Dmitry Prigov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Poet, Artist, Sculptor



D. Dmitry Vgigov received a lot of criticism in his address, but still continued to create. He influenced the formation of Moscow conceptualism and contributed to the history of art and poetry.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Podigov was born on November 5, 1940 in Moscow. The future poet was brought up in the family of pianists and an engineer who had German origin.

Dmitry Prigi in youth

Immediately after school, the young man went on mandatory work on the plant, after which he entered the Moscow Art and Industrial School, where he mastered the sculptor craft. For some time, Dmitry worked with architectural control, and then settled on the part-time job in the specialty and completely dedicated himself to creativity.

Personal life

The personal life of the writer has developed successfully. In 1964, he played a wedding with the hope of a drill. Soon, the spouses settled in Belyaevo, whom the fagot dedicated the essay "Belyaevo 99 and forever." And a year after the move, the wife gave Dmitry Alexandrovich Son, who was called Andrey.


Prigov was known as a poet, prose and sculptor. In addition, he was engaged in music and painting, wrote the plays and arranged spectacular performances. Dmitry Alexandrovich did not want his name to be associated with a specific type of creativity, and in an interview called himself a cultural worker.

He began to write the first poems in the mid-50s, but for a long time he could not find his style, being influenced by Boris Pasternak and Anna Akhmatova. Over the years, the poet decided to move away from the adopted canons and the framework, so that his work became unique and recognizable.

Dmitry Prigi with his wife and son

The writer is considered one of the founders of Moscow conceptualism along with Lvy Rubinstein, Vsevolod Nekrasov, Vladimir Sorokin and Ilya Kabakov. Some researchers believe that the work of this direction was influenced by the works of the fans of the pop lyrics.

An important element of Creativity Prigova was his image. He tried a different image of the poet - clikuchi, the herald, the mystagogue, which was reflected not only in verses, but also in behavior. The writer always signed up its publications as Dmitry Aleksandrovich Vozigov, insisting on the obligatory use of the patronymic when mentioning him.

In poetic work, he was distinguished by amazing fecundity, which was the reason not only for jokes, but also for criticism. Once the figure even put himself a goal to write 24 thousand poems by 2000, with which he successfully coped. Of these, during the life of the celebrity, only a small part of the work was published, but he did not consider it a necessity.

The author composed predominantly short poems, finding inspiration in Soviet reality and the current political mode. They became full-fledged works, only uniting in cycles with different topics.

The "Militzanener" was dedicated to the "Apotheosis of Militicant" by Prigov. This hero is a certain personification of the totalitarian regime. In addition, in the collection, as in many others, the sense of humor of the poet is revealed. The popularity gained his "oral cantata", which became a separate direction of creativity.

Not less revered was the prose of Dmitry Aleksandrovich, which he, unlike poems, appearing only from under the printed machine keys, created on the computer. Readers loved books "Live in Moscow" and "Only My Japan", in which there are references to the author's biography. But the stories "Katya Chinese" and "Renat and Dragon" were more difficult for perception.

Despite the fact that prigi wrote a lot and often, in the USSR, he was known for a long time only in narrow circles. But abroad, the poet and the proseca successfully printed in Russian-language publications "Catalog" and "A-I". The creation of the writer became available at the beginning of the 90s, when the collection of the tears of heraldic soul came out.

At this time, the author was in the Union of Writers of the USSR and tried forces in music. He wrote texts for teams, and then created a parody rock group "Middle Russian elevation", in which he became famous for his "Creek Kimikor". The writer also worked with NTO recipe.

As an artist and sculptor at the beginning of his work, Dmitry Alexandrovich was inspired by the culture of the underground. In the Soviet Union, his paintings were first exhibited in 1987 in the framework of the project "Unofficial Art." In subsequent years, exhibitions and installations were held in the cities of Europe and the United States. Separate attention was deserved by portraits of monsters, which created a conceptualist.


Until the end of his days, the writer remained active. He worked, gave an interview and posed for a photo. Shortly before the death, the poet was going to participate in the shares of the "War" group. Dmitry Alexandrovich was to sit in the closet and recharge his poems while his stairs raise on the 22nd floor.

However, the writer had a heart attack, and on July 16, 2007, he died in the hospital, the cause of death became complications after the undergoing attack. The grave prigov is located in Moscow at the Don Cemetery.


  • 1985 - "Steam"
  • 1993 - "Fifty-droplets of blood"
  • 1995 - "The phenomenon of verse after his death"
  • 1996 - "Collection of prevents for a variety of things"
  • 1997 - "Written from 1975 to 1989"
  • 1997 - "Soviet texts"
  • 1997 - "Selected Prich"
  • 1998 - "Written from 1990 to 1994"
  • 2000 - "Live in Moscow. Manuscript on the Rights Rights »
  • 2001 - "Only my Japan"
  • 2002 - "Child and Death"
  • 2005 - "Renat and Dragon"
  • 2007 - "Variety of Total"
  • 2014 - "Twenty One Conversation and One Friendly Message"


  • 1990 - Taxi-blues »
  • 1998 - Crustale, Machine! "
  • 2002 - Enthusiasts Highway "


  • 2003 - "softly". Gallery Peter Vo0a, Moscow
  • 2006 - Monsterology. Gallery Peter Vo0a, Moscow
  • 2008 - "Citizens! Do not forget, please! " Moscow Museum of Contemporary Art, Moscow
  • 2011 - "Dmitry Prigi: Dmitry Prigi". State Hermitage, within the framework of the 54th Venetian Biennale of Contemporary Art, Venice
  • 2014 - "Dmitry Prigi. From Renaissance to conceptualism and further. " State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow
  • 2017 - "Prich. MoscowDva. " Gilyarovsky Center, Moscow

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