Stanislav Shushkevich - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Belarus 2021



The Belovezhskaya agreement, who signed together with Boris Yeltsin and Leonid Kravchuk, who put an end to the Soviet Union, Stanislav Shushkevich very different from his colleagues. The biography of the Belarusian leader did not start in the village, he was not married to a classmate and did not build a career in the Soviet years in the CPSU. Yes, and Shuskevich's position was called more modestly than Yeltsin and Kravchuk. Stanislav Stanislavovich, unlike two other signed, was not president, but the chairman of the Supreme Council of his republic.

Childhood and youth

The future leader of Belarus was born in mid-December 1934 in Minsk. Stasya (so the boy was called in the family) was his sister. Parents - Stanislav Petrovich and Elena Ludvikna - came out of the rural environment, but became intellectuals. Father, before the age of 16 spent in the Stalin's links, was a writer, the mother worked the teacher all his life.

Wooden house for 2 apartments in the area of ​​the Komarovsky Balt, which passed childhood and youth, before the revolution, bought the grandfather policy Ludvik Romanovsky, who in 1912 restored in the noble rank. The Shushkevich family, living in the capital of the republic, kept chickens and goats, grown potatoes and cucumbers. The attraction of the parent house was a piano on a wooden frame, under which children hid during bombing.

Stanislav Shushkevich in youth

During the war, Shushkevichi, despite the threat of shooting, was covered by a neighboring boy Garik - Jew for nationality. The main memory of Stanislav Stanislavovich about childhood is a feeling of hunger; Politician still can not tolerate, when people leave on the plates overtook.

The guy Ras naughty and after the war, together with his friends, the found ammunition was chosen. Elena Ludvikna translated the Son from the 19th Belarusian school to the 13th men's, so that the smart heir would not spoil her teaching reputation.

In 1948, Stanislav Petrovich returned from the first link, he learned a little and fell into the second. The son took off his father a camera "Komsomolets", who bought for money, issued for breakfast at school. In 1951, she graduated from a secondary educational institution with a silver medal. To enroll in the university, despite the presence of a repressed parent, the young man pointed out a questionnaire that his father does not live with his family without concopters the location of Stanislav Petrovich.

In 1956, Shushkevich Jr. graduated from the Fizman of the Belarusian State University, and after 3 years - graduate school of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the BSSR. When Stanislav was 26 years old, the authorities demolished the family hut in Slepianskaya Street. Shushkevichi received Khrushchev apartment on the Volgograd street, in which Elena Ludvikna lived the rest of his life.

Personal life

In the life of Shushkevich, there were 2 marriages and in each born in a child: in the first - the daughter of Elena, in the second - the Son, the family tradition called by Stanislav. The first elected of which the future politician worked on one department, a promising scientist beat off her husband.

Initially, a young family lived together with Elena Ludvicovnaya, then Sushkevich's father-in-law, who worked in Gosstrel, provided a pair of a service apartment. Needlework Stanislav led housing in order: fixed the windows, installed the gas stove. However, "convenience" continued to be "in the yard".

Becoming in 31 years by the Vice-Rector for Science of the Minsk Radio Engineering Institute, Shushkevich received a 3-room apartment near Philharmonic, that is, returned to the area in which he lived in childhood. However, less than 6 years old man with one suitcase left his wife and daughter. None of the interview with the politician did not reveal the reasons for the collapse of the first marriage. The former wife of Stanislav Stanislavovich after the divorce left for the Far East, the daughter brought up her grandmother on the maternal line.

Starting a personal life from scratch, Shushkevich settled in a teaching hostel. After 2 years, the physicist became the head of the department and received a 2-room apartment. Colleagues and student wanted to end the idle status of a talented and promising teacher. One of the colleagues tried to put on Stanislav Stanislavovich daughter. Under the window at Shushkevich, a student from Vietnam was spent over the window.

Stanislav Shushkevich and wife Irina

The physicist's heart melted a student Irina. To draw attention to the girl's attention, Stanislav Stanislavovich put the first four in his life well, but explained in love only in the graduation party of beauties. Irina younger husband for 19 years. The woman learned Shushkevich smoking and instilled a habit of a healthy lifestyle.

