Lia Ahacedzhakova - biography, personal life, photos, news, nationality, films, actress, age, husband, performances 2021



Lia Medzhidna Ahacedzhakova - Russian theater and film actrix, which possesses a unique gift - dissolve his identity in the roles that play. In a small increase like Iceberg, a powerful and bright artist nature is hidden, which with acquired experiences became more and more noticeable.

Childhood and youth

Leia Ahacedzhakova was born in the Ukrainian Dnepropetrovsk in the summer of 1939. She rose in the theater family. After moving to Maykop, her mother Julia Alexandrovna played in the Adygei Drama Theater's troupe. And stepfather Lii, Medzhid Salehovich, Adygeets by nationality, was the main director of this theater.

Close Lii had a weak health: Mom and Aunt had an open form of tuberculosis. At the age of 10, the girl decided to write a letter to Joseph Stalin. In this tear appeal, she asked to help her family and send a rare medicine at that time. It is not known whether the letter saw a recipient, but the necessary medicines were delivered. Mother Lii Mejidovna died in 1990 from the oncological disease.

Despite the creative atmosphere inside the family, Leah's stepfather was categorically opposed to the Familician to continue the family theater dynasty. When the girl graduated from school, Medzhid Salehovich insisted that she entered the Moscow Institute of non-ferrous metals and gold and received a "decent" profession.

Liya Ahacedzhakova obeyed. But after 1.5 years of study, the student became clear that the road at which she was going to was going on. She threw the university and from the first attempt to go to the guitis named after A. V. Lunacharsky, who graduated in 1962.


In the youth, the actress performed in the amplua in the Moscow Theater of the Young Spectator. A low growth and a fragile girl's physique (with a rise of 153 cm its weight did not exceed 52 kg), however, by the way, it was necessary to execute roles in the stages for children.

On the stage of Tyus Liya Ahacedzhakov spent more than 10 years, playing in the top ten performances. The most noteworthy role of that time was the image of Zhenya, the main character of the play "My brother plays on the clarinet" based on the story of Anatoly Aleksina. In this simple and piercing drama, the image of a loving and overly guarding sister revealed particularly sharply thanks to the acting talent of Lii Majidovna.

In 1977, Leah Ahacedzhakova began working as part of the Sovremennik theater troupe. Here she was delayed for a long time. The building on Chistoprudnaya became the second home for the actress, where she continues to play to this day.

The first truly loud operation of the artist was the fulfillment of at once the four main roles in the outrageous formulation of the "Colombina's apartment" directed by Roman Viktyuk based on the same name of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya.

Lia Ahacedzhakova played many diverse characters in the plays based on classic works in the theater. In addition, she participated in the performances of private entrepreneurs, such as Persian Lilac, which the playwright Nikolai Kolyada wrote specifically for his favorite artist. In 2015, the actress's repertoire was replenished with the role of Esphyrus in the entrepreneurial play "My grandson of Veniamin", which was created on the play Lyudmila Ulitsky.

High acting skills and devotion to theatrical art were marked by a number of awards. So, Leia Ahacedzhakova was awarded the orders of honor for merit in the field of culture and art and "For merit to the Fatherland". In addition, the Journal "Theatré" twice - in 2008 and 2013 - awarded Lyi by Medzhiden Prize. A woman is also a laureate of the Tsarskoye Art Prize.


The first films with the participation of Ahacedzhakaya exploited her travelers-amplua. So, at first actresses got the roles of boys. But films fairy tales for children gradually changed by serious works.

Having thundered to the whole country, the New Year's comedy "The Irony of Fate, or with a light steam!" It became a kind of reference point in the film engineer. Leia Ahacedzhakova woke up famous. With the light hand of Edidar Ryazanov, she turned into a star of domestic cinema.

After 2 years, after 2 years, the sparkling role of the Werle's Secretary in the "Service Roman" made from Ahacedzhakaya cult figure. Her character was recognizable, and the phrases went on quotes. For a job in this film, the actress was awarded the State Prize named after the Vasilyev brothers.

