer at the closing of games.

For the first time, Valery called the girl on a date at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, after which both athletes finished their career in great sports. But the family life began, playing the wedding in 1977. Previously, they supported relationships at a distance through telephone calls. Champions were considered symbols of Soviet sports, and their wedding photo was an illustration of a happy Komsomol Union.

They were similar honesty, purposefulness and responsibility, but they were opposite to temperament: the explosive and emotional Lyudmila organically complemented a calm and modest Valery.

Their marriage turned out to be durable and long-year. In 1978, Tatyana's daughter was born in 1978, who wanted to go in the footsteps of the Father and took up. However, the case did not reach the sport of great achievements, which the parents were glad.

Celebrity's daughter studied at the designer and moved to live in Canada, where she took up floristry and married a businessman Denis. Ilya, Timofey and Egor were born in the family - the favorite grandchildren of Borzov and Tourskaya.


On his own biography and sports achievements of Borzov wrote the books "10 seconds - a whole life" and "big sprint in a dream and reality." He spoke about the first workouts, survived by injuries and moments of triumph. And even about the fact that the athletics starts not from the legs, but from the head. No wonder it was nicknamed by a smart runner, which in 10 seconds he managed not only to develop the maximum speed, but also think about tactics.

For the first time, Valery made talking about himself in 1966, when three gold medals brought from the Junior European Junior Championship and installed a personal record on the Staterometer in 10.4 seconds. A year later, a young man became the Champion of the USSR, and in 1969 he won an adult continental championship. Soviet athlete was highlighted by powerful dimensions: with a height of 183 cm Borzov weighed 80 kg. The runner earned the title of Honored Master of Sports and began preparations for the upcoming Olympic Games.

At the 1972 Olympics, a 22-year-old athlete was driving in the status of the favorite of the Soviet national team, to fight was mainly with the Americans who were traditionally strongest at a distance of 100 meters. Borza fell into the final of the race and confidently finished first, showing the result of 10.14 seconds.

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He walked over one and a half meters of Robert Taylor from the USA, which turned out the second. At the same time, Valery admits that by the end of the race threw to escape all the power, because I did not feel the victory. By the way, at the 4th final stage of the Olympics, he showed a higher time - 10.07 seconds.

Borzov became the first and only Soviet athlete who managed to win the Royal Sprinter Distance, but his triumph continued on a 200-tier, where the runner took another gold. He showed a time to 20.0 seconds - so quickly this distance to him no one ran into the USSR and throughout Europe. On the sprint relay, Valery felt pain in his leg, which did not allow to deal with all the power, and therefore the national team of the Soviet Union remained with a silver medal.

Hero returned to the Roman Homeland. On the Olympic prizes, he bought a Volga, which was useful to him to move between endless conferences, ceremonies and meetings. In 1974, the sprinter was injured in training, which turned out to be fatal. It was she who did not allow to repeat the success at the 1976 Olympics in Montreal, where the Soviet athlete earned 2 bronze - in the standard and in the relay.

Returning to Kiev, the athlete focused on studies in graduate school, where he was engaged in research and defended the dissertation "Modeling the running technology from a low start of high qualification sprints." He continued to run, but was injured by Achillov tendons, which had to go for the operation. After the surgical intervention of Borzov felt that he would not be able to gain her old form, and decided to tie with sports.

Valery Borzov Now

Having finished the beep career, Borzov became a sports functionar. Since 1994, he has been a member of the IOC, held the position of President of Nok Ukraine and before 2012 headed the federation of athletics in the country. In addition, Valery Filippovich was engaged in public and political activities, being a people's deputy and chairman of the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada in the 3rd convening.

In 2020, he remains a noticeable figure in the sports world, but the active work was departed. Free time Olympic champion dedicates family and beloved hobby. Valery Filippovich is an avid hunter and one day one shot killed three deer.


  • 1969, 1971, 1974 - European champion in run 100 meters
  • 1970, 1971, 1974-1977 - European champion in 60 meters race
  • 1972 - European champion in 50 meters race
  • 1971 - European champion in the run of 200 meters
  • 1972 - Winner of the Olympic Games in Munich in 100 meters race
  • 1972 - Winner of the Olympic Games in Munich in a run of 200 meters
  • 1976 - Bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Montreal in the race of 100 meters
  • 1976 - Bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Montreal in the relay

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