Radii Pogodin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Children's Writer



Radium Books Pogodin, in which the author accumulated life experience, love young and adult readers. In the biography of the author there were life in the village and the cultural capital, war, and the Gulag, the Far East and the Urals, work behind the locksmith, in the editorial office of the newspaper and for Easel.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born on August 16, 1925 in Novgorod, in the village of Duplevo Valdai County. Soon in the fate of the parents of the writer, cool changes occurred: Anna Gavrilovna and Peter Alekseevich moved to Leningrad and divorced. Radik stayed to live with his mother, the elder brother Kolya - with his father.

Before the war, he graduated from 8 classes, survived the second marriage of the mother, life with a pilot stepfather in the Far East, return to the city on the Neva and reunion with his brother. In 1941, Nikolai served in Belarus on the border and died in the first July Days.

In order to save the youngest son from an impending hunger, Anna Gavrilovna sent a radium to his relatives to the Novgorod village. However, even before establishing the blockade of Leningrad, the teenager returned to the mother to the communal room on Vasilyevsky Island and went to work in the auto repair shops of the North-Western Front.

In the early spring of 1942, Radia and Anna Gavrilovna were evacuated to the village of Kyn Molotovsk region (now Perm Territory). In the Urals, the young man worked as a fireman and an electrician in an orphanage. After half-year studies in the infantry school, Pogodin went to the front.

Rady Petrovich forced Dnipro, freed Warsaw and took Berlin. On the courage of the young warrior testifies to the wound and list of combat awards, among which 2 orders of glory and 2 orders of the Red Star. In the fall of 1945, Pushodin was demobilized in the rank of sergeant to pass the studies.

The young veteran entered the courses at the Leningrad State Institute, but did not go to the university - it began to drive around the country in search of the best share, lingering there, where workers were not only salary, but also a service diet. This criterion corresponded to a children's tuberculosis sanatorium in Yalta, where Radii worked for several months as an educator, and a fire station in Moscow, where Veteran entered the position of fire worker. Soon, Poshodin moved to the editor of the Fire Militail "Combat Signal", where he wrote notes and painted caricatures.

Personal life

Artistic skills received in the newspaper, Radiy Petrovich developed in the elderly - the paintings were added to the literary works, which Pododin wrote with oil colors. The artist had her workshop in the basement of the house on Pestel Street. In many photos, the pododin is captured with a brush in hand.

However, to a prosperous maturity, a man who has already survived the blockade, evacuation and front weekdays, was to get acquainted with Stalinist camps. In 1946, Andrei Zhdanov's article was published, who condemned the work of Anna Akhmatova and Mikhail Zoshchenko. At the meeting of the editorial board of the "combat signal", the protruding one after another branded "literary decishes". And only Radiy Petrovich dared to assume that the works of poetess and satiri will survive the time.

At night, after the meeting, the liberated litts studio of the "combat signal" came to the pododnik, and said that the editor wrote a denunciation and the former front-line need to prepare for arrest. Radija darted into Leningrad, stopped at the father in a communal on the street of the uprising and settled on the plant with a stampel. Soon the young veteran was arrested and sentenced to 5 years of camps. Afterceing half of the term, Pogodin came out of amnesty. But the combat Radia Petrovich was returned only in 1976.

About the personal life The author of the post-war soup did not apply, and many readers believed that the writer remained a bachelor. In fact, at the end of 1950, Radiy, who worked as a assembly, married Margarita Nikolaevna Kovtun and lived with his wife for 42 years, up to his death. A few months after the death of Joseph Stalin, the daughter of Lena was born.


In 1951, Radya Petrovich began to attend the litobullation, headed by Vsevolod, Christmas. In July 1953, a novice writer was invited to work in Yoshkar-Ola, to the local editorial office of the radio station. A year later, Pokhodin returned to the city on the Neva, but she no longer got up to the machine, focusing on literary work.

In 1954, the writer's debut was held - in Almana, "Frosterba" published a story "Morozko". In 1957, the first book was published, written by the Peasant Son, "Ant Oil", and in 1959 it is necessary for the recommendations of Yuri Herman and L. Panteleeva to the Union of Writers. In 1960, Radia Petrovich's book was first fascinated.

Since 1972, the director Radomir Vasilevsky specialized on the adaptation of works of the Posomir Vasilevsky. Music to the films created such star composers as Gennady Gladkov ("Include Northern Lights"), Vladimir Dashkevich ("Stories about Keshka and his friends"), Yevgeny Dog ("that Senka had") and David Tukhmanov ("Rock-N -Roll for princesses ").

In the early 70s, works of war appeared in the bibliography. These are the lead "Bridge", "pain" and the incomplete story of Athena Pallada. The echoes of the war are heard in the Koni Novel - four women in the village liberated from Germans plow the field, replacing missing horses.

Stories for children and adults Radiy Petrovich wrote a simple language, not flirting in front of the reader. In "Silence", the artist Kirill and the archaeologist Anatoly - adult citizens who came to the village for rest, help to fold the oven teenager Grisch, and a new master-liver appears on the village. Among the works of Pogodin, there are also fairy tales, plays and poems for children.


Pododin died in the penultimate March Day of 1993, only 8 years old survived the mother. The cause of the death of the writer was the lung cancer. Pogodin is buried at the Volkovsky Orthodox Cemetery of St. Petersburg.

Since 1994, every 5 years on the basis of the Leningrad Regional Children's Library are all-Russian literary and pedagogical Pogodinsky Readings; The anniversary of the writer in 2020 was marked by VI readings dedicated to the book "Lazorovo rooster of my childhood".


  • 1957 - "Ant oil"
  • 1958 - "Brick Islands"
  • 1963 - "Waiting"
  • 1964 - "Morning Beach"
  • 1966 - "Thin-Bryng"
  • 1968 - "Step from the roof"
  • 1971 - "Where are the clouds come from"
  • 1972 - "Turn on the Northern Light"
  • 1972 - "Autumn flights"
  • 1977 - "Book about the Grick"
  • 1979 - "Go River Rod"
  • 1982 - "On fun people and good weather"
  • 1983 - "Lazorian rooster of my childhood"
  • 1985 - "Where are you, Godheads?"
  • 1985 - "Live, soldiers"
  • 1986 - "Red Horses"
  • 1986 - "Bridge. Pain. Door"
  • 1989 - "The Earth has the form of the turnip"
  • 1990 - "Where does the Love live?"
  • 1990 - "I will catch up with you in heaven"
  • 1992 - "Green Parrot"
  • 2002 - "River"

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