Oddly enough, this talented artist rarely got key roles in films. There were no reasons for that: too bright and recognizable type dragged the attention of the viewer for himself. In addition, there were no equal in the embodiment of the characters of the second plan of Leii.

Another vivid role appeared in the filmography of actresses in 1979. In the film "Moscow, I do not believe" Ahacedzhakov played the director of the club in the interests of Olga Pavlovna, who performed the mission of the Swhah. The Oscar-eyed picture of Vladimir Menshov with faith of Alentian, Irina Muravyeva, Raisa Ryazanova and Alexey Batalov became a cult in the USSR. In the Union, it was viewed by 85 million viewers.

It is noteworthy that this small, but such an energetic woman is one of the favorite Ryazan actresses who have become widely known thanks to the films of the Matra. Leia Ahacedzhakova appeared almost every hit Eldar Alexandrovich.

The role in the acute tragicomedy "Garage" was written specifically for the actress. According to the director, only she could reliably play a heroine, which, despite his shyness and delicacy, fighting injustice and arises to protect a person from a person.

His favorite way from Ryazanov's films, the prospector calls a homeless artist Fima in the Heavens of the promised. "

In the episode of the comedy "Old Klyachi", Leia Majidovna appeared along with stepfather. In the film he played her dad. An artist was starred and in the last film of Ryazan "Andersen. Life without love. "

In the 2000s, Leia Majidovna moved to television and appeared in several TV shows.

In the rating kinicomedy "Love-carrot 3" actress played Mama Marina, a museum worker who once changed to the body with a matchmaker, the father of Andrei (Vladimir Menshov). Of course, it did not cost the comedy and without the appearance of performers of the main roles - Gooche Kutsenko and Christina Orbakayte.

In 2017, Leah Ahacedzhakov played a human rights activist in the international project "Krotkaya". As a basis of modern history, the story of the same name of the story of Fyodor Dostoevsky was taken. The picture was presented at the Cannes Film Festival.

Ahacedzhakova also managed to rise with the director Kirill Serebrennikov. She starred in the next masterpiece of the master, the biographical film "Summer", which was devoted to one summer of the life of the rock musician Viktor Tsoi. His role was performed by TEO Y. In 2018, the film came to the competition program of the film festival in Cannes.

The director of Milena Fadeeva was inspired by the works of Lii Medzhidovna so much that in 2020 he took off the comedy of "Comet Galleya" only because of the participation of the actress. According to her, if Ahedzhakova refused to take off, there would be no paintings.

Political views

The actress is actively involved in the country's social life. She repeatedly publicly expressed disagreement with the actions of power, criticized the applicable president.

Leia Ahachakov called the lawsuit over Mikhail Khodorkovsky political process, expressed a protest against the adoption of the "Law of Dima Yakovlev", and also took part in the 2013 Oppositional rally on Bolotnaya Square and march the truth in April 2014. Its emotional manner of reporting its position often becomes the object of criticism among ideological opponents.

Lia Ahacedzhakova in 2014 was in the center of the Ukrainian scandal. The artist criticized the Kremlin for politics against Ukraine, condemned the accession of Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia, subscribed to the defense of the singer and artist Andrei Makarevich and supported the hope of Savchenko, which led to a whole series of scandals and discussions in the media and a secular chronicle.

In the summer of 2015, Leia Ahacedzhakova gave an interview to the Opposition Channel "Rain", in which, on behalf of Russians, apologized to the people of Armenia for Russian aggression.

Criticism to Vladimir Putin from the mouth of the actress divided society and colleagues Ahacedzhakova into two camps: Some supported it, and others condemned.

In November 2016, the Society Society is a new scandal: Rain Journalist Pavel Lobkov placed on his page in the social network appeal allegedly from Lii Ahacedzhakova, in which she forbade melania Trump and her husband to watch films with their participation. Many readers believed and broke out by somebody, and who are compliments to the artist. As it turned out later, Leah Ahacedzhakova was not the author of the appeal.

