Raisa Streltsova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Wife Edward Streltsova



This woman became the second wife of the famous Soviet football player with the tragic destiny Edward Streltsov. And in each interview with her, a moral aspect was raised - as Raisa Streltsova was able to live life with a man accused of a terrible crime.

Perhaps therefore her figure in the biography of an athlete played such a big role. It is easy to love a man who has no skeletons in the closet. There was a different story here. And in it, Raisa Mikhailovna deserves respect and respect, chasing to believe in the innocence of his beloved and forever to sneak out the unilent past spouse.

Personal life

Dating day with the future spouse of Raisa Mikhailovna remember - February 12, 1963. And in September the wedding was already held. By the way, among the relatives of the bride, only the mother was dissatisfied with the choice of her daughter. However, having communicated with the fiance, changed the opinion.

Raisa Streltsova, wife Eduard Streltsova

By character, Edward Streltsov's wife was tough. Starting to live with a football player, I did everything possible to remove the remains of the "thoughts of the world" from the family life. However, it cost her considerable works.

For a while he played the cards - former prisoners began to appear in the house. Specifically about the success of an athlete, they tried to deal with the former neighbor at the place of conclusion of convicted money or clothing. Raisa immediately gave to understand the spouse that this state of affairs does not suit her. And Eduard slowly "daddy" from the apartment of unlucky guests.

A happy couple was born a son, he was called Igor. Now he is in an interview sharing the details of the personal life of the parents.

Eduard, being a star on the field, was not aspaid in everyday life. Raisa Mikhailovna even called her husband a big child. According to the stories of the football player's wife, she had to leave in the refrigerator not only separately servings for him, but also to sign them. So that he knew that heat for breakfast, and what - for lunch.

Streltsov cared for her husband, somewhere regretted him, but tried to be tough and irreconcilable. Often showed discontent due to weakness and excessive kindness. It was very afraid that the past would overtake the chosen one. At the very beginning of relations, Eduard asked for a future wife to think about his innocence in that terrible crime, for which he conducted a few years.

And Streltsova performed this request. Although some facts from the biography of the spouse overtake it. She knew about the first wife Alla Streltsova. By the way, she divorced athlete at once, as he was condemned.

The new companion of life called this act by betrayal. Now it is not known whether she knew that Edward had met Hello after the wedding. But one thing did not work out - when the daughter of the first marriage Lyudmila Streltsova went to the 1st grade, the football player was financially helped by the ex-wife with shopping for school.

For Raisa, Mikhailovna, this act was understandable and explained, but offended the fact of trying to hide it. Subsequently, she did not interfere with the communication of his father with her daughter, but this did not happen. Although every time the athlete came from abroad, reminded him that he brought Hotel Lyudmila.

In the first years after the liberation, Eduard did not work. The family was held only on the wage wives. But she did not try to reproach the spouse, knowing that all his time was, and there was a right - soon the husband returned to the team.

However, this did not make a reason to breathe calmly. Woman worried about her husband, trying to hold a hand on the pulse. And carefully tracked new acquaintances, "dripping" those who influenced Eduard negatively.

Her son Igor Streltsov could not grow indifferent to the case of his father, but he did not work with a big sport. Mother believed that Edward became guilt, which was little given to the boy from the point of view of immersion in the subtleties of football kitchen.

Igor spent some time for Khmelnitsky "Podolia" in Ukraine. Raisa Mikhailovna itself caused him home after the news of the accident at the Chernobyl NPP. In Moscow, he spent the season in Dynamo double. At this Sport's sports career ended.

When Edward Donkey at home, Streltsova finally sighed calmly. The last years of the wife of the spouse was serene. And on the mortal Audas, Edward once again told a woman who managed to believe him contrary to the arguments of the court:

"Paradise, I'm not guilty of anything."


It is known that Raisa Mikhailovna worked all his life in the TSUM saleswoman. Recent years held a special warehouse and was in a good account with the leadership. She was attentive, collected and responsible worker, her colleagues respected. And the director of TsUM even hosted at the funeral of the former subordinate, agreed on the place in the cemetery.


The first stroke of the widow of the footballer happened shortly after the death of Edward. Her son somehow drove into visit, but could not reach it. I had to climb through a neighbor's balcony - I discovered a mother lying in the hallway.

She was put in the 13th hospital. It was lucky that there were familiar doctors - quickly put the patient on their feet.

When she was discharged home, the son tried to visit more often, but most of the worries took away his friend's friend Viktor Ivanovich. And even moved to be close, but one day he had to leave in the USA along with a swimming team. Then the Streltic and the second stroke happened.

This time, the shoulder was put on Pavel Pavlovich Borodin. Raisa Mikhailovna was arranged in the Kremlin hospital, cured.

Raisa Streltsova, wife Eduard Streltsova

After a while, the wife of the famous football player went to Sochi together with Viktor Ivanovich. Between them there was a small disadvantage, and next - the third stroke, which caused the cause of death.

Friends helped with the carriage of the mother of Mother Igor. Ordered a special composition to dislike. Flights in the beginning of autumn were overloaded, so Viktor Ivanovich brought the deceased home right in a passenger car.

There were no problems on this: in Moscow morgue, they refused to accept. Helped the former head of Raisa Mikhailovna - in a matter of hours agreed on the place in the Danilovsky cemetery. There is a woman who has become a support and support for the star "Torpedo". It was not possible to bury me next to her husband: there were too heavy a monument, and there was no place nearby.

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