Mikhail Botvinnik - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, chess player



"I'm a Jew for blood, Russian in culture, Soviet education," said the sixth world champion Mikhail Botvinnik about himself in the history of Chess. Pupils of the school created by the Patriarch of the ancient game were Harry Kasparov and Vladimir Kramnik.

Childhood and youth

The chess player was born in August 1911, on the day of Avdoti Okurchnitsy, in the country village of Koookell on the Karelian Isthmus. Now the small birthplace of Botvinnik is called Repino in honor of his most famous resident - Russian artist Ilya Repin.

In the first decades of the 20th century in the village, the color of the Russian intelligentsia Chukovsky, Maxim Gorky, Fyodor Shalyapin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, in the village of Villas (or stayed). If the celebrities began to hurt their teeth, for help they appealed to the parents of the future grandmaster: the mother of Cipher (Serafima) Selfov Rabinovich worked as a dentist, and the father of Moses Girshovich Botvinnik made the dentures. The family of Mikhail Isaac also rose in the family.

The parents of the chess player united not only the profession, but also the revolutionary past, as well as nationality. However, the father forbade the mother to talk to the children on Idiš, because he wanted sons to successfully assimilated.

Before the revolution, parents divorced, but prudently bored gold of the dental technician left the ex-wife. The new marriage of Moses Girschovich presented Mikhail and Isaac to Mary's sister sister.

With chess, the future grandmaster met only 12 years old, before that, the boy was interested in photography and gymnastics. Higher education Botvinnik received in the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute named after Mikhail Kalinin. Now in the main building of the university, in which Mikhail Moiseevich took possession of an electrician engineer in his youth, a memorable board was installed.

Personal life

All those who knew Mikhail Moiseevich characterized the famous Soviet chess player as a monoralomb. HAPPINESS IN PERSONAL LIFE A man has gained from the Ballerina of the Kirov Theater Gayane Ananova. In 1933, after a draw with the grandmaster Salomon Florom, Botvinnik on a banquet had a chance to dance with a colleague of the future wife - the famous Galina Ulanova. The chess player claimed that the art of simultaneous rotation with two legs in focus owned better than a partner.

Young people got married in 1935. A year before the wedding, José Raul Kapablanca described Gayane with the words from the film "Caucasian Captive" filmed after 34 years old - "and clever, and beauty." Perhaps this feature given to the girl with a famous rival gave Michael confidence in the correctness of the choice of the bride, and he suggested a hand and heart dancer.

The only daughter of Olga talented pair was born in 1942 in Perm: to the city, then called Molotov, was evacuated by the Kirov Theater. In evacuation, a family of seven people (including a seraphim Samoilovna, Nyanya Oli and a variety of relatives), nursing in the only room, and after the war, received a two-bedroom Stalinist apartment in Moscow at the current Prospect of the world.

In childhood, parents tried to attach a daughter to the arts that glorified them. A photo of Mikhail Moiseevich, who teach Olga to move the shapes on the blackboard. However, neither chess nor choreography girl interested.

Among the unashable hobbies of Botvinnik were skiing and kayak. Mikhail Moiseevich loved singing the opera parties and tell the jokes. However, the main passion was a cottage on Nicolina Mount.

The grandmaster personally developed a country house project, and to generate scarce building materials, gave a session of a simultaneous game on a woodworking enterprise in Karelia. At the cottage, the Botvinnik was also brought from the border washing and dishwasher, and the receiver, along which the chess player listened to the BBC radio station, and the dream of childhood is Finnish Sani.

Mikhail Moiseevich and Gayane Davidovna lived together half a century, although in nature were completely different. The wife is a soft and sociable, friendly with all the neighbors, including the spouse of the composer Tikhon Khrennikov and the aircraft designer Andrei Tupolev, and the husband is very selective in communication. With the outer rigor, Botvinnik helped the families of the brother and one-country sister who died in the war.

The grandmaster was distinguished by the independence of judgments and principle - did not sign a single collective letter, condemned non-return chess players (in particular, Victor Cark), and not a single appeal, who exposed the aggressive policy of Israel, did many Soviet celebrities of Jewish nationality. Botvinnik, born in the emperor Nicolae II, the last years of the biography lived at Boris Yeltsin, but, unlike many members of the CPSU, did not leave the party.

