Porfiry Ivanov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Health System



Porphyry Ivanov is a unique man who has rocked barefoot, and from the clothes we carry only panties to the knee, which he called shorts. Despite the lightness, the Russian "yog" developed the doctrine of health and immortality, which had thousands of fans. According to "Ivanovtsev", the teacher was a prophet, according to researchers, - Charlatan, and psychiatrists considered the bare elder crazy.

Childhood and youth

The author of the rules of the righteous and healthy lifestyle was born in February 1898 in the miner's family. The small birthplace of the healer - the village of Orekhovka, which is now under the control of the LNR.

The roots of Ivanov called the older of five sons in honor of the Rev. Parfé, whose memory was celebrated when the newborn published the first cry. Domestic name of the boy was Parks. In total, the root of Ivanovich and his wife Matrena Grigorievna had nine children.

Before the revolution, Porfiry managed to visit the peasant, and the workers: at the age of 12, the boy went to the Batrakka, and at 15 the first time went down to the bottom. It remained at the young man's time and for hooliganism - Ivanov walked on the street fighting, and the money earned went down in the card games.

After the October coup, Parks participated in the destruction of temples. The negative attitude towards the Church in the son of Shakhtar, who graduated from the 4th grade of the parish school, was preserved in the subsequent biography. In the wrong book "Teacher Ivanov. The path to communism "Porfiry told that the roots of Ivanovich in the early 10s of the 20th century strongly quarreled with the abbot of the church in the nutsman by the father of Naum and joined the freezing community, and the eldest son, offended by the parent, cradle church utensils.

At 30, Ivanov entered the party school and became a candidate for members of the WCP (b). The beginning of the party career of Porphyry interrupted the arrest under the article "Fraud". According to some information, the future healer fell into a correctional camp for the non-payment of the "Shrub Patent Tax". Thanks to the cooperation with the administration and shock work, the native of the nuts, after 11 months after the trial, came out of the detention facilities.

Personal life

The first love of Ivanov became the villagers of Alena. However, the girl decided to marry another guy: Parks in the nut heard "fool". The angry Porphyry burst into a wedding and knocked down a priest. To pacify the anger of the jealous of the jealousity was able only to see the tricky.

In 20 years, Porfiri married Ulyana Gorudoschenko. In less than a year after the wedding, the son was born the son Andrei, in 25 years old died at the front. The widow of the firstborn of Ivanovy Tatiana continued to live in one village with the mother-in-law and called a man dad.

In 1925, Porphyrian and Ulyana had a younger son of Yakov, who in the book of "eyewitness memories" spoke about the Father as an exclusively good parent, who did not refuse him and went out after autoavaria. However, the follower of Ivanov's healing system did not and died in 72 years.

From the same collection, you can find interesting information about the personal life of the healer. Porfiry, since 1928, a red Sulim Rostov region who lived in the city, was a passionate fan of the Metallurg football team and to be allowed to be allowed to the stands, before entering the stadium, she put his shirt and pants. However, after the end of the match, Ivanov again undressed to the pants and went home in this form.

Porfiry Ivanov and wife Ulyana

In early July 1974, Ulyana Ivanov died from the consequences of injuries obtained as a result of falling from the haymaker. To official medicine Porfiri Korneevich not allowed his wife.

After the death of the spouse, the healer came down with his sequence Valentina Sukharevskaya, who was henger for 13 years. Valentina Leontievna is captured in the late photo of Ivanov - an elderly woman in the Saint Sundower stands next to her husband barefoot on the snow. Sukharevskaya lived 79 years.


In the spring of 1933, Porphiri, who worked as the forwarder, came to the thought, which would be approved by the ecologists of the XXI century: a factor provoking the development of diseases, and the cause of the death of a person - a separation of people from nature. Why are mortals living in the forests of animals and birds, the native of the nuts did not specify.

Opponents of the healer in an attempt to expose his technique lead to Ivanov's quotation: "I thought, how to get into the leaders." However, Porfiri Korneevich told that he had a tumor on his right hand and diagnosed launched cancer. In desperation, a young man came out in winter to spread out on the street, but, contrary to expectations, not only was not cold, but also got rid of oncological illness.

