Lyudmila Dubinina - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Dyatlov Group



The mystery of the death of members of the tourist group Igor Dyatlov is hardly ever revealed. Journalists and researchers still develop alternative versions of why experienced climbers found the last refuge on the mountain in the Sverdlovsk region. Among the victims and Lyudmila Dubinin. The student was not for the first time went to a long campaign, famous for his endurance. She was found by one of the latter.

Childhood and youth

The biography of Luda Dubinina originates on May 12, 1938 in P. Kegostrov Arkhangelsk region. Now this territory is located within the Administrative Center. Tourist parents are intelligent people. Father Alexander Nikolaevich - By education, an economist, an experienced managerial manager. Mother Iia Vladimirovna is a hereditary teacher.

Ludubinina's elementary school graduated from Arkhangelsk. Then her father was offered prestigious work in the village of Krasnogorsk, the industrial center of the Mari Republic. Without unnecessary ponday, the family moved. Education The girl continued in Krasnogorsk school No. 39 of the Kazan Railway (now - Krasnogorsk School No. 1).

Lyudmila Dubinina in childhood

Active and interested in everything, in the new school of Luda Dubinin became a pioneer, in 1952 he joined the VLKSM. The work of Komsomol combined with sports, especially successful in athletics.

In 1953, because of Alexander Dubinin's career, Dubinina again abandoned Sverdlovsk (now Ekaterinburg). Therefore, the 9th grade member of the Dyatlov group graduated already in the 3rd school. In the 10th grade, she received the GTO gold badge, which speaks of non-hearth sports skills.

In 1955, Luda Dubinin successfully entered the Faculty of Construction Faculty of the Ural Polytechnic Institute (UPI). S. M. Kirov. Her, the girl athletic, immediately interested in the activity of Turkluba. The guys went hiking not as a hobby, but professionally. There were equipment, even if not very good quality, but reliable and durable.

Stumpy, kind, artistic - I remembered Luda Dubinin in the UPI. During the trips, she organized leisure, loved to sing, captured tourists to the film. But at the same time he worked on a par with everyone. Bashed night duty, courageously worked in the mountains. In February 1958, he even headed one of the tourist groups to transition to the Northern Urals.

In other words, in the fateful campaign of 1959, Luda Dubinin was already an experienced climber.

Personal life

There is no dubine data about the personal life of the disturbing data: it is unknown, whether she was in love with someone, was it waiting for anyone from the campaign. But from the conclusion of the forensic examination, it is clear that the tourist never entered into intimate relationships.


Contemporaries remember that Ludubinina was very pleased with the invitation to the group of Igor Dyatlov: I was preparing, ran into skis. Among the 10 tourists, she had to overcome at least 300 km along the north of the Sverdlovsk region, to conquer the vertices of a tear and Oka-chakur.

Until climbing due to severe pain in the leg, Yuri Yudin was dropped out of the composition. As a result, 9 people ranked on the death route aged 21 to 25 years. Exception - Instructor Semyon Zolotarev, who was 38 years old.

Old-timers said that according to the scheduled route "Ivdel - Mount Ringled", the tour groups walked constantly, there were no tragic cases before. In a different estimated the situation relatives. They argued that Dyatlovtsev's equipment left much to be desired. Young people did not even have a walkie-talkie with themselves. Local residents also pointed to the risks of the campaign: in those places there were strong winds, tornadoes and snow avalanches.

The campaign was initially held in a tense atmosphere. In the diary of Luda Dubinina, the last record of which is dating from January 28, 1959, there is a falcon mood. Even before the climb, the guys had to pull the oven with raw yards, sleep on the floor.

From the records of other Dyatlovtsev, the chief "chronicler" was Zinaida Kolmogorov - it is known that by February 1, 1959, tourists have advanced to the Holychachl mountain. After 11-13 days, their campaign had to end. Since the guys did not come at the final point, search work began. They were initiated by members of Turklub Upi Galina Radyostev, Igor Krivonischenko and Yuri Blinov.

The search was complicated by the fact that before the campaign, Igor Dyatlov did not leave the route book. Only by February 25, 1959 it was possible to detect the site of the group. The tent was falling asleep with snow and breakdown, there were no people in it.


The first to discovered Yuri Doroshenko and George Krivonischenko. They, wept to the underwear, lay from the fire 1.5 km from the tent. Not far from tourists, Igor Dyatlov's bodies, Zinaida Kolmogorova and Rustem Slobodina were discovered. They had ice on the faces, which pointed out that people breathe in the snow before death.

Lyudmila Bodbinina and others found only in May 1959, when snow cover began to melt. They are called "four at the stream", or "four of the latter". Foreign student found the first. She stood on his knees, resting his breasts to the ledge. Near Nikolay Tibo-Brignol, Semyon Zolotarev and Alexander Kolevatov.

In the official documents, it is indicated that the cause of the death of Luda of the banginina was extensive hemorrhage into the right ventricle of the heart, the multiple fracture of 10 ribs and abundant inner bleeding into the chest cavity. The Jeweker specifies that these injuries could appear as a result of the impact of great strength: the girl either fell from a high height, or she pressed something in the chest area, which caused death.

There are accompanying damage. So, on the face of Luda Dubinina partially absent leather, the skull was visible, there was no eye apples and a language. Experts argue that these are posthumous changes. The corpse was in the water for a long time, managed to start and decompose.

The last line in the act of autopsy is especially interesting: "Death of Lyudmila Dubinina is violent." However, the official investigation refers to weather conditions. In 2019, it was established that tourists were killed because of the dumping avalanche and their own inexperience.

Luda Dubinina went to the grave to his 21st birthday - May 12, 1959. She rests on the Mikhailovsky cemetery in Yekaterinburg, next to the six "Dyatlovtsy". Initially, the Group's body was planned to be buried in Ivdel, where the campaign began, but relatives spoke categorically against.

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