Until 2013, politician loved the physical work very much, in particular the rod of firewood and work on a planer machine, but now due to age and flickering arrhythmia quickly gets tired. Shushkevich's health struck the end of 2012: at first the cousin of the former chairman of the Supreme Council of Belarus died, and after 5 days - for the memorial table - the sister of Stanislav Stanislavovich.

Among the hobby politics - collecting the deck of playing cards. The granddaughter Shushkevich is the name of Most.


In 1960, Stanislav began working in the Constructive Bureau of the Minsk Radio Formation. So that the Son does not cradle from the enterprise the details in the desire to collect the TV, Elena Ludvikna bought on the savings the television receiver "Belarus".

In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, Shushkevich confessed that before care, the politics built his career to make money on the apartment, cottage and car. Understanding that the salary of the Soviet engineer is small, the guy rushed into science, where his abilities were sought-after. The device developed by Stanislav in 1963, when writing a candidate thesis and intended for the detection of intelligence receivers, in 1997 continued to be produced in Tomsk and still stands in service with the Russian army.

In 1963, Shushkevich became an associate professor of the Department of Nuclear Physics of the Belarusian State University. The salary of a young teacher together with a variety of premiums was over 400 rubles, which almost 4 times exceeded the average monthly earnings in the Soviet Union. The top of the non-political career of Stanislav Stanislavovich became the position of the Vicector on Science of the Chief University of Belarus and the State Branch Prize for the textbook "Fundamentals of Radio Electronics", written in co-authorship with Associate Professor Mikhail Efimchik.


After an accident at the Chernobyl NPP Shushkevich, as the head of the Department of Nuclear Physics, BSU, included in the Special Commission to study the consequences of the catastrophe. Stanislav Stanislavovich was opposed to the desire of the Soviet leadership to inhabit the scale of the tragedy, and the scientist was excluded from the commission.

On the wave of restructuring, the physicist in 1989 became the People's Deputy of the USSR, and in a year - a deputy of the Supreme Council of the BSSR. During the August 1991 coup, Shushkevich, who held the post of First Deputy Chairman of the Belarusian Parliament, was opposed to the actions of Gennady Yanaev and his like-minded people. After the forced resignation of Nikolai Dementide, who supported the ticks, Stanislav Stanislavovich was headed by the Supreme Legislative Body of Belarus.

Belovezhskaya Agreement, according to Shushkevich, he initiated to solve 2 tasks - to send the homeland to the path of independent development and provide Belarus by Russian energy carriers before the coming winter. From the end of 1992 to early 1994, the scientist headed the Commission on the development of the new Constitution of Belarus.

In resignation, Shushkevich from the highest state post of the republic was played by Alexander Lukashenko, according to which Stanislav Stanislavovich did not cope with the fulfillment of duties and did not care from conducting economic reforms. Summing up your political career, the physicist's scientist repeatedly spoke about the fact that he was proud to do not fall on the path of lawlessness, did not exceed the authority and did not suppress oppositionists.

Stanislav Shushkevich now

In the first half of 2020, Belarus, unlike most states, did not introduce severe quarantine measures in connection with the coronavirus infection pandemic, Shushkevich accused Alexander Lukashenko in criminal inaction. The veteran of the Belarusian policy said that the maliciation of the danger of the virus by the "Batki" regime reminds the actions of the Soviet authorities during the Chernobyl catastrophe.

In August 2020, Stanislav Stanislavovich said that when suppressing the protests of the Belarusians, who voted for oppositionists, Alexander Grigorievich committed crimes that are not having a limitation period. The Board of Lukashenko holds at fear and violence, said Shushkevich. Repeatedly stated politician and about the desire of Russia to "eat" Belarus.


  • 1970 - Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences
  • 1982 - Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the BSSR
  • 1985 - Winner of the USSR Ministerial Council
  • 1991 - Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus
  • 1997 - Laureate of the International Ukrainian Prize named after the Pilip Orilic
  • 1997 - Laureate of the International Polish Prize named after Yana Novak-Yezransky
  • 2010 - Cavalier of the Order of Vitautas Great
  • 2012 - Medal of Truman Raigan Freedom
  • 2019 - Medal "100 years BNR"

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