Leonid Zorin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Writer



If Leonid Zorina's favorite poet, Alexander Pushkin and his lyceum comrades for creativity, blessed Gabriel Derzhavin, then the children's poems of the future author "Pokrovsky Gate" and "Tsarist Hunt" approved Maxim Gorky. The nine-year-old poet, the church of the revolution described in the sketch of the "Boy", which was entering the book "Soviet children."

Childhood and youth

Leonid was born in early November 1924 in Baku. The real name of the writer - Salzman, under which in 1934 the debut book of the young resident of the Azerbaijani capital was published, testifies to Jewish roots. However, Leonid Henrikhovich, without renounced the ancestors, all his life determined his nationality as a Bakinets.

The first poems of laziness, who had not yet known a diploma, recorded under the dictation of the boy his father, an employee of the planned bodies. The talent of a novice author and communications of the mother who singer in the Baku Opera contributed to debut publications. To Maxim Gorky in Gorki Leonid also took the mother, and accompanied the Saltzmans on the trip Isaac Babel. By this time, the young poet had a two-year-old sister, who was already a skilled talk.

At 15, Leonid changed the surname to Zorin, who liked the teenager phonetically. In adolescence, the Bakinets, shocked by the bitter poems, taught Adolf Hitler and Joseph Goebbels, switched to the translation of works by Nizami and other Azerbaijani classics. During the war, Leonid wrote libretto to the operations set at the Baku Opera and Ballet Theater "Signal" (the author of the music was the future grandfather Harry Casparov Moses Weinstein) and Masquerade composer Boris Zeidman.

After graduating from the Faculty of Philology of Baku University, Zorin moved to Moscow and became a student of the literary institution. Soon father died in Baku. Life in foreign corners, as well as the flow of criticism, which collapsed on the young author in 1954 after the play "Guests", led to the disease of Zorin Chakhotka. Saved novice playwright art doctors and desire to write.

Personal life

Leonid Henrikhovich, whom all his acquaintances call a very cheerful man, in his youth, besides literature, was fond of chess and football, even played for the youth composition of the Baku Oilman. Having made a choice in favor of writing, Zorin remained a passionate football fan and was proud of friendship not only with the writer Yuri Trifonov, but also with the coach Konstantin Beskov. Favorite sports of the playwright dedicated to the films "Stopwatch" and "Grossmaster", in which a native Baku performed a screenwriter.

After moving to Moscow, the young Leonid fell in love with a foreign student. Love was mutual, but the creation of a family was prevented by the Stalinist Law of 1947, prohibiting Soviet citizens to marry with foreign subjects. Personal Drama Zorin reproduced in the "Warsaw Melody" play, in which the city of His childhood and adolescence is also mentioned - Baku.

Theaters Henrietta became the first wife of the young playwright, which had the same patronymic as Leonid. After the wedding, the father-in-law zorina burned in his 16-meter room 8-meter angle for young.

When in 1956, Leonid and Henrietta became their parents, the writer was forced to remove the room for himself and his work in another apartment (the place for the desk in the room occupied by his family was no longer left) and come to his wife and son. Andrei Leonidovich Zorina - Literary critic, the author of the book "Calm of the Boundary Eagle", the playwright called in old age with his main friend.

9 years after the wedding, Henrietta died. The approval of Valentina Warpovka for the role of an employee of the Rita registry office, for which the main character of the "Pokrovsky Gate" Kostik Romin went to radical changes in his personal life, contributed to the fact that the actress was like the first wife of Zorin in his youth.

In mature years, Leonid Henrikhovich married his teacher Gennady Pospelova in the literary institute - Cellotist and musicologist Tatiana. It was Tatyana Gennadievna who watched the regime of Zorin in the last decades of his life and contributed to the creative longevity of the writer.


Writer Zorin worked almost in all literary genres. Starting from poetry, through the libretto the author to his youth came to the drama, and in the last third of life focused on prose. All works by Leonid Henry Henry wrote in ink on paper, without using a computer or even a typewriter. Until the last days, Zorin daily at 10 am sat for a written table and worked for 2 hours. The writer believed that for the writer, hardworking and character is equally important than talent.

The fate of the works of Zorin was different. The debut play "youth" was set in a small theater, and for the drama "guests" almost planted. The production of the Roman Comedy in the Leningrad Great Drama Theater was banned, and the performance on the same play in the theater named Evgeny Vakhtangov managed to defend.

The name of the drama about the Forbidden Love of the Soviet Student to the Polyshka, Leonid Gerhryovich had to be changed from Warshavyanki to the "Warsaw Melody" - the author recalled that "Warshavyanka" is a revolutionary song. The story with renaming Zorin mentions in the late story "Judith".

Many late works of the writer autobiographic as the memoir novel "Avanscena". However, the author did not hide that his most accurate portrait in his youth is the image of a knice in the "Pokrovsky gate". With an emission, he insisted that the hero would play exactly Oleg Menshikov. After the film premiere, the young artist woke up famous. Mastyny ​​Yevgeny Morgunov and Sophia Pilyavskaya considered roles in the nostalgic picture of Moscow the best in their filmography.

The leitmotif of Creativity Zorin is the love that the circumstances prevent, whether the status of lovers ("Tsarist Hunt", "Judith") or life in different cities (transit). Leonid Henrikhovich believed that the writer was obliged if not to confront power, then at least not to sing her crimes.


The author of Aphorism "Life is a series of small victories and one final defeat" died in Moscow in the last March day of 2020. The cause of the writer's death was a long disease. 5 years before the death in an interview with Alekandra Grona Leonid Henrykhovich to the question of which epitaph would post on his tombstone monument, answered:"What I wanted, did not, but did what I could."


  • 1980 - "Old Manuscript"
  • 1981 - "Alexey"
  • 1984 - "Wanderer"
  • 1984 - "Farewell March"
  • 1986 - "Autumn humor"
  • 1992 - "Evil Day"
  • 1997 - "Shadow of the Word"
  • 2000 - "Mr. friend"
  • 2001 - "Fathers"
  • 2001 - "From the life of Bagrova"
  • 2001 - "Knut"
  • 2002 - "Jupiter"
  • 2004 - "Oblivion"
  • 2004 - "Sansara"
  • 2005 - "Grand Testament"
  • 2005 - "Resentment"
  • 2007 - "Picture"
  • 2008 - "Public People"
  • 2009 - "Judith"

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