Swami Shivananda - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Indian Guru



Swami Shivananda Sarasvati was an Indian philosopher, a legging, a spiritual teacher, as well as the founder of the so-called Society of Divine Life. Guru, who lived at the end of the XIX - early XX centuries, was the author of yoga benefits, meditation, medicine and other subjects.

Childhood and youth

Swami Shivananda Sarasvati was born under the ascending star Bharani, which mastered the sky in the morning of September 8, 1887. The place of the beginning of the biography of the famous philosopher is the village of Pattamaday, located in colonial India.

Parents who were intelligent and enlightened residents of the country, who were under the rule of Britain, were incompatible to the emergence of a third son called by bubpauses. Father Sri P. S. Venu Ier, a commercial official, began to work twice as much as to ensure the welfare of the replenished family. And the mother of Parvati Ammal, the religious God-fearing woman, followed the development of the child and brought up a desire to develop a horizon and love for the world around him.

In early childhood, the boy showed the first signs of involvement in Jnana, or spiritual knowledge, subsequently helped to take care of the neighbors who need moral and material support. He sympathized with disadvantaged people, fed them on the porch of his own home, no dogs, cats and sparrows were left without attention.

Interested in nature, Swami found out and brought older flowers and herbs to accomplish the rite of Shiva Puji, thus acquiring the ceremony of the traditional ritual worship of the "highest principle of consciousness" and learning what national rituals are.

In secondary school, Cuppecvami was among the best class students - annually received awards for successes in the development of complex general educational items.

In college, the young man with an inquisitive mind and solid character participated in scientific discussions. In the same place, he demonstrated the talent of the actor, fulfilled in the amateur play on the play of William Shakespeare "Sleep in the summer night" the role of Elena's obsessed Demetrius.

In 1905, the parents decided that the son should continue their studies in a medical school in Panjore. Incredibly hardworking young man sacrificed weekends for staying in the hospital and anatomical theater.

Cuppecs, who has successive in all disciplines, was the pride of mentors and teachers. At the senior courses, he surpassed in the level of knowledge of some graduate doctors and could respond to questions intended for the final exam.

So a native of little to the famous village received a bachelor's degree and became a practitioner internally in Turuchi. Wanting to bring as much benefit to others as possible, he founded the thematic magazine for money sent by a caring mother to cover current expenses.

"Ambrosia" spread among residents of South India for free. The main goal of a modest disinterested publisher was the transfer of accumulated experience, as well as sincere desire to deliver people's ailments.

The news of the young talented Leekar spread beyond the colony, Shivananda was invited to work in Malaysia in 1913.

Armed with a letter of recommendation to the owner of the local hospital, a graduate of the Medical Institute took the place of assistant, and then the manager. Getting $ 150 for work, the doctor accepted the poor patients for free, paid expensive medicines and dressing material. Once he helped the wandering monk, who in gratitude shared secrets of mastering spiritual, mental and physical practices common in Buddhism and Hinduism.

Spiritual practices and books

In his youth in the hands of Swami, the books of the famous Indian Guru Sri Swami Kuddapach Satchitananda, Swami Rama Tirtha, Shankara and Swami Vivekananda, Swami Rama Vivekananda. The material set out by an affordable language prompted the bachelor of traditional medicine to deepen into religion and join the art of yoga. With unrestrained zeal, the doctor studied the features of the ancient sacred rituals and reproduced the texts of spiritual chants. Having mastered the technique of meditations, he plunged into the "spiritual heart" and practiced tantric methods to achieve the harmony of vital currents by breathing.

For Sivananda, it was important to renounce material goods, despite the minor eccentrics and habit to a peaceful existence. This eventually led to a decision to leave the post of the Hospital Manager and devote the life of spiritual cleansing and self-improvement.

Swami returned to his homeland and went to the pilgrimage to the places where the wise men and yogi lived. In the process of wanderings, he was visited by the divine vision of the Lord Vishvanatha, who opened the way to a new enlightened world.

Staying in Rishikesh - the sacred city of the wise men, the former doctor met his grace Sri Swami Vishvananda Sarasvati. The monk dedicated to the development of concentration and meditation techniques, became the Guru Swami in 1924. In the monastery of Shiva, who was in the Himalayas, Shivananda passed the rite of cleansing Karma and stayed in the mountains to comprehend the principles of Sadhana.

Following the tenets of the yoga school, Swami settled in a small unheated hut and for a long time I observed the post and vow of silence. In winter, the Indian read the mantra, standing in the cold waters of the Gang River, and in the summer went to the neighboring village to teach residents of the basics of yoga therapy and help in need and sick.

The spiritual journey ended at the moment when the follower of Sri Swami Vishvananda Sarasvati reached the bliss of Nirvikalp Samadhi - the state of consciousness in which you can see the final truth.

In the following decades, the doctor who was renovated daily practiced Tapas and Sadhana daily to achieve spiritual perfection. In his housing, residents of colonial cities began to visit, who wanted to find peace and inspiration. Gradually, Shivananda turned into a famous Indian Guru and Yogina.

Despite the fact that the monk rarely went into the world, his teaching spread throughout the globe. The followers formed the Society of Divine Life, officially registered in 1936.

Among the students of the monk appeared a man named Swami Vishnudevanandu. The spiritual mentor sent him to Western countries in order to teach the teachings of Vedanta - the leading orthodox school of Hinduism.


Swami Shivananda died on July 14, 1963 in his own monastery, located on the banks of the Gang River, near the city of Rishikesh. The causes of the death of the Great Guru were not disclosed at the request of the followers who made the Society of Divine Life continue to exist and benefit to people all over the world.


  • "The desire stimulates the thought; The thought is embodied. The action is gossipped by a cloth of fate. "
  • "Each person is just the power of his imagination creates its own world of good and evil, pleasures and suffering. Good and evil, pleasure and suffering do not come from objects. They are determined by the settings of your consciousness. This world is neither kind nor joyful. So it creates your consciousness. "
  • "For yoga, the entire universe is contained in his body. His body and the universe consist of one matter. "
  • "The goal of yoga is in the integral development of all human abilities."


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