Andrei Nazarov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Prime Minister Bashkortostan 2021



Andrei Nazarov is a Russian politician and a businessman, an honorary citizen of the city of Sibaya of the Republic of Bashkortostan. His biography is a history of a person who has achieved success with hard labor.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Gennadyevich Nazarov was born on April 28, 1970 in Baymak. Father worked as a driver, mother - accountant. Parents tried six times to conceive a child and, when a future politician appeared for three weeks ahead of time, did not believe in their happiness for a long time. A little later, the younger sister Svetlana was born. Soon the family moved to Sibay, where the boy graduated from secondary school number 6.

As a child, Andrei dreamed of becoming a hockey player or cosmonaut. But fate violated his plans, when in 1986 the guy lost his father. In earlier youth Nazarov already fed the family.

He worked as a driver and in parallel received an education in the Sibai mining technique in the specialty "Maintenance and repair of cars". After that, he entered the Alma-Ata Institute of National Economy, which graduated in 1995.

Personal life

A man has a career all his life, there was no time for stupidity. His personal life is calm and stable.

With his wife Larisa businessman was friends with childhood. According to him, already at the age of 14, the girl learned to sign the name Nazarov. Young people got married in 1988, a year later, Denis's son was born. There were no more children in this marriage.

Judging by some photos in "Instagram", in his free time, the politician plays hockey and is fond of horse riding.

Career and politics

In 1999, Nazarov created the company "Bashkir Trading House". The co-founder Ilshat Nigmatullin subsequently married the sister of partner Svetlana.

At first, the Bashkir Trading House supplied fuel and lubricants to the Magnitogorsk Metallurgical Combine. Later, businessmen opened in the cities of Bashkiria a network of scrap metal reception points. In 2007, when Andrei Gennadevich became a deputy of the State Duma, he got rid of the company's shares.

In the early 2000th, the entrepreneur took up the construction business. The first project was the shopping center "Trans-Ural", at that time the largest in Sibay. Next Nazarov, the hotel "Golden Yurt", which was rested by visiting officials and the city elite.

At the same time, his company "Astrum" began to buy shopping sites in Ufa, Sterlitamak, Salavat, Beloretsk. After that, Andrei cleared the city markets and built shopping centers in their place. Now under the control of "Astrum" hundreds of thousands of square meters. m Square. Les Son Denis, who was previously a deputy City Council Sibaya.

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In 2010, the "Grave" received the first favorable contracts in the Moscow region. The company started with the completion of problem objects - the residential complex "Quarter Lukino", LCD "Malina", "Estet", "Novokosino-2" and many others. Thanks to the "Granles", 3.5 thousand deceived shareholders received their apartments.

In 2003, Andrei Nazarov was elected a member of the State Assembly (Kurulta) of the Republic of Bashkortostan. From 2007 to 2011, he was led by a deputy of the 5th convocation of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. Nazarova elected as part of the list of candidates nominated by the party "United Russia". He also became the first deputy chairman of the GD Committee on civil, criminal, arbitration and procedural legislation.

In the spring of 2010, Andrei Gennadyevich was elected Deputy Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization "Business Russia", which defended the interests of the business. From 2014 to 2019 he was its co-chair.

In 2011, Nazarov became the representative of President Bashkortostan on investment cooperation.

In October 2019, by Decree of the head of the head of Bashkiria, Radia Habirov politician was appointed First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Andrei Nazarov now

On September 17, 2020, the order of the Head of the Region, a businessman received the position of Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan. In terms of politics, a new second person is going to reduce the official apparatus and increase the efficiency of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Nazarov will pay special attention to business. Enterprises of the region should, in his opinion, lay compensation to the business plan to local residents for industrial activities if it affects their lives.

It is also planned to evaluate potential damage from production so that the enterprise will subsequently develop the infrastructure of the territory on which they work.


  • 1997 - Medal in honor of the 850th anniversary of Moscow
  • 2003 - Memorable badge "For the courage and love for the Fatherland 1941-1945"
  • 2008 - Honor of the President of the Russian Federation
  • 2010 - Honor Government of the Russian Federation
  • 2011 - Honor of the Chairman of the State Duma
  • 2015 - Honorary Citizen of Sibaya Republic Bashkortostan

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