Polina Wesheck - Photo, Biography, News, Personal Life, Figure 2021



Polina Shelney was a suggestive athlete, but never became a star of adult figure skating. But she entered the story as the first talent, the Outdoor coach Eteri Tutberidze, and became an example for his disciples.

Childhood and youth

Polina Zepers was born on July 28, 1995 in the Russian capital. From an early age of biography, the future celebrity was active and mobile, because of which the parents decided to give it to the sport. Polina attended the swimming section along with the elder brother and was engaged in gymnastics, but when the girl was 4 years old, the mother took her to figure skating.

The first view was held at CSKA school, where the little athlete did not like it. Her career on ice could not start, but the shelney fell to Eteri Tutberidze. In those years, the mentor coached older children, so long looked after a beginner figure skater, which demonstrated enviable perseverance for preschool.

As a result, a whole group of kids gathered under the leadership of Tutberidze, among which Polina was distinguished. At one time she was a tenderkind in figure skating, because nature was awarded the athlete talent to jump. Already at the age of 6, she mastered all the doubles, 10 - triple and cascades 3-3, and at 12 I first tried to execute a quadruple jump.

Soon the little asterisk began to write in the press, and the name of her coach rang on the whole world. But at first, both of them had to be difficult, because the pupils of Tutberidze did not even have their own ice. They were engaged in "silver sharks", where they divided the rink with hockey players. Polina constantly lacked time preparation, but even in such conditions, she revealed its potential.

Personal life

The celebrity does not reveal the details of personal life and prefers not to talk about it during an interview.

Figure skating

For the first time, the athlete turned the attention of the public when he won the bronze medal at the Russian championship among juniors, after which he instantly hooked in the eyes of rivals. The Star Hour of the Figureki came in the 2009/2010 season, because she showed itself well at the stages of the Junior Grand Prix in Belarus and Hungary, which brought the country two gold medals. In the final, student Tutberidze was no less bright, but conquered silver.

Polina Zepalen and its coach ETER Tutberidze

At that time, the shelney was at the peak of the form, looked small, fragile and clever, and her arbitrary program under the folk song "Bulkushka" conquered everyone. Did not prevent an athlete even an unexpected growth jump, which eventually achieved only 163 cm. She invariably shone at the Grand Prix stages and was in the three leaders in the Russian championship, only the main prize of the World Championship never conquered a junior, which never got to Pedestal.

However, while Polyna's competitions remained smiling and cheerful, everything was not so rosy in her life. Although the difficult conditions of training have long remained behind, after all, the Tutberidze group was engaged in "Crystal", the shelney did not feel comfortable. The transitional age and conflict relationship with the coach affected.

According to the memories of Polina, they often swore from Eteri Georgievna, because of which an athlete sometimes escaped from the rink and missed classes. Later she admitted that she was her wines, but at the same time the figure skater suffered terribly, because there was no married interest from the mentor. In the group, new stars were adjusted - Julia Lipnitskaya and the Supplement of Evgeny Medvedev came, and she felt as if she had written off.

Therefore, one day after the next conflict, the shelery could not stand and asked her mother to pick her. On that day, she left silently, without finding out relationships and extra words, and only a few years later found the strength in herself to meet with Tumberidze and ask for forgiveness.

And then, after care, Polina was in confusion and did not know what to do next. She even wanted to cross out sports from life, but the parents persuaded to stay and try their strength from another coach. So the shephen was in CSKA, where he was engaged in Svetlana Sokolovskaya.

Soon with the figure skater, there was a misfortune - during the training it was damaged, because of which it was hard to stand on skates. Doctors put the athlete diagnosis "stretching", and she continued to ride, overcoming pain.

For some time, the celebrity was engaged in America under the leadership of Roman Serov, and then decided to change citizenship and move from the Russian national team to the Israeli national team. There, during the survey, it turned out that all this time, the shelery was trained with a bundle of ligaments. Because of this medical error, the athlete urgently needed an operation, and then followed a long period of recovery during which it could not go on ice.

In 2014, the girl announced the completion of the career, which was not easy for her. At the time when she decided that everything was over with figure skating, Sokolovskaya came to the rescue, which suggested trying himself as a mentor. The first time of Polina was content with the position of the second coach, and then decided to engage individually.

Polina Shephen now

In 2020, the name of the shelery remains on hearing. Now the celebrity actively gives interviews and is divided by an expert opinion on the events that occur in the world of figure skating. In addition, she leads a page in "Instagram", where publishes the photo and reports news.


  • 2007/2008 - Bronze meditator of the championship of Russia among juniors
  • 2009/2010 - Bronze meditance of the championship of Russia among juniors
  • 2009/2010 - Winner of the Junior Grand Prix stage in Belarus
  • 2009/2010 - Winner of the Stage of the Junior Grand Prix in Hungary
  • 2009/2010 - Silver winner of the Junior Grand Prix
  • 2010/2011 - Silver winner of the Russian championship among juniors
  • 2010/2011 - Bronze winner of the Stage of the Junior Grand Prix in the Czech Republic
  • 2010/2011 - Winner of the Stage of the Junior Grand Prix in France
  • 2011/2012 - Silver winner of the championship of Russia among juniors
  • 2011/2012 - Winner of the Stage of the Junior Grand Prix in Latvia
  • 2011/2012 - Winner of the Stage of the Junior Grand Prix in Romania
  • 2011/2012 - Silver winner of the Junior Grand Prix
  • 2012/2013 - Winner of Turinra Ice Star

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