Alexey Kallima - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Artist 2021



Alexey Callima is a Russian artist, whose work refer to the direction of non-specification. Among the author's projects, paintings, frescoes and installations are presented, and the main leitmotif of creativity are war and people who have become hostages. Often in the works of the master we are talking about the citizens of the Chechen Republic, who survived the devastating battles, but without folklore and historical references.

Childhood and youth

Alexey Kallima is a native of Grozny. He was born in 1969 and conducted childhood in Chechnya. From the young years he was fond of creativity. The boy believed that animation and director - directions representing modern, so tried to draw cartoons. Subsequently, this belief will be viewed in the works of the artist performed by the aesthetics of comics and animation.

Alexey moved to Russia shortly before the start of hostilities in Chechnya, therefore did not consider himself to the number of authors who had a full-fledged understanding of the conflict. These events artist observed not personally, but on the TV screen. Callima graduated from the Krasnodar Art School in the direction of "Painting".

Gradually developing in the profession, the artist moved to Moscow. In 2001, he became a curator of the Gallery "France" and, devoting himself to visual art, was repeatedly provided by the participant and exponent of international biennale.

Personal life

Callima is married to Inn Boguslavskaya. She is also a representative of the creative profession. A woman is engaged in the manufacture of glass and fabric accessories. In the store that Inna is managed, you can buy a variety of objects from decorations in the form of earrings and necklaces to lamps, bags, mirrors and abstractions.

Couple brings up common children - Son and daughter. Alexey does not apply to personal life, but in his personal account in Facebook there are photos with loved ones.


Having received an academic education, Callima was raised on the socially owned foundations of fine art. Experimenting in this direction, the artist began to cooperate with the Metropolitan Society "Radek". He organized the performers as a curator of the gallery and the artist, created installations and radi-meys.

By the mid-2000, the author returned to the genreally familiar to him - creating an image in the picture format. From 2003 to 2007, a creative figure used in the work of invisible ink, which became noticeable under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Luminescent flicker complemented the image of the described heroes, which were all the same Chechens. The artist's creative piggy bank during this period was replenished with household sketches. For the canvas about the Football Tournament "Terek" - Chelsea, created in 2005, Callima received an award "Innovation".

From 2004 to 2010, the main theme of the Master's creativity was the war in Chechnya. The author depicted Chechens, trying to overcome the stereotypical judgment about the nation, treated through Russian culture and political debate. The works attended the fantasy motive. So a series "Women's Championships of Chechnya on Parachute Language" appeared.

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Kallima material used paper or canvas, as well as sanguine and coal. Some of his paintings were depicted directly on the walls. Sometimes to create new projects, the artist used oil or acrylic. The "Guria" series includes the number of works written during this period.

The creative manner of Alexei Kallima assumes the presence of abstract images, which are based on ornaments, spots, points or vortices. In 2010, the Master's glance turned towards the romanticism of everyday life, and among his sketches, images of streets, public transport, roads appeared.

In 2012, the light saw pictures, in the creation of which bright paints are involved, which was not characteristic of the style of Callima earlier. The author worked as oil and watercolor, turning to the semi-abstraction. The exact images collected from spots and a variety of elements, reminded art historians to the Manner of French artists who belonged to the unification of Nabi. One of the popular works of this period were "Dancing Ghosts".

The creative biography of Alexei Kallima is the path from witnessal plots to abstract images, from pastel tones to a bright color palette. In its work, shades and composition as a means of artistic expressiveness describing feelings are accurately balanced. Pictures and art objects of the authorship of Callima were presented at exhibitions in Russia, France, Great Britain, USA, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland and in other countries.

Alexey Kallima now

In 2020, the public interest again turned to the work of the artist, but the reason for this was not a new stage in his career, but public censure caused by the work of the master. The work "between randomness and necessity", capturing militants on vacation, was presented in the Tretyakov Gallery as part of the exhibition "Generation XXI". The indignation of visitors provoked the plot of the paintings. It depicts two Chechen soldiers, one of which rests, and the second prays.

Visitors of the exhibition embarrassed romanticism with which Callima portrayed Chechens, reminding the severity of military conflicts that brought bloodshed and human sacrifices. Spectators whose feelings were insulted, presented claims not to the artist, but the administration of the gallery, which made exhibits to participate in the project. In an interview, the author reported that he understood the reaction of visitors who could outraged the romantic manner of the image.

Now the artist continues to work in the technique and stylistics, which preference has given in recent years. For him, there are no forbidden topics. Callima raises no question of an interethnic and social retail, but speaks of the destructive power of war and its aesthetics.

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