Chess and science

Already six months after acquaintance with Chess, Mikhail achieved the first victory at the school championship number 157, in which he studied, and after a year the name of the young Lord of the Ferssy and the pawns first mentioned the magazine "Chess List". In November 1925, during a session of the simultaneous Capablanca in Leningrad, a rapidly progressive teenager defeated the world champion. The following year, Mikhail divided the 2nd and 3rd places at the Leningrad Championship in Chess with his namesake (Mother) Ilya Rabinovich.

At the age of 20, Botvinnik first became the Champion of the USSR, and in August 1933 he received the title again, confirming that the first success was not accidental. The title of the strongest chess player of the world Native Kookkaly won only in 1948: not only the war, but also defended Mikhail Moiseevich thesis. The grandmaster worked on the synchronization of electrical generators included in the Unified Energy System of the Soviet Union. Botvinnik is the author of a number of inventions to improve management of power electric machines.

In general, Mikhail Moiseevich knew how to encourage an opponent unpleasant style for him. Especially this gift manifested itself in the match-revenge for the chess crown with Mikhail Thale in the 1960s.

The 1963 party entered the story between Botvinnik and the young American chess player Bobby Fisher, who ended in a draw. For a break, the American leaving the advantage of one pawn and was confident in victory. However, at night, the coaching team of Botvinnik, headed by Efim Geller, came up with an option that brought the endgame to a draw. After the match, Fisher sobbed, mourningly slipped out of his hands.

In the same 1963, Tigran Petrosyan replaced Mikhail Moiseevich on Chess Olympus. Gradually, Botvinnik moved away from gaming activities and focused on the upbringing of young players and developing the game algorithm for a computer. In the US, the father of the "information theory" Claude Shannon solved the same problem.

The economic ideas with which Mikhail Moiseevich after the death of Joseph Stalin turned to the Central Committee of the CPSU, and in the use of computers to manage the national economy and in convergence, that is, unification of the strengths of socialism and capitalism. The functioners first wanted to exclude the rationalizer from the party, however, taking into account the status of Botvinnik changed his mind.


Mikhail Moiseevich died on May 5, 1995. The cause of the author of the Botvinnik in Slavic Protection "and the book" Shah XX century "was the pancreas cancer. 3 months before the death of the chess player gave the last interview, which negatively responded to fast chess, a week before the care was visited by his beloved country, and in the last hours he gave orders to organize the funeral.

At the request of the grandmaster, civil servid was not carried out and only Vasily meaning could say goodbye to the late. After Cremation, the urn with the ashes of Mikhail Moiseevich was buried in Columbarium of the Novodevichy Cemetery, where the remains of Gayane Daviden have restned 8 years.


  • Commemorative silver coin "100th anniversary of the birth of a chess player M. M. Botvinnik" with a denomination of two rubles
  • Memorial board in the main building of the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University of Peter Great
  • The name of Mikhail Botvinnik called the aircraft Boeing 737 Aeroflot Airlines


  • 1936 - Order "Honor Sign"
  • 1945 - Second Order "Honor Sign"
  • 1945 - Honored Master of Sports of the USSR
  • 1957 - Order of Lenin
  • 1961 - Order of the Labor Red Banner
  • 1971 - Honored Worker of Culture of the RSFSR
  • 1981 - Order of the October Revolution
  • 1991 - Honored Science and Technology Worker


  • 1934 - "Match Flor - Botvinnik"
  • 1938 - "Selected Parties 1926-1936"
  • 1939 - "Match Revenge Alekhin - Eywe to the World Championship"
  • 1949 - "Selected Parts 1926-1946"
  • 1951 - "Soviet chess school"
  • 1960 - "Asynchronized simultaneous machine"
  • 1968 - "Algorithm of Chess Games"
  • 1975 - "Three Match Anatoly Karpova"
  • 1975 - "On the cybernetic goal of the game"
  • 1978 - "half a century in chess"
  • 1978 - "To achieve the goal"
  • 1979 - "From the chess player to the car"
  • 1979 - "On the decision of inaccurate interactive tasks"
  • 1979 - "Protection of Grunefeld"
  • 1983 - "Episodes of Chess Batties"
  • 1989 - "Chess method of solving password tasks"
  • 1997 - "Objective: Memories"

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