Nina Baginskaya - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Belarusian Activist 2021



An example of Nina Baginskaya proves: in the elderly you can keep up with the times and express an active vitality. In 2020, the 73-year-old "grandmother of all Belarusians" became the heroine of political memes, gave an interview with numerous foreign media, and her photo was decorated with Italian Vogue. The fragile old woman turned out to be the owner of a strong spirit and is now considered the face of opposition activists, carrying the proud title of "Mother of the Belarusian Revolution".

Childhood and youth

Early years of the opposition did not particularly differ from childhood and the youth of most of her fellow citizens. Nina Grigorievna was born on December 30, 1946 in the post-war Minsk, which became his home for the rest of his life. Here she lived with her parents and two sisters first in a wooden two-story house in the Kaliningrad Lane, and then in a new building on Yakub Kolas Street. She studied at school number 73 and dreamed of intelligent land in geological journey.

Nina's active and irrepressive energy found a way out in sports: the girl early learned to ride a bike and already in school years achieved success in this form, participating in all-Union competitions. After graduating from school, Baginskaya did not immediately implemented children's dreams and first studied on the installer of radio equipment. After that, he entered the Ivano-Frankivsk Institute of Oil and Gas in Ukraine, where she received the cherished specialty of the geological exploient of oil and gas fields.

Personal life

Nina Grigorievna, together with his family, lives in the apartment that she got from his parents. In 1958, he received her father - chief engineer of the capital "Stroytress". The house stores memorable and dear hearts things: portrait of a husband, father's paintings, ancient handmade furniture, decorations. Looking at them, she revives in the mind cherished pages of biography and personal life.

Now the pensioner lives under one roof with his son, granddaughter and great-grandda. Despite the fact that it was tightly rushed by mem "I walk", Baginskaya does not like idle hits, but prefers to do business. Winter sews, and in the summer season he has been working at the cottage. Hardness, cheerfulness and sharp mind retains due to an active lifestyle and proper nutrition: eats exclusively natural useful products and drinks water infused on silicon.

Career and politics

Nina Grigorievna has time to try in life. She worked as a dramatic, geologist and specialist in radio production. Looking sewing, wood thread, knitting and weaving belts. However, Baginskaya's fame brought not professional achievements, but an active civil position. Dissidentic sentiments, she began to absorb still in school years, when he was addicted to the forbidden Samizdat literature - Alexander Solzhenitsyn, Andrei Sakharov, Anatoly Kuznetsov.

For the first time, the protest share of Belarusian was published in 1988, when, together with like-minded people, he participated in the rally dedicated to the Day of Moving ancestors (grandfathers) in Kuropatakh - at the place of mass burial shot in the 1930-1940 politically repressed fellow citizens.

Since then, the Baiga tens of times went to the streets in various reasons, which I have made no one hour in the press fifth and pre-detention cameras. Arrests did not pay off the civilian dust of the representative of the Belarusian Folk Front.

She burned the Soviet flag at the KGB building in 2014, speaking against Russia's intervention in the internal affairs of Ukraine. In 2015, I came to post the memory of Mikhail's Zwänevsky, who died on Euromaidan.

In 2017, he was on duty before the KGB with single pickets, supporting the participants of the "Patriots' case". In 2018, it turned out that the restaurant was built in memorial partridges. In 2019, she defended the schoolchildren accused of a political crime for the social sculpture.

Nina Baginskaya now

The presidential elections of 2020 in Belarus stirred in the country the unprecedented wave of protests. Nina Grigorievna, who went out to the streets with a red and white flag, in order to once again express their civil position.

Suddenly, the Baginskaya became the national heroine for himself thanks to the video, where in response to the attack of a riot police disarmingly stated: "I walk" - and continued the procession. The oncoming keeper of the order did not have anything left, as a gentlemanical to support the pensioner under the focus passing by.

The video became viral and gave rise to Internet memes, thanks to which fellow citizens and foreign media were painted Nina Grigorievna "Mother of the Belarusian Revolution". Foreign TV channels and local Youtyub-bloggers began to take pictures about it. The activist talked with Ksenia Sobchak, the Air Force news service and a number of European journalists, who spoke about their understanding of freedom and happiness.

"While my head is healthy, there is no Alzheimer (in old age, everything can be), I will walk with the flag," Baginskaya said with a smile.

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