On the eve of 2019, with the appeal, "forgive us, everything and for everything", the actress performed on the channel "Rain". According to celebrities, the country was responsible for having taken Doping, Pravila British citizens, ended the life of American astronauts. The current and future of the generation of Russians, according to the artist, should apologize for the representatives of other countries and religion.

Despite the high civil activity, in an interview with Ksenia Sobchak Lia Medzhidovna admitted that the frank statements are not easy to be accompanied by fear.

Personal life

Personal life Lii Ahacedzhakaya is saturated with fateful peripetias. She got married three times. The first husband was a colleague on theatrical workshop Valery Nostek. Spouses worked together in the Moscow Tyuze.

The second time the actress played a wedding with the artist and poet Boris Kocheyshvili. For many years on the shoulders of the actress lay life and financial support of the family. Spouse at first could not self-realize. When Boris's affairs went to the mountain and his work became in demand, there was a detachment between the spouses.

In 2001, Ahacedzhakova married for the third time. With his chosen and future spouse, the Moscow photographer Vladimir Perszynininov - Lia Medzhidovna met when she was 63 years old. In no marriage of the actress had no children.

Interestingly, about the last marriage, the actress did not report for a long time, who after the death of the mother remained its only close man. One day, Medzhid Salehovich was mentioned about his old age and that after his death Leia would remain alone. I had to lay out everything for clean.

The actress does not like to advertise a personal life, so rarely appears in public places with his spouse. Their joint photos are infrequently falling into reporters lenses.

Nevertheless, in 2021, the celebrity attracted the attention of the press, submitting to the court on the former husband of Boris Kocheyshvili demanding to be issued from her apartment. At such emergency measures, Ahacedzhakow prompted the news about the intention of the ex-spouse to marry again.

2 years old, the performer did not communicate with a colleague Valentin Gaft, known for their caustic epigram addresses. For Lii Medzhidovna, he wrote:

"Always plays the same // Actress Lia Ahacedzhakova."

However, in the full version of the miniature poem were the other two lines, which completely change the meaning of the first and do not cause negative:

"Fabulous! In fact, // always plays the limit. "

The best friend Lii Ahacedzhakova is Colleague Alla Budnitskaya, with whom she divides the cottage. Actress for many years remains a passionate gardener.

At the beginning of 2021, Ahacedzhakova fell into a hospital with a coronavirus infection. The artist successfully passed the treatment and, by adjusting the health, returned to the usual life.

Lia Ahacedzhakova now

Now the artist continues to delight his fans with new works in the theater and cinema.

The performer participated in the filming of Stanislav Mareeyeva's tape "Floor". Despite the fact that the heroes were chosen with a special overweight color, the director in the interview noted that Agsenzhakova was the first to whom he certainly wanted to see in the film.

Leah Majidovna, Chulpan Hamatova and about 150 cultural figures attracted the attention of the public, in writing, expressing a request to ensure the conditions of non-hazard to health Alexey Navalny, who fell into a correctional colony. The letter was sent to Alexander Petrovich Kalashnikov - Director of the Federal Penitentiary Service.


  • 1974 - "Ivan da Marya"
  • 1975 - "Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Ferry!"
  • 1977 - "Service Roman"
  • 1979 - "Moscow does not believe in tears"
  • 1979 - "Garage"
  • 1980 - "Clear the word about the poor hussar.
  • 1989 - Sophia Petrovna
  • 1991 - "Heaven Promised"
  • 1995 - "Moscow holidays"
  • 2000 - "Old Klyachi"
  • 2006 - "Andersen. Life without love "
  • 2010 - "Love-carrot 3"
  • 2017 - "Krotkaya"
  • 2018 - "Summer"
  • 2020 - "Comet Gallet"
  • 2021 - "Floor"

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