Armand Assand - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



A month before the new 2020, Moscow movie lovers received a truly royal gift for the upcoming holidays. On December 6, a personal master class of the Hollywood Star of Armand Assant passed in the metropolitan cinema "Illusion". During the conversation, the celebrity shared with beginner actors of secrets of their own success, skill and productivity. The winner of the Emmy Prize is convinced that it is necessary to continue to believe in yourself, even if no one else does.

Childhood and youth

In the 4th Oktyabrsk Day of 1949 on the Washington Hills, located in the north of Manhattan, the son was born in the creative Italian-Spanish family of Assanta, who received a name in honor of the Father. Armand Anthony was an artist, his wife Catherine Teresa (in the Maji Healy) - Pianist and Poetheless, and both lived to deep old age, leaving the world of 95 and 89 years old, respectively.

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Unfortunately, the arrival of a child in this world was overshadowed with a sad event - the feminine managed to infect polio. Due to illness, the woman subsequently could not move without any assistance, and the heir from an early age became the legs of the mother, in fact all childhood spent in rehabilitation centers.

There, he saw a lot of patients with physical illnesses, which were the consequences of the Second World War, and watched it was not easy to have a close person. Therefore, the boy forever learned the lesson that it is important to express mercy and tolerance towards people with disabilities.

To acquire secondary education in Cornwall Central High School, the graduate entered the famous American Academy of Dramatic Art. And after 3 years, the young man won the Jehlinger Award award in the nomination "Best Male Role", debuting in a professional theater in the play "Why I went crazy," where I played with imported Coka. Before being in big cinema, the actor dedicated to the temple of Melpomen for almost a decade, forever remaining a loyal student of the world world.

Personal life

On February 28, 1982, the solemn marriage of the colleagues of Armand Assand and Karen Makarn was held, who did not prevent the 10-year-old difference in age. Subsequently, the couple had two daughters, Anya and Aeresandra. But, unfortunately, in the 1994th in the personal life of the spouses, sad changes came - they decided to divorce.

Now the older heiress is the director of marketing in Theory in Manhattan, and before that he worked in Louis Vuitton, Christies and David Yurman. The youngest graduated from Hunter College and went to the footsteps of the parents, finding himself in art and becoming an actress, producer, singer and composer. Other detailed facts of biography, photos and portfolio of the actor are stored on its official website.

The artist (height 178 cm), known for its active activities to remove land mines and charity, despite the fact that she repeatedly crossed the globe, still lives on a ranch of 223 acres. Here he is engaged in breeding animals (horses, bulls and dogs) and the cultivation of trees. Armand said that happy thanks to two things - the family and following the philosophy of silence inherent in nature.


For the first time on the set, Assand was in 1974, when the guest was played at the wedding in the comedy drama "Lords Fletbusha". But in the final version of the movie the episode, the episode with his participation did not enter, and in the titles the last name and they wrote at all with a mistake. However, success did not have to wait for a long time: he soon joined the current composition of soap operas NBC "How to survive in marriage" and "Doctors".

The first noticeable role in the Big Cinema Armanda went to the "paradise alley" - the debut director's work of Sylvester Stallone, who also acted as a screenwriter, and as a major act. An "Private Benjamin" with Goldi Houn helped the growing popularity of the American.

Further, in the filmography, ribbons were settled, where the artist, thanks to colorful appearance and giving, was easily reincarnated in Gangsters: "Angels's rage", "Question and Answers", "Habit of Marrying", "Hoffa" and, finally, "Gotti", which brought the award Emmy.

The creative biography also found a place and historical drama: the mini-series "Napoleon and Josephine: the story of love", where Jacqueline bissing, "Odyssey", Andrei Konchalovsky, "When Nietzsche Placked", "1492: Won of Paradise", etc. d.

"The actor is important not to relax the power of will, learn foreign languages, read a lot, analyze the authors and the logic of heroes, that is, to train brains, and not just muscles. The most difficult from the point of view of psychology was working on Napoleon's roles and Nietzsche - they brought me literally to depression, "the Hollywood star confessed in an interview.

Among the remarkable projects are also the "kings of Mambo" with Antonio Banderas, "Judge Dredd", where the Assantte met for the third time with Stallone, "Gangster" Ridley Scott, "On the last bank", "Sea Police: Specotel", "Smile" and Other.

Armand Assand now

Armand Assand continues to actively film. In 2019, without his participation, there were no TV series "Family Business", General, "Two", and at the 2020th, the premieres of the "match", Infamous Six and many other projects were scheduled.

In addition to the promised master class, in December 2019, the actor did not refuse the filming in the author's program "Cinema Industry" Ivan Kudryavtseva, where he told in detail about the experience with Andrei Konchalovsky, about the policy of Donald Trump and the most important lessons made from the set .

"In the" Odyssey ", Andrei Konchalovsky called, because he was familiar with his work and passionately wanted to be the director he was he. And, thank God, and it happened. He is an incredibly talented person, very versatile. He understood that the production of such a picture is almost impossible, "said celebrity.


  • 1980 - "Private Benjamin"
  • 1982 - "Love and Money"
  • 1987 - "Napoleon and Josephine"
  • 1987 - "Habit to marry"
  • 1988 - "Jack Ripper"
  • 1989 - "Warry Instinct"
  • 1995 - "Judge Dredd"
  • 1996 - Striptease
  • 1997 - "Odyssey"
  • 2000 - "Waiting for Ech"
  • 2007 - "When Nietzsche cried"
  • 2010 - "Murder in Vegas"
  • 2018 - Dark
  • 2019 - "Last Throw"

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