Diana Rosovyan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actress 2021



Diana Rosovlyan - the actress of the theater and cinema, the career of which is connected not only with filming in full-length paintings, but also with work on television series. The artist is involved in a variety of projects in the homeland, as well as in demand in Russian cinema.

Childhood and youth

Diana was born on July 21, 1990 in Uzhgorod. By nationality, she is Ukrainian. The girl grew in the average family and brought up with the sister of Andrian. The creative potential of Rosovlyan has shown already at a young age, so the answer to the question of the future area of ​​activity was unequivocal.

In 2005, the girl entered the Uzhgorod College of Culture and Arts, becoming a student of the "People's Choreography".

In 2009, Diana received a diploma and pondered for some time over the subsequent self-realization. She loved dancing, but he felt a big craving for acting. After some time, Rovelyan entered the Kiev National University of Theater, Cinema and Television. I. K. Karpenko Karozh.

Personal life

Diana is married to a colleague - actor Evgenia Volovenko. Despite the impressive difference in age, the spouses are happy in their personal life and raise the daughter. Like a husband, the artist does not apply to relationships, so journalists have learned about their wedding by chance.

Marriage with Diana became for Eugene second. Previously, he was married to the beloved from his hometown of Kaliningrad. The couple even managed to become parents of the daughter named Anastasia. Former spouses retained friendship, and his father helped the girl getting an education in Poland.

Rosovang leads personal accounts in social networks. Her profiles can be found in "Instagram" and "Facebook". The actress regularly publishes personal photos, however, does not lay out pictures in the company of her husband and child. Like any choreographer, Diana is the owner of an accurate figure, but, contrary to stereotypes, does not lay out the images on which it appears in a swimsuit. Instead, it is more likely to appear in images from films and serials.

The growth of the artist is 170 cm, and the weight is 55 kg.


Professional debut Rosovan took place immediately after release from the university. In 2013, she starred in the television series "Kiss", created by the reasons of Soviet film "Moscow I do not believe in tears." Following the filmography was replenished with a multi-sieuled project "The Last Yanychar", and then the light saw the series "Podlids". The premiere of the latter took place in 2016 on the "home" channel, thanks to which Diana gained fans among the Russian audience. Success secured participation in the Die-3 project.

Rosovlyan received the first major role of Diana, agreeing on shooting in the "Dance of Motilla". To this period, work on the series "Give me life". 2019 brought actress participation in creating the film "Birds of the Soul", dedicated to the life of the poet and dissident Vasily Stus. In the project she got the role of the first plan. At the same time, Rosovyan was involved in the release of the series "Mother's Heart".

Diana became part of the creative team who worked on the Christmas fairy tale for the children "hellish chorugwe, or Cossack Christmas". The tape was based on the composition of the Ukrainian storyteller Sashko Lirnik "On the Old Cossack, a Christmas line, four horns and Cossacks". Picture premiere was held on January 1, 2020.

Diana Rosovyan now

Ukrainian actress is a hostage of a certain type, which rarely receives invitations to work on full-length films. Now she is waiting for new interesting proposals.

Having found a calling on television, Diana expands skills. Its creative biography makes more diverse employment in the "scene-6" theater troupe.


  • 2013 - "Kiss!"
  • 2015 - "Last Yanychar"
  • 2016 - "Podkinyshi"
  • 2016 - "Ask the Autumn"
  • 2017 - "Die-3"
  • 2017 - "Give me life"
  • 2017 - "Dance Motilla"
  • 2017 - "The one who is not sleeping"
  • 2018 - "Journey to the center of the Soul"
  • 2019 - "Mother's Heart"
  • 2019 - "Bird of the Soul" ("Forbidden")
  • 2019 - "Hell Khorugwa, or Christmas Cossack"

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