Julia Navalny - biography, personal life, news, wife Alexei Navalny, photos, children 2021



Yulia Navalny's identity interests many, perhaps, no less than the figure of her spouse is a famous oppositionist. Alexey Navalny's wife supports her husband, accompanies him on rallies, helps in political activities. Among those who share the views of the public figure, the lady received the nickname the wife of the Decembrist, as well as the first lady of the protest movement.

Childhood and youth

About children's and adolescent years in the biography of Julia knows a little. Navalnya (last name in Major - Abrosimova) was born on July 24, 1976 in Moscow. Her mother worked at the Ministry of Light Industry, Dad - in one of the research institutes. When the girl was in the 5th grade, parents divorced, and at 18, Julia lost her father.

In his youth, Navalny entered the Russian Economic University. G. V. Plekhanova. A student studied at the Faculty of International and Economic Relations. Having obtained a higher education, inhabited abroad.

Personal life

Happiness in the personal life of Julia found with Alexey Navalny. The couple met in 1999 on vacation in Turkey. Romantic relations continued year, after which young people got married. In 2001, Daria's daughter appeared per light, and in 2008, the wife gave the Son Zakhar's wife. In "Instagram" of the Dembarsta's wife often appear photos with children and husband.


Labor activity of Julia began in one of the commercial banks of Moscow. Then, together with the parents of Alexey, she took up the business - the manufacture of wicker furniture. After the birth, Darya left production and devoted himself to the family.

Then the opposition's spouse was fascinated by politics - together with her husband, she became a member of the "Apple" political party, led by Grigory Yavlinsky. From the parties Alexey came out in 2007. This time was not easy for the family: Navalny was pregnant, and her husband was going to publish evidence of the facts of embezzlement in Russian state corporations.

From this point on, the politician attracted the attention of the ruling circles, received the status of the oppositionist, and the spouse realized that now it was a major task to support her husband in his endeavors. Julia began to take an active part in rallies, oversee issues related to the release of articles about the spouse, and engage in other problems in the public work Alexey.

A lot of disputes are born between supporters and opponents of the activity policy about its condition. The public figure itself presented in open access to the tax return for 2019. Nevertheless, the press appear articles about foreign real estate spouses - a house in France and an apartment in the United States.

Julia Navalny now

At the end of August 2020, Alexey Navalna, who flew from Tomsk to Moscow, suddenly became bad in the plane. The crew made a decision on landing and landed urgently in Omsk. The physicians who recorded the heavy state of the passenger climbed on board. The oppositionist was urgently transported to the city hospital, where they connected the lungs to artificial ventilation and introduced into artificially to whom.

At first, the reason for the occurrence was called Alexey's poisoning by an unknown substance. In the patient who intensive care to the toxicological department, took the necessary analyzes. The chief doctor of the hospital in an interview said that he dedicated a politician to his spouse to the details of operations aimed at salvation.

However, Julia was not satisfied with hearing. The woman was admitted that physicians do not allow other specialists to a patient, in particular the attending physician Navalny. On the requirements Show the results of the Consilium on the state of her husband, head physician Alexey Mukharovsky left the answer. She also emphasized that he would seek the translation of the spouse to the European Clinic.

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The press secretary of Navalny Kira said that the policy team appealed to the ECHR to obtain permission to transport Alexey to Germany. Yulia Borisovna herself wrote an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with a similar requirement, which became known from Facebook. Doctors of the Omsk Hospital, however, did not agree to the flight, emphasizing that the patient was in a steadily serious condition and additional risks are not justified.

Ivan Zhdanov, director of the fight against corruption, flew the oppositionist to Omsk. A man in Twitter shared with the audience of information on the current situation. The ambiguity of what is happening has brewed rumors, in particular, explaining why the Decembrist's wife is not allowed to visit the spouse.

The reason for this is the substance that has fallen into the organism of the oppositionist and represents a threat to people near the politician without a protective suit. In social networks, many memes related to the situation appeared. For example, social network users remembered the recent loud poisoning of Sergey and Julia Skripal in 2018 in the English Salisbury.

The doctors of the Omsk Hospital later announced the results of Alexey analyzes, according to which a preliminary diagnosis was made - a violation of metabolism and a sharp drop in blood sugar levels. August 22, after receiving permission to transport, politics transported to Germany.

For some time, Alexey remained in a coma. Fortunately, soon doctors decided to gradually withdraw the Navalny from this state and disconnect from the IVL apparatus. The worst concerns were not justified: the opposition came to himself, his consciousness and memory fully recovered. In one of the first appeals to supporters and subscribers, Alexey thanked not only doctors, but also a spouse that all this time was near and literally shared his own life with her husband.

In October of the same year, Julia and Alexey gave a frank interview with Yuri Dudu, in which they told in detail about what happened, and also shared their attitude to modern politics and some plans for the future.

And in January 2021, Navalny returned to Russia. At the airport, Alexei was immediately detained, and later it became known that the policy was arrested for 30 days. On February 3, the Moscow City Court granted the petition of the FSIN and sent an oppositionist to the overall regime colony for 3.5 years. Given the time he spent under house arrest (from February to December 20014), in the colony to spend 2.8 years. In addition, a penalty of 500 thousand rubles was appointed Navalny.

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