For a couple of years Ivanov refused to alcohol and tobacco, as well as wearing the outerwear and shoes. Reflecting whether it is worth preaching hardening, Porfiry decided to rely on fate. The train in which the son of Shakhtar was driving, shouted his baby fearfully. Parks decided that if, when he takes a child to his hands, the baby calms down, the light of the truth opened should be taken to people. The child stopped crying, barely Ivanov touched him.

The path of the healer to fame was not easy. In 1935, Porphyria, preaching at the Central Bazaar, Rostov-on-Don, was arrested. In total, Ivanov spent 12 years of life in prisons and special intelligence.

In the stories of the healer it is difficult to distinguish the truth from the fiction. So, according to Ivanov, in Moscow, the People's Commissar Nikolai Yebov personally talked with him, and during the fascist occupation "a security certificate about the value for science" he was presented with Friedrich Powlyus himself. Also, according to Porfiriya Korneyevich, he contributed to the victory of the Soviet people, inspiring mistaken decisions to Adolf Hitler, and with Yuri Gagarin visited space.

However, even minus the fantasies of Parshek in the elder's biography there were many amazing moments. So, in 1943 Ivanov wrote a letter to Joseph Stalin with a proposal to stop the war, because the fascists have already exhaled. In the Kazan prison psychiatric hospital, in which Porphyry Korneevich spent the year, at Stalin, Andrei Tupolev fell, and at Leonid Brezhnev - Valery Novodvorskaya.

The first article, positively assessing the Ivanov method, was published in 1978 in the journal "Chemistry and Life" under the heading "Hunger against the cold". The author, 28-year-old candidate of medical sciences Alexey Katkov, subsequently disappointed in the teaching of the native of the nuts, argued that the dosage hunger and self-sucking really have a healing effect.

However, the real glory hit the Porphyry of Korneevich after the publication in 1982 in the "light" of the material of the journalist Sergei Vlasov and the photographer Edward Ettinger "Experiment in length in half a century." The journal hung the flow of reader letters, and the healer made his commandments and exercises in the form of a short treatise "Baby".

Lifestyle and Improvement

Among the tips formulated in the "Baby", there are instructions of a physical and moral nature. Among the first - recommendations to breathe correctly, walk barefoot, do not overeat and twice a day should be chopped with cold water. Among the second are the advice to wish the health to themselves and others, greet all the oncoming, do good. If the first group of instructions is very specific, the second is vague, and the author recommended that the author recommended contact it personally or by mail.

When analyzing the texts of Ivanov, psychiatrists state the confusion and the rivability of thoughts characteristic of schizophrenia. Doctors argue that the dumping of cold water can provoke stroke. The Hierarchs of Orthodoxy expose the cult of the person's personality "Baby" and scold the first channel of Russian television for creating a documentary film about the healer.

Although Porfiry Korneevich preached starvation as a method of improvement and he himself refused food from the evening of Friday to noon of Sunday, on the other days the nutrition of the native of the nuts was abundant. A man, with a height of 185 cm weighed 90 kg, drank all the milk, which gave the cow of Ivanov. In the sub-economy of the healer were also pigs, which he sorely cut.

Porfiry Korneevich had two hobbies - card games and car control. The export version of the car "Volga" Ivanov acquired for 42 thousand rubles, because (contrary to his own commandment on the refusal of material goods) was a healing on a paid basis. The man almost never sat down, but went to bed only before going to bed and poured under the sounds of the loud TV.


Ivanov died on April 10, 1983. Apparently, the Porphyria Korneyevich brought his legs into the grave of the gangrene, but the old man did not turn to doctors. The healer is buried in the cemetery of the farm Upper Condrey, it was in this settlement that in recent years he lived and preached.


  • 1951 - "History and my hardening method"
  • 1978 - "This is necessary"
  • 1982 - "Baby. Practical advice Porphyria Korneevich Ivanova "
  • 1983 - "My Gift Youth"
  • 1994 - "Proceedings and teacher's letters"

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