Oleg Sheps - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Brother Alexander Sheps 2021



Oleg Sheps grew up in an unusual family and has been standing out from childhood among peers thanks to the supernatural gift, which decided to declare to the whole country. Even before that, he gained popularity as a brother Alexander Sheps - the winner of the 14th season of the Russian show "Battle of Psychics".

Childhood and youth

Oleg Sheps appeared on April 29 in Samara. He was a junior child in a large family and since childhood had supernatural abilities. The gift of psychic transfers to the medium from Mother Ludmila Mototna. Despite the fact that the woman is a nurse by profession, it is popular among the locals, because he is engaged in spiritualism, goes tarot on maps and writes books.

At the age of four, Oleg first ran into an overwhelming world when he saw strange entities near his bed. On that day, the boy learned that the elder brother Alexander posses a similar gift. The rest of the children do not have unusual abilities, like their father, who is a cemetery worker. Although his heirs often have to face supernatural, the head of the family remains far from mysticism, but enjoys respected thanks to wisdom and life experience.

Mother and brother from an early age tried to protect Oleg from the use of talent, fearing that would have to pay for it a high price. Like Alexander, who wanted to get an acting education, the young medium tried to lead the usual life. He entered the Samara State Technical University, but in secret continued to develop the gift, who after Alexander led him to the "battle of psychics".

Personal life

About the personal life of celebrities is known little, according to information from open sources, Oleg has Olga girl.

"The fight of extrasensories"

In September 2020, the premiere of the 21st season of the "Battle of Psychics" was held on the TNT TV channel, whose participant became Sheps. According to the rules on the show, people with supernatural abilities from different parts of Russia and the world are collected, which compete for the main prize, passing the tests that allow fully revealed unusual talents.

According to Oleg, he came to the project to demonstrate his gift, to help guests of the program and, if possible, give a head to the eldest brother. Alexander commented on the participation of a relative among the first, stating that he would not help him when passing the tests, but always ready to give advice and share experiences. In addition, the winner of the "Battle" noted that Sheps, like no other, aware of the seriousness of being in transmission and responsibility to people who are asked for help.

The first test that Oleg had happened, became the search for a person in the trunk. Although he was unable to fulfill the task, struck the medium-present gift - the ability to interact with the world of the dead. The psychic called on the deceased relatives present in the pavilion, which shared the facts from their biographies. As a result, Sheps managed to hit even the avid skeptics, and soon it was lined up the queue of people who wanted to learn from him as much as possible.

After that, the participant went to the next test, where he had to reveal the identity of Miser X, who was Olga Buzova. Psychic said that he felt the female energy and called the girl beautifully sitting behind the screen than he was embarrassed by the TV presenter. In addition, he unmistakably defined the color of the hair and eye of the artist, and also noted that the elected star does not like her mother. Olga was impressed by Oleg's abilities, but the last statement left no comment.

According to the results of the issue, it became known that Sheps will join other participants and competes for the main prize. Among his competitors were the writer Maryan Romanova, TV host Max Rapoport and Jeweler Mikhail Isakov.

The viewers of the show immediately contributed Oleg to the number of favorites, and some even called him the main contender for the victory. The participant managed to hit the public not only with his gift, but also a bright appearance, which was compared with the model. But some network users have been skeptical and stated that it is too obviously promoted because of the relationship with Alexander.

Oleg Sheps now

Now fans are followed by news from the life of psychics on the official website, in the account in VKontakte and on the Instagram page, where he publishes the photo and shares his thoughts.

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