Shekhzade Bayazid - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Son Suleiman Magnificent



Shehzade Bayazid was a legitimate child of Sultan Ottoman Empire Suleyman's magnificent, which was ruled in 1520-1566 and his wife Hurrem-Sultan. The young man performed the responsibilities of the Governor of the Turkish city of Manisa and in adulthood was considered one of the main contenders for the throne.

Childhood and youth

Shehzade Bayazid was born in Harem Sultan Suleiman I in one day of 1525. He was the 4th son of the favorite concubine of the ruler of Hurrem-Sultan, subsequently became a legitimate wife.

The childhood of the boy passed in the Palace in Istanbul, in the society of the mother, sisters of Michrima, as well as the Senzade of Shehzade Mehmed, Shehzade Selim and early deceased Shehzade Abdullah. There was also a scorch of the former favorite of the Ottoman ruler Makhidevran-Sultan - Shehzade Mustafa.

Portrait of Suleiman Magnificent and his son Shehzade Bayazid

Experienced teachers were engaged in the education and training of the heir. Bayazid mastered the diploma and calligraphy, and then moved to the study of foreign languages, accurate, natural and humanitarian sciences.

When it came to practicing in a military business, he began masterfully to own the sword and onions with arrows. The acquired skills were tested in the campaigns in the company of the Father.

According to the tradition of tradition, all recognized children of the Ottoman rulers were hard fate. Daughters at an early age were married to unloved men, and sons from the first days of life fought for inheritance and power.

Young Shehzade hated each other and suspiciously treated the eldest, their enemy was considered every blood relative, who claimed the throne. Princes sought to please the Father to defeat in a kind of competition, because the defeated deaths expected an inevitable death.

Bayazid has repeatedly proved the parent that he is a talented conqueror and reliable defender. The verification of the present battles The young man was held in the early 1540s. At the age of 16, the matters that was considered a full-fledged member of a male society, fought against high-quality trained Hungarian soldiers.

The conflict of Suleyman's magnificent with the Europeans proved that the Son is ready for independent life and can enduring the province of Konya subsequently for him later.

Personal life

In the personal life of the fifth son Suleiman a great special place was occupied by Haseki Fatma. Judging by the snubs, this concubine possessed an unlimited influence in the harem and had a number of privileges and freedoms.

Fatma was born between 1527-1530 in Syria or in the Caucasus and was allegedly Cherkhenka by nationality. The beauty of the natives of these regions was very popular in the Harem of the Ottoman Empire. After hitting the heir to Suleiman I at a young age, she became a spouse Prince. By the age of 13, a small girl was ripe for children.

The firstborn who was named Shehzade Orhanom, made the mother with his beloved concubine of the parent. Courtnic, surrounding the prince, called Mrs. Fatma-Sultan.

Shekhzade Bayazid - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Son Suleiman Magnificent 4398_2

The position of the favorite obliges to know foreign languages ​​and calligraphy. Osman's sons, Abdullah, Mahmoud and Murad, with the help of the parent, comprehected the aza of the ancient sciences. The daughters who were the granddaughters of Suleiman gorgeous, got a good education and became spouses of noble, but self-wired people. So, Mikhruzy-Sultan after the death of the Father and the brothers hit the Garem Damat Muzaffra Pasha from Turkey.

According to Legend, Shehzade Bayazid had offspring from other concubines, Aishe-Sultan girl was born in Konia in 1553. At the age of 15, she was given to the patronage of the official from the city of Tokat - Eratnoogli Khoja Ali Pasha.

The authors of the series "Magnificent Century" offered their own interpretation of distant events and the biography of the descendant of Suleiman I. According to the version of the scenario, the Ottoman Sultan's offset had an uncountable number of wives. Fatma-Sultan retained the place of the favorite, but Cherkhenyke little was given by the supervision of the names of Hurijikhan, Rene and Made.


Starting from 1553, the crown of Mustafa and the exaltation of Shehzade Selima, Bayazid received a ghost chance to take a place in the Turkish throne. However, he was accused of unrest around the country.

After the death of Hurrem-Sultan, which took care of the well-being of the Son, the relationship between the remaining blood of blood relatives was aggravated to the limit. Mentor and teacher Shehzade passed the oil into the fire - Lala Kara Mustafa Pasha. Suleiman I, who wanted to remain as long as possible in power, was afraid of a new coup attempt (the first, according to legend, took Shehzade Mustafa in the early 1530s).

According to the advice of the Great Vizier, with the time the "Cypriot Conqueror" received a nickname, the ruler of the Ottoman Empire sent Bayazid and Selim in the province, as much as possible from the capital.

The fourth Son of the concubine of Hurrem, who remembered the death of her older brother, at first refused to go to Amassia and settled in Kuthevye. But the Iron Will of the Father won, and he took the post of governor of the Turkish city, located in the mountains.

Suleiman Magnificent Curses Son Shekhzade Bayazid

In December 1558, the warrior participating in the armed conflict between the Sefavoid state and the Ottoman Empire collected supporters-Yanychar and entrenched the governor. Suleiman I regarded the actions of the younger son as preparations for the rebellion and did everything possible to secure Istanbul.

By order of the mistress against Shekhda Bayazid, Sekhzade Selima spoke out, and the senior representative of the Sultansky family won near the city of Konya. The commander of the defeated troops sent a letter to the parent with a request for pardon, but the cruel Ottoman ruler has no feeling of pity.


Using that the Father, until the end of life, would not leave thoughts about the persecution, Bayazid in a hurry left the hospitable Amassia with four sons from Fatma Sultan and hid in the Palace of the Iranian Shaha Tahmaspa. Ambassadors Suleiman, who learned about flight, asked the ruler of Sefevidov to give or execute the rover. In return, he was sent a generous gift - the mountains of gold from Shehzade Selima and his father.

In the middle of 1561, the Persian satisfied with the son of Hurrem in Istanbul, and supporters, Yanychar killed.

The reason for the death of Bayazid was the revenge of the Ottoman Sultan, His with four sons were executed in Kazvini. The very young descendant of rebellious Shehzade from Amasia was strangled in Turkish Bursa heartless executioners.

The founder of Kurdish historiography Sharaf-Khan V Shamsaddin Bidlisi wrote that after the murder, the family of the heir of the Ottoman throne was crossed in Van. The grave wanted to place in Istanbul - the center of mosques and mausoleums in Istanbul, but as a result, the funeral was held in the tomb of Melik-Ajm in the western part of the village of Sivas.

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