Waha Agayev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, State Duma Deputy



In the second half of September 2020, three people were celebrating on March 15, the heroes of newspaper publications were celebrated. On September 18, at the age of 87, a member of the US Supreme Court Ruth Ginzburg, became famous for the struggle for the equality of floors. The next day, Vladimir Putin awarded the Order of Alexander the Nevsky-Rowers of the American lawyer - the designer of Herbert Efremova. And on September 23, an honorary citizen of the Chechen Republic died - a businessman Waha Agayev, who represented the Communist Party of the Communist Party in the Russian parliament.

Childhood and youth

Deputy State Duma was born 10 days after the death of Joseph Stalin. Waha Abuevich appeared not in the historical homeland, but in Kazakhstan, where the Chechens, like other "unreliable nationalities" (Ingush, Crimean Tatars, Balkarians), were deported in February 1944.

Memories of an early biography policy conducted in the city of Kzyl-Horde were complicit, because when the boy was 4 years old, Agayev returned to Chechnya. In an interview with Ruslan Kurbanov, Waha Abuyevich spoke of fraction of the pictures from childhood - Armenia and the central market, next to whom the family lived, and the road to the train home. From the memories of the senior relatives Agayev knew that his uncle, who lived in the neighboring Kazakhstan villages, did not have the right to go to visit each other.

In 24, the future deputy graduated from the Historical Faculty of Chechen-Ingush State University and worked as secretary of the Komsomol Committee. In 1981, a young Chechen joined the CPSU.

Personal life

Familiar characterized by a deputy as a spiritual, optimistic and hospitable person. Agayev's personal life was happy. Waha Abuevich and his wife raised two sons, Beckhan and Batyr, politics at the time of death had six grandchildren.

Beckhan Vakhaevich Agayev went on parental footsteps and also became a deputy of the State Duma. But the Son in the Parliament of the Russian Federation was not part of the father's faction, but represented the interests of the United Russia party. In 2009, Beckhan Agayev told the magazine "Results" about the restyling of his car Ferrari-430, as a result of which the cost of the car increased from 7 to 12 million rubles.

Waha Agayev and Ramzan Kadyrov

According to income declarations, Waha Abuyevich earned about 6 million rubles. per year, however, about the state of the Agayev family, it can be judged by the sons of the deputy to apartments in the LCD "Ostozhenka, 11" with a total value of 1.8 billion rubles. According to rumors, Agayev-Senior owned the 16-storey business center "Capital-Tower".

The title of Honorary Citizen Parliamentarian received for his contribution to the restoration of the Chechnya economy. A school in Urus-Martansky district was built on the funds of Wahi Abuyevich, a deputy financially supported the Grozny Football Club "Terek". He has repeatedly put in the example of Chechen businessmen Ramzan Kadyrov. The President of the Chechen Republic personally organized a celebration on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the policy in 2013. Many joint photos of Kadyrov and Agayev have survived.


Since 1984, Agayev has been working in the Audit Office of the USSR Ministry of Finance for the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Republic. To comply with the post office, the young communist replenished the collection of diplomas "crusts" of the Moscow Cooperative Institute.

In the biographies, Wahi Abuyevich is mentioned that the deputy was a doctor of economic sciences, but there are no information about the theme of the dissertation of Agaeva and the date of its protection. However, the competence of Chechen in this area is confirmed by practice. From 1992 to 1997, the Waha managed to Moscow and NGO "School", who stood in Lama Lama and NGOs, who was engaged in publishing, and in 1998 he established and headed the South-Petrohprodukt LLC.

In the State Duma, Agayev was held with the third attempt, becoming a deputy from the Krasnoyarsk Territory in December 2011 according to the CPRF list. During the second election in 2016, Waha Abuevich was part of the general part of the list of Gennady Zyuganov. Among the bills against whom Agayev voted, - changes to the privatization of municipal property, in accordance with which the objects of cultural heritage are prohibited to be published. The communist objected to the early termination of the deputies of Gennady Gudkov.

Deputy State Duma Waha Agayev

In early 2018, the Central Bank recalled the license from the Credit Bank LLC (RKB), which belonged to Vakha Abuevich and the sons of the deputy. According to the press release, the financial institution was focused on conducting questionable transit operations, that is, on revenue laundering. In 2016, RKB, like Agayevsky "South-Petroleum", listed by the Communist Party of the Communist Party of 43 million rubles.


The cause of the death of a 67-year deputy chairman of the Financial Market Committee of the Russian Federation was the consequences of coronavirus infection. The disease provoked the development of thrombosis, and the deputy fell into someone. Wahu Abuevich buried in the Chechen Republic.

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