Albert Speer - photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, Hitler architect



One of the few who in the Nyurnberg process over the leaders of Nazi Germany recognized his guilt, Albert Speer was a personal architect and friend Adolf Hitler. He departed 20 years in prison and lived to old age. In the hands of it - blood and tears of non-clear people, but in their biographies Albert Speer denied involvement in the Holocaust and other horrors of World War II.

Childhood and youth

Berthold Konrad Herman Albert Speer was born on March 19, 1905 in Mannheim, the major city of the German Empire, in a secured family. In his youth, he lacked love and understanding.

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Brothers - Senior Herman (1902.) And the youngest Herman (1906) - mocked him and sometimes beat. Consolation The future ReichSminster of Hitler's Germany found in skiing, mountaineering and gross subheadings of her mother - Louise Matilda Wilhelmin (in the Majmel Khommel).

Albert Speer's architect's career chose at the insistent insistent insistent. He learned a subtle art in several universities, including in the Berlin Technical University under the leadership of Henry Tessenov, "Pioneer of Housing Reforms".

Personal life

In 1922, Albert Speer met Margaret Weber, a daughter of a successful craftswoman. On August 28, 1928, they became her husband and wife. The mother of the architect of the Third Reich did not approve this connection and met a girl only after 6 years from the moment of their marriage.Embed from getty images

In the period from 1934 to 1942, 6 children were born in the family: Albert, Hilda, Margaret, Arnold, Fritz and Ernst. And this is despite the fact that with the coming to power Adolf Hitler's personal life, they became more cooler. Margaret Weber remained his wife Albert Spear to the end of his days.

Career and service

Like many in Germany, Albert Speer fell under the effect of Adolf Hitler. He joined the National Socialist German Workers Party (NSDAP) in 1931. And, in general, it would remain an ordinary citizen if it were not for the case.

In 1933, Albert Shpere was instructed to issue a rally in support of Adolf Hitler. No one could decide whether his projects are good, so they sent for approval to the leader of the Third Reich. He not only approved the developments, but also appointed a young architect for the position of Commissar NSDAP on the artistic and technical design of party rallies and demonstrations.

In this post and was invented by the Light Temple. It was not built, but a light veil, with the help of which the territory of NSDAP rallies was limited. Powerful spotlights in the amount of 150 pieces were installed at a distance of 12 meters from each other and blinded the sky, simulating an impregnable wall. Installation was truly impressive and terribly liked Adolf Hitler.

Albert Spear's career success is explained not so much by his talent as friendly relations with Adolf Hitler. According to the annunciation of Jung, one of the personal secretaries of the leader of Nazi Germany, the architect was "the only person to whom the Führer felt some feelings who listened to and who sometimes even talked."

In 1937, Albert Speer became the chief architect of the Third Reich. By decree Adolf Hitler, he began to develop projects for the reconstruction of Berlin. The main pedestrian street was to become magnificence boulevard. He led to the hall of the people - a large-scale building with a dome, which would demonstrate the superiority of Germany over other states.

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On the opposite hall of the people, the side provided a vaulted passage capable of accommodating a triumphal arch into its inner diameter. None of these ideas was destined to come true, but the photos of layouts were preserved.

From the implemented projects of Albert Spear, you can list the Office of the NSDAP and several concentration camps. When working, he used the Jews as slaves. At the same time, an architect argued in the Nuremberg process that he knew nothing about the Holocaust.

"Once I saw crowds of people at the railway station. I thought they were evacuated, but I was covered by an oppressive feeling. Apparently, I anticipated the gloomy events, "he said.

In February 1942, Albert Shpera appointed a flight minister of arms and supplies. He was responsible for the supply of weapons for Luftwaffe and Crymsmarine, designed technique.

When implementing its military ambition, the architect Hitler used the labor of concluded concentration camps. Those who sabotized production or tried to escape, Morious hunger or returned to death camps, and most often they were executed. It was for this who is the ill-treatment of Albert Spear and judged in the Nuremberg process.

After the war

In September 1945, Albert Shpera entered into Nuremberg prison. The main prosecutor of the US Supreme Court Robert H. Jackson so determined his guilt:"He participated in planning and implementing a program to attract prisoners of war and foreign workers to the military industry in Germany, the production of which increased, while the workers were depleted from hunger."

Albert Speer himself argued that he knew nothing about the plans for the extermination of the Jews. The side of the accusation did not have evidence of the opposite, which saved him from death. In addition, the man repented in all his deed.

On October 1, 1946, Albert Shpera sentenced to 20 years in prison. Three of the 8 judges by the United States and the USSR were for the death penalty. The punishment he was served in Prison to Spandau under the code nickname "Prisoner No. 5".

All convicts of the Nuremberg process was forbidden to write memoirs, but Albert Speer went against the rules. He composed 20 thousand pages, which later made up the books of the "Third Reich from the inside" and "Shpandau: a secret diary." The man depicted himself a victim who did not know about the scale of crimes and blindly followed orders.

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The idea of ​​the innocence of the architect of the Third Reich was promoted not only by himself, but also by other writers. For example, a native of Great Britain Gitta Series in 1996 released the book "Albert Speer and his struggle with truth." In it, one of the leaders of Nazi Germany is shown by the hostage of circumstances and almost that the romantic hero, the acquired by Adolf Gilter.

This idea was mass, so many have performed for the early liberation of Albert Spear. But he was released exactly 20 years later - at midnight October 1, 1966.


After the liberation from Spandau Albert Speer became a media personality. He often traveled to an interview to other countries, appeared on television. And was surrounded by women. From the passion of one of them, the architect of the Third Reich and died on September 1, 1981 at the age of 76. The cause of death became a stroke.

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