Christina Buynbalte - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "House-2" 2021



"Dom-2" first opened the doors in May 2004, but since then young people looking for love and popularity have not been dinner. They flop on the telestroit, where they are trying to show themselves under the sightseeing cameras. Selected lucky ones do not fall into the suburbs, but to the paradise Seychelles. Among the latter is a beauties from Moldova Christina Buynbalte.

Childhood and youth

Christina is attracted by beauty, harmony and well-kept, and even mysteriousness, since the facts of their biography are separated by selectively. The participant of the project was born on June 8, 1994 and the sign of the Zodiac Gemini.

Christina Buynbalte - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

About parents, childhood and education, the girl does not tell, preferring to focus on the details of his personal life. Buynbalte refers to those participants who came for glory from abroad. The carrier of an unusual sonar name according to the nationality of Moldavian.

Although Kristina arrived at the "house-2" of Christina, she was born and rose in Moldova. Apparently, the bid in life the girl decided to do to appearance and did not lose. With 165 cm height, the miniature beauty weighs 48 kg, and the face resembles Monica Bellucci in his youth. It is not surprising that the lack of fans from BuyNBalte has never been.

Personal life

Before the arrival at Dom-2, Christina managed to be married, but early marriage ended with divorce. The former husband turned out to be a lover to take a walk and the questions of a spouse about children said that he was not ready for such a serious step. The family had treasure and quarrels, besides, BuyNBalte still became pregnant, but lost a child on a small time. She lived in France for 5 years, after which she moved to Italy, where he was on the content of the billionaire.

The man did not regret the money for the beloved, which at his expense could afford a beautiful life. Dear gifts, branded clothes and luxurious decorations - the usual attribute of the beauty of beauty, and therefore it impresses a girl with solid sufficient. Photos in the Instagram account, Christina demonstrate its attractiveness in all its glory: here and snapshots in a swimsuit on the sea shore, and mounted selfie, and cheerful frames in the company of girlfriends.

"House 2"

Kristina came to the telestroyka to heal the soul wounds. Past relations were injured by a girl - she decided to plunge into the construction of new love, and "House-2" seemed to her for this with a suitable place. But the audience immediately noticed that BuyNBalte did not fit into the format of the show, because it was too luxurious for him. They doubted that the girl who was accustomed to billionaire courtship would be satisfied with partners who, in most, no cola of the yard.

Christina Buynbalte - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

And Christina, who came to the perimeter on May 13, 2019, declared the sympathy for Zakhar Salenko, who liked her externally. The participant's show behaved restrained and adequately, did not interfere in a quarrel and sweatshirt, the fans reacted cool to the attention of fans. With Zakhar, the relationship could not be built. According to Buynbalte, he imagined himself to the king and God, although quite recently killed potatoes in Kemerovo. No comparison with the previous men Christina guy could not stand.

Having lived on "House-2" 49 days, Moldavian decided to leave the project on his own request. The reason was the renewal of relations with the former beloved, which was waiting for her in Italy. On July 1, 2019, the girl said goodbye to the inhabitants of Telestroika and left in Modena. In the video block, she stated to fans, which misses the perimeter, but the project organizers will not take it back, as she arrived in advance and ugly towards them.

However, BuyNBalte's forecasts were incorrect. "House-2" accepted it back with open arms, however, it happened this year later. This time the Moldovan land of beauty landed on the Seychelles. The girl came on August 17, 2020, bringing with him the namesake, girlfriend and compatriot Christina pretend. She turned out to be as a spectacular brunette, but experienced difficulties in communicating due to problems with Russian. BuyNBalte tried to help a friend to overcome this barrier.

Christina Buynbalte now

After Kristina returned to "Dom-2", she tried to build relations with Evgeny Romasov. A pair of flirting, kissed and arranged romantic dates, but BuyNBalte suddenly stated that he wants to stay for the guy with a friend. The girl fears, allegedly the participant has not yet departed from the previous relationship with Yulia Belaya. She admitted that he feels in Eugene Iskra and passion, but does not consider it a strong foundation for a serious relationship.

Christina Buynbalte - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

As the main conditions of love, Moldavanka calls respect and loyalty. Now she continues his way on "House-2", and in the future dreams of building a strong family with a decent person, give birth to three children and open your salon.

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