The team "I was offended" - history of creation, composition, news, photos, kVN, participants, captain Alexander Schneider 2021



"I was offended" - a bright team of KVN, who had time to love to love the public behind the non-bank humor and dynamic numbers. In a short time, the team managed, playing in the Premier League, go to the highest. Jokes of participants on the relationship of men and women have already divided quotes.

The history of creation and composition

The history of the creation of a team, which later became the national team of universities NSU - MISIS, began in May 2014 in Novosibirsk. The project included six charming participants - Ekaterina Ivanov, Varvara Lyubez, Julia Gareeva, Tatiana Tigina, Alena and Yana Bobrov. In addition, the sound operator Fedor Panfilov worked with Cavanesers.

Initially, the team was exclusively feminine. For a long time, the girls assured themselves that the team does not need bright front-manners. However, in 2018, at the festival in Sochi, the student met with a director and a former member of the "Sega Mega Drive 16 Bit" Ilya Aksenov.

Ilya brought the film "KVNschiki", the ironic comedy, telling about the difficult weekdays "fun and resourceful" on the path to glory. The creator of the picture invited Siberians to watch, and after he suggested trying to play together, come up with an original concept.

Girls happily agreed and began preparations for the Premier League. The process complicated that "I was offended" was geographically in Novosibirsk, and Aksenov worked in Moscow. Discussion of jokes and specific numbers was discussed with the director of Skype, and then 2 weeks before the participants came to the capital and worked out the prepared material.

At the end of 2019, when the team got into the final of the "Prime Minister", and after passed to the Higher League, Sibiryachk began to prepare the program for Kivina-2020 in Sochi. However, a month before the start of the Music Competition, Ilya reported that he leaves the project. The fact that Aksenov can leave, the girls have already thought, but did not assume that the director would be able to do it immediately before the performance at the festival.

Participants were not confused and urgently found a new frontman. They became the former captain of the Novosibirsk team "City Excursion" Alexander Schneider. Previously, they have already collaborated with Cavencecchik as the author's jokes for their performances, players often communicated. Urgently, "I was offended" revised the concept, setting up a new member.


The debut speech of the team took place in 2015 on the open League of Novosibirsk. For 2 years, girls managed to go to the local Premier League. The jokes of the participants liked the public so that in the same 2017 Sibiryachk switched to the first league. On the way to the dream, get to the Moscow Premier League "I was offended" stubbornly walked through various competitive stages.

And finally, after participating in the Interregional League KVN Siberia, the team managed to achieve the desired goal. The first performance at 1/8 of the game revealed the unusual and originality of the material represented by the team.

Jokes were mainly aimed at raising stamps characteristic of women's companies: women's friendship, karaoke, parting with men. Each participant was a certain type, and Yana Bobrova, together with Ilya Aksenov, was played on the scene of the Course's relationship.

The image of a harsh brutal guy in a raincoat who wants to pick up the beloved directly from the game (with a corona phrase: "Yana, get together, went"), made a comedy contrast with the female part of the team. The team played in 1/8 and 1/4, but the judges chose other collectives for the semifinals. However, the spectators "I was offended" fell in the soul, and by means of a good girl turned out to be in one step to the final.

In this round, the Competition "Freestyle" was especially memorable public, in which Sibiryachi beat the topic of tales about Snow White and seven gnomes. Actor Alexey Maclakov, who came to the scene in the image of the ensign from the popular series "Soldiers" came as a guest star in the room.

For the final "I was offended" prepared three bright numbers. In the "Greeting" competition, the participants of "Plus-7", "Python Cities", "Buryats" and other teams helped beauties. In the musical competition, the jokes were built on the topic of Ilya's departure from "I was offended", which soon became a reality.

In January 2020, the girl acted at the festival in Sochi, and already in September appeared on the first channel in 1/4 of the highest league.

The game took place in the Crimea, in the open concert hall-amphitheater. The team introduced a bright program with relevant jokes on a coronavirus infection, but she failed to get into the next round.

"I'm offended" now

The second time to storm the highest league team went in 2021. In her group of 1/8 finals met the teams "Red Fox", "Family Stuffs", "Elusive Joe" and "IP Bondarev".

In greetings, humorists used Hit Olga Buzova "so much", and also skillfully included the mention of the singer in one of the scenes, having caused the sincere emotions of the ex-leading "House-2". The following stages were successfully - in the music number, the guys used recorded video with Pelagiai.

The rivals were one step ahead of the command. For ahead, "IP Bondarev", "Unstoppable Joe" and "Family Stuff" were held. "I was offended" with a result of 12.7 points ranked last place in the group.

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