Sergey Agapkin - Photo, biography, personal life, news, doctor, TV presenter 2021



Sergey Agapkin is a Russian TV host, a rehabilitol doctor, a certified yogotherapist, the rector of the Institute of Traditional Healing Systems.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Agapkin was born on November 19, 1975 in the city of Ryazan. The beginning of the biography of Sereza was not different from the life of the guys in Soviet families. The parents have already had two children, so they tried to teach the youngest son to independence. The boy's brothers professionally engaged in sports - football and hockey, went to competition. He himself became interested in martial arts, and in the future I was going to link lives with architecture, paleontology or cooking.

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In high school, a teenager on the council of orthopedic began to engage in yoga and achieved great success in this direction. In the senior classes, the young man decided to become a doctor and enter the medical institute, although there were no doctors among his relatives until then.

To the dream, the teenager walked purposefully: first he graduated from the Moscow Medical College (the course "Physiotherapy and therapeutic physical education"), and after he entered the university, becoming a clinical (medical) psychologist. He also studied at the Institute of Physical Culture, becoming an expert on adaptive physical education.

The passion for the eastern practitioners helped Agapkin defend the dissertation. Scientific work talked about the treatment of psychosomatic diseases with the help of Tibetan medicine.

Medicine and television

In the capital, Sergey opened a business - a network of salons for the exercise of yoga - and established the Institute of Traditional Healing Systems, where masters on yogotherapy are being prepared. In the same educational institution it became possible to become a certified first aid expert.

The tasks of "get to TV" Agapkin did not. The televisers themselves were invited to the casting. Charismatic professional fondly felt in the studio, so he was offered to become the leading program "On the most important" program with the actor Mikhail Polikamaco.

I also liked the audience "Telodocker" - they gladly watched issues about the treatment and prevention of diseases, and television show ratings overtook other similar programs. Later, the composition of the leading repeatedly changed: the policeman replaced the actress Olga Budina in 2012, and after a couple of years, Svetlana Permyakova became a telemodest.

Dr. Agapkin issued a number of books, encyclopedias and reference books dedicated to different aspects of treating and healthy lifestyle. He also regularly overlook the articles in the popular periodical periodical, and how the consultant Sergey helps readers of medical forums.

On his own initiative, the doctor has released a documentary "Secrets of food, or a secret of losing weight." 3 pieces of the film are devoted to the fight against excess weight using functional nutrition.

Television does not let the lead: as an invited expert, he acts in the transfer of "the recipe of her youth", participated in the show "Big Difference" and in the program "Dancing with the Stars". In the dance project with Agapkin, Ekaterina Osipova, with which a man came to the semifinals.

Personal life

In the personal life of the "celocker" there were two marriages. The first one came on student years, the children Alexander and Paul are already adults, and thanks to the older of them, Sergey became a grandfather in a sufficiently young age. Now he lives with the second wife of Julia and raises his son Danil.

The social networks of the doctor, like his official website, are devoted to training, medicine, yoga and rehabilitology. In instagram account of the doctor, you can see photos from trips to the conference, learn about his hobbies and favorite dishes.

Sergey Agapkin now

At the end of November 2020, the leading, author of the book "The Secret Forces of Products" and "Healthy Year. 365 rules of activity and longevity, "embodied the children's dream to make cooking. On the first channel decided to release a show called "Formula of Food". To acquaint viewers with the secrets of a healthy eating, along with Sergey Agapkin became the actress Anna Tsukanova-Cott.



  • "On the most important thing"
  • "The recipe of her youth"
  • "Big difference"
  • "Dancing with the Stars"
  • "Formula of food"

Books and movies:

  • 2016 - "Food Secrets, or Slimming Secret"
  • 2019 - "The Secret Power of Products"
  • 2019 - "Healthy Year. 365 rules of activity and longevity "

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