Valeria Chekalina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger 2021



At the end of August 2020, the Russian version of the Forbes magazine appeared a traditional rating of the most highly paid celebrities in the "Instagram". There was a place and an athlete Habib Nurmagomedov, and the singers of Elena Dameman with Polina Gagarina, and TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak and Ksenia Borodina, who once worked side by side on "House-2". And, of course, in the top there were bloggers Ida Galich, Nastya Ivelev, Alina Levda and Valery Chekalina.

Childhood and youth

In early October 1992, the 6th day, in Togliatti, the fighters were born daughter Lera (zodiac signs). A little later in the family was welcomed and the younger son. Unfortunately, when the older child turned 8 years old, the father did not, and the care of raising children fell on the shoulders of the mother.

To the one that gave life, the blogger refers with tenderness, gratitude and undisguised trepidation, on the day of her birthday November 13 in 2019. Playing in "Instagram" touching post:

"I am ready to kiss your legs, because you made me such. When I am asked: "Where in you so much strength?", I understand that all this thanks to you. You deserve the best! I congratulate you on your day not only from myself, but also from Papula, who observes from above with his favorite girls. "

On the last period, Lera went to the local school number 10, where he did not use particularly popular among classmates and could easily be praised due to the fact that she was not planted for the first part. To acquire secondary education, the gold medalist filed documents to the Academy of Department in his hometown, and then moved to Moscow.

In the capital of Russia, the girl assigned MSU named after Mikhail Lomonosov, watched in HSE, and then enrolled in the Magistracy of the Economic Faculty. In the end, the chief university in Moscow eventually graduated with two red diplomas.

Personal life

Acquaintance with the future husband of Artem Chekalin, now in every possible way to attract subscribers and develop its content (as well as their own), took place during the time of students. Lovers crossed the relationship of marriage in 2012, when they studied at the 4th year.

In "Instagram" Celebrities on Hesteggy # Wedding_lerChek You can find photos of the most important day of personal life. On them, beauty is riveted in a magnificent white dress with a corset, decorated with sparkling stones, which was created by the fashion designer of Pnottle Tornai and purchased in the New York boutique Kleinfeld Bridal. The image was supplemented barely noticeable on the hair of the diadem and a long veil. The groom made a choice in favor of a traditional dark costume.

The family biography says that the man tried to do business (the chosen was worked with his commercial director and accountant), but burned, and the father-in-law and mother-in-law immediately took the future daughter-in-law:

"You are the best grandparents, in difficult times you are always with us. What is there to speak - with 10 rubles in the wallet, with younger brother on a removable apartment you did not throw us with my mother. When we gathered back to Togliatti, because there was no other choice, you helped, although I have not even been your daughter and daughter. "

In debt to parents, the couple did not remain: in 2019, Lera's mother received accommodation in Moscow as a gift, and her second half-haired people in the 2020-M - Mercedes-Benz brand car.

On February 12, 2016, twins Bogdan and Alice were born with a common weight of 3.5 kg. Even before the appearance, the children changed the usual world of Valeria and her chosen one, pushing to the blog.


As the star of the Internet says, she has become a blogger completely by chance. Once laid out in "Instagram" "Pregnant" photo, supplemented it with reflection, as 10 thousand Folloviers signed on it.

After that, Valery decided to raise the topic in the social networks, first of all worried it: food for weight loss, recipes for your favorite dishes, childbirth, teething, sports in an interesting position, body and hair care products, etc. Short video subsequently The author supplemented the fun humorous component.

"I registered in 2011, and the blog began to lead after 4 years. At first, I simply laid out the photos of onions and food, and the blogging took up when the twins became pregnant. Subscribers asked questions to which I tried to answer if possible, it turned out some interactive, the audience grew up, "Lera recalled the start of the career.

On March 12, 2018, Mom twins for a couple with her husband, a separate Yutiub-Channel, who told about traveling to foreign countries ("Paris: from Disneyland to the tomb") and proper nutrition ("PP and my way to him. Errors and Lifehaki" ). In addition, the various reviews published ("The whole truth about beauty salons") was satisfied with the Challenge ("Tell me, if you can") and fed the spouse with a sharp burger as a punishment (the heading of Lerchek with the Pepper).

Over time, Chekalina studied as well as a beauty industry that created her own anti-cellulite cosmetics Letique Cosmetics. On the official website of a fair sex of different ages, who wanted to look slightly, young and beautiful, will find special scrubs, serums, sprays, creams, oils, masks and air conditioners.

Valeria Chekalina now

Valeria often satisfied the morafnes of weight loss for everyone, offering a special training program that helps reset overweight. And she really wants to trust: the figure of celebrities (height 167 cm with weight 52 kg), often demonstrated in stylish outfits and swimsuits, causes admiration and envy. Many still think that this result does not die and proper nutrition, but the interference of plastic surgeons.

At the end of the summer of 2020, she launched the most large-scale (female, male and pair) marathon with really cool prizes - a new Audi A3 car and a prize fund equal to 3 million rubles. At the same time it turned out that the blogger got into the top 10 Russian stars with the highest earnings on advertising in "Instagram" - the income amounted to $ 0.61 million.

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