Kevin Federeline - photo, biography, personal life, news, husband Britney Spears 2021



Kevin Federeline is a former dancer who became famous for the whole world after an unexpected marriage and scandalous divorce with a pop star Britney Spears. The father of six children was repeatedly accused of seeking to live at the expense of women, and attempts to self-realize led to stunning failures and the wave of criticism was subjected.

Childhood and youth

Federeline was born on March 21, 1978 (zodiac sign - Aries). Together with the parents of Mike and Julia, as well as Brother Chris, until eight years lived in Fresno (California). The father worked as a car mechanic, and his mother worked at the bank in cashier.

When the boy turned 8, the family broke up. Julia and two sons moved to Carson City. True, not long. After 3 years, the boys returned to their homeland and began to live with the Father. So, in childhood, he from the inside saw the situation when children become an object of dispute between parents.

Education was slightly interested in a teenager, he did not even reassured until the 9th grade. True, afterwards, still received a certificate. Instead of the lessons, the young man washed cars and was looking for other ways to earn. I studied at the school of dances and went to Los Angeles, dreaming of a star career.

Personal life

The first serious relationship with the conqueror of the "City of Angels" began with the American singer Ball Jackson. By the time the rap performer, producer and actress part-time already had two children from the first civil marriage.

Lovers agreed in 1999. After 3 years of the cohabitation appeared the daughter of Corey Madison. But the birth of the son of Caleeb Michael coincided with the rupture of these relationships.

Later, Jackson commented on what he learned about the relationship of a civil husband with Britney Spears from TV shows. For her, the gap was a terrible shock, because only 2 months after the Caleeb appeared.

Nevertheless, the singer did not fall to loud scandals. And even allowed a man who quit her in a difficult life period, communicate with children.

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And Federeline with his head plunged into a new connection. According to him, it was love at first sight. Pop Diva and Dancer quickly got together. In May 2004, when the singer began a tour in Europe, Kevin flew to Ireland to be near. There lovers even made paired tattoo in the form of playing bones.

Upon returning to America, being in the plane, Britney showed the initiative. Despite the fact that from the first day of the meeting, a couple of months had passed, the star declared the desire to legalize the relationship. By the way, the "bridegroom" was taken away from it and even refused, but later changed his mind and already asked himself from the chosen of his hands and hearts.

The wedding in the circle of the closest and without paparazzi took place in September 2004. Spears was outside of happiness. However, Kevin was confident: this marriage will last all his life. In the interview, it was shared that an incredible chemistry was felt between them, literally not giving to tear away from each other.

Happy newlyweds dreamed of a family, and in 2005 the first-mentioned Sean Preston was born. Britney decided to even take a break in his career to plunge into motherhood.

Not having time to get out of the decree, a happy wife rehearsed again. And here it began the first raids in, it would seem, the ideal cell of society. Federline himself did not call clear reasons for which he was expelled from the house, trying to make a guilty in the whole spouse.

However, many people knew about the night adventures of the thickening husband. Spears desperately dreamed of preserving relationships. Kevin returned home, and in September 2006, Jayden James was born.

Two kids, tired Britney - all this became a catalyst for a break. The head of the family began to devote all his free time with nightclubs, did not work, but the family budget was driving with a whistle. Once the mother of two children found her husband for smoking marijuana. It became the last straw - the pop star was submitted for divorce.

Federeline tried to dissuade the spouse, but she remained adamant. And then followed the courts to determine the residence of the heirs and custody. The situation with the narcotic dependence of the singer turned against it. As a result, Kevin took the sons, and the former wife were appointed alimony.

Of great importance in the settlement of disputes played a new chosen dancer Victoria Prince. Professional volleyball player managed to find an approach to all four children in his lover, and also convinced their father that past scandals should not influence their destinies.

Federeline and Victoria began to meet in 2009. And they got married when their joint daughter Jordan Kay turned 2 years old. Soon the second girl Peyton Marie appeared.

Now Kevin is happy in the second official marriage. According to him, he dreamed of such a wife as a prince. A large father regularly flashes in the media with six heirs, although in the Instagram account prefers not to post photos of the family and other aspects of personal life. The former dancer admits that it practically lives on alimony.


After Kevin threw school, he was taken to the non-profit organization Dance Empowerment. Perhaps this fact and determined his subsequent biography. Due to the fact that Federeline was constantly spinning near the stars - performed on the dancer from Michael Jackson, Justin Timberlake, Pink and other performers, easily joined the show business.

The first successes were started - the newly made artist starred in the king of King Pop Music You Rock My World, and after he got a chance to light up in several films, including the TV series "Hill of one tree" and the film-musical "Dancing Streets".

Then the native Fresno decided to try himself in music, becoming a rap performer under the pseudonym K-fed. The first two compositions were critical evaluations, so they did not even enter the debut album called Playing WITH Fire. He, by the way, distinguished himself by bad sales and was subsequently recognized as the worst collection in the history of music.

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Federeline did not lose. The next project was founded on attractive appearance and high growth (183 cm). It is part in the shooting rollers for the Five Star Vintage line. Here is a former husband Britney Spears, as they say, got into the apple. Sale of clothing that he advertised, beat records.

Visited a former dancer and in the TV projects. After the scandalous divorce took part in the 7th season of the Celebrity Fit Club show, where he lost and practically accepted the same form as in his youth. However, already in 2011, a failed rap performer again came to a similar transfer "Excess baggage" to adjust the weight.

Kevin Federeline now

Career Kevin approached the sunset. A noticeably fused man is no longer able to do what she has previously brought income - advertising or dancing. As a singer, the former husband Britney also suffered a fiasco. Now he works by DJ, occasionally participates in the entertainment talk show.

But he managed to increase the alimony from the former spouse for the content of two sons. Moreover, after a court case about the beating by the father of Spears Sech, Federeline managed to achieve 70% of the guardianship. In 2020, the situation has not changed: a happy father still spends a lot of time with heirs, feels satisfied in such a situation and has already got used to what he walked in stellar circles, living at the expense of Britney.

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