Pedro Alonso - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



In 2017, the Spanish TV series "Paper House" was released on the NetFlix platform, which quickly became an international hit. In the criminal thriller about the robbery of the coin court, Pedro Alonso played and conflicting role, which in his native Spain has long been popular and spectator love. In the account of the actor dozens of roles in the TV shows and the full-length movie.

Childhood and youth

Pedro Gonzalez Alonso was born on June 21, 1971 in Vigo - the port of Galicia. He grew up in a family belonging to the middle class. These were the usual respectful Spaniards, confessing Christianity and went to work "from call to call." Pedro lost his father already in adulthood, but his death for a 45-year-old actor became a real shock. In the sign of love and respect to the parent Alonso took his rustic nickname O'Shoro as a pseudonym.

Such a name, the Spaniard signs his books and picturesque work, since the acting talent of his diving is not exhausted. As a child, Alonso led in the newspaper the daily column dedicated to football, and did not stop writing throughout life. After graduating from school, the young man moved to Madrid, enrolling in the Higher Royal School of Dramatic Art, where, together with acting craft, he studied journalism.

However, the path to fame was not lined with rose petals: In his youth, a graduate of a prestigious university worked as a bartender in the gay bar, for which he now receives comments about the unconventional orientation.

Personal life

Probably, Alonso was married, at least, from the previous relationship he remained a daughter Uriel, born in 1998. Pedro fundamentally holds a personal life in the shade and on the question of journalists about his beloved woman answers the brief:

"Her name is Tatiana. It's enough".

However, the curious public, armed with "Instagram" and other social networks, has requested additional information about the friend of the Spanish actor. Judging by the research of fans, her name is Tatyana Georgevich and she lives in Paris, engaged in hypnotherapy. A couple with a sweetheart writes a book.

Pedro Alonso and Tatyana Georgevich

The artist itself is close experiments with spiritual practitioners. Being a twin on the sign of the zodiac, it is distinguished by increased activity and strong energy, always seeks to understand his own essence and adopt the complexity of the inner world. Stress and stress it removes with the help of meditation, and also fond of shamanism.

Pedro is sure that he carries the echoes of past lives, and the results of immersion in the depths of consciousness and movements to another body formed the basis of his book Libro de Filipo. Tom dedicated to the Life and Personal Growth of the Roman Warrior of Philip is illustrated by the work of the actor.


Pedro filmography started in 1995 with the role in the painting "Habits". Since then, the Spaniard has starred in dozens of films and serials, including both little-known and rating projects like a "Central Hospital" or "Ministry of Time". Static Alonso's type (with an increase in 181 cm that weighs 74 kg), having charismatic features, predetermined his acting role, and playing it mostly villains or characters with a double bottom.

He brought the greatest fame in the TV series "Father Casares", "under suspicion" and "Grand Hotel", where the Spaniard played Diego Murkiy. The international glory of Pedro gained after entering the caste of a "paper house", where Krasul Corbero, Alvaro Morta, Alba Flores, became colleagues around the court. The witnessing series is dedicated to the suicer rusting of the Spanish Mint, to carry out a different company with a criminal past.

The brain of operation has become a professor, and the nameless heroes who received nicknames on the names of cities were helped by the brain. Alonso Character called Berlin. Pedro once again played a charismatic hero, who in the impulse of the feeling of his own superiority often overtakes a stick.

Despite the fact that Berlin is an obvious psychopath, singing songs during deaths, and his cracked laughter reminds Joker, he is still capable of calling at the viewer with sympathy and sympathy.

The emotion palette becomes complicated after flashbacks in the past, when it becomes known that the hero Alonso is a brother of Professor, not from a good life in his youth, who received problems with the law. Thus, Pedro turned out to be able to split the audience perception from hatred and disgust to acute pity and even admiration.

After the triumph of the series in international rental, the Spaniard became a star. He continued to film and serials, among whom "betrayal", "Guardian devil" and "silence of swambs".

Pedro Alonso now

Pedro continues to be filmed in the TV series "Paper House", the final season is scheduled for May 2021. In 2020, for this work, FILMING ITALY BEST MOVIE AWARD awarded him an international prize. This news and other interesting facts of biography, as well as fresh photos of fans find in "Instagram" - the only social network where Spaniard leads the account.


  • 2006-2008 - "Husbands and women"
  • 2008-2015 - "Father Casares"
  • 2010 - "18 dishes"
  • 2011-2013 - "Grand Hotel"
  • 2014-2015 - "Under suspicion"
  • 2015 - "Stranger"
  • 2015 - "Driving Beach"
  • 2015 - "Royal Hospital"
  • 2016 - "Ministry of Time"
  • 2016 - "Embassy"
  • 2017-2018 - "betrayal"
  • 2017-2020 - "Paper House"
  • 2018 - "Guardian Devil"
  • 2019 - "Silence of Swamp"

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