Olya Pumpkin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Blogger 2021



Olya Pumpkin - Blogger and Popular user of the Application "Tick-current", which has gained popularity due to the coverage of the problems of feminism, gender inequality, homophobia and various types of oppression. The girl openly performs in support of LGBT and publishes video under the nickname vakuolly.

Childhood and youth

This name of Oli - Belozerova. The girl was born on December 21, 2006 in the suburbs, on the sign of the zodiac she is a shooter. Parents of young feminists, Evgeny Belozerov and Julia Golddorh, entrepreneurs. The sphere of their activities is the implementation of NL International products. The mother's mother is a co-founder and the company's vice-president, it sometimes appears in the rollers of his daughter. Younger sister blogger is the name of Dasha.

Olga was lucky to be born in a secured family. With children regularly located nanny, and their hobbies were encouraged. True, Olya's blog remembers these times without a joyful smile. After all, situations happened that today the girl leads as an example of Abuza and imposing someone else's opinion. So the careless words of the gymnastics coach led to the fact that Olya Pumpkin strongly limited himself in food. She had to work on himself to take the body as it is, and forget about the stereotypes voiced by the mentor.

Personal life

Despite the fact that in profiles on social networks, the girl promotes the values ​​of LGBT, in life she adheres to traditional sexual views. In the summer of 2020, the schoolgirl told about his personal life and the new boyfriend. They became a ticketer Maxim Matveyev, a better known audience as Dasha Koreik. Young people put together photo and video.

Olya Pumpkin and Dasha Koreik

Olga is not hesitated to express themselves through the appearance. Periodically, it appears on video in specific costumes, and some rollers were removed in the evening dress, partly reminiscent of the wedding dress. The girl prefers bright staining: in her hairstyle, several shades are often combined. Fans especially loved the sunny red hair color of the blogger. A tictoker often uses bright youth accessories and things with LGBT symbols.


The interest of the pumpkin audience attracted in 2019. She laid out posts in support of the rights of women, including with educational comments on the features of the LGBT community. The girl negatively responded about Heyters and people who depress those who differ in the views and preferences. Olga's own views are placed to freedom of choice.

Feminist promotes love, positive and proper attitude towards himself. In many clips, the ticketer rises gender stereotypes, the narrowness of the views of modern society and prejudice regarding sexual minorities and women. Sometimes Olya signs posts, personifying himself with a strong sex representative.

Oli Pumpkin Rollers in Tik-Toka features the use of modern music. The girl chose a conversation style familiar to bloggers with a fictional opponent. Video it accompanies comments visually demonstrated during the display of the media material.

Popularity came to Tictoper in December 2019, when the girl began to upload provocative positions. At first it was a staged photo with a comment "Kill all men", which at first glance at the chosen pumpkin niche sounded as a call. Then a new entry appeared in the account. The publication came out on the eve of voting devoted to amending the Constitution of the country. Supporting the protests of the LGBT community against the changes, Olga laid out the video in which the president vote in the form of a voter voted for the "Eternal Board" of the President.

MEM "Hi, I'm underdendum" made Olya Pumpkin famous. The girl in a sarcastic manner told about the perception of LGBT in Russia. Her sense of humor was appreciated by fans of various media products. The meme was substituted with new heroes - from the fans of the "Witcher" series to prisoners, demotivators were invented using a photo of a tictoker. Olga's video became viral and in a few days there were more than a million views. Many Youtyub-Channels placed a clip girl and parody of him.

The hype around the video provoked interest in Ola not only on the part of the follovers of its age. Representatives of the audience of the senior segment also showed curiosity. Olya Pumpkin became the object of ridicule for opponents of the LGBT and feminism movement.

The first to the creativity of the pumpkin drew attention to the representatives of the "Dvul" community, and then participants were joined by the participants in the "Male State" association, headed by the leader Vladislav Pozdnyakov.

Olya Pumpkin and Vladislav Pozdnyakov

The platform for the outpouring of curses and heita they chose the social network "VKontakte". Men ridiculed the blogger and began to create pornographic patterns with the image of Oli Pumpkin. Some of them were published in the TV telegram.

Blogger's injury began. In social networks, its personal data appeared, and the wisels began to send a threat to the girl. Unpleasant messages came to her parents, sister and friends. The pumpkin itself did not understand what the negative flow deserves in his address. Ticker's parents were forced to write a statement to the police, since the news on the planned attack and rape began to come to the daughter. Since in the correspondence was repeatedly mentioned the address of the potential victim, the family was not worried about.

Police did not take decisive actions, so Olya Pumpkin and her native emigrated from Russia to the UK. Members of social networks counted that once the blogger moved, she no longer threatens the danger.

Olya Pumpkin now

In the 2020s, the Russian woman lives in Oxford and goes to a local school. Olga is delighted with the lack of Heit, rejoices support from adults and new friends. Periodically, it is divided with subscribers of video telling about life in a new city.

Now Olya continues creative activities. Its biography is still associated with the support of LGBT and the spread of their views through social networks. In addition to the profile in Tick-current, the girl has an account in "Instagram".

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