Pavel Zarubin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Journalist 2021



A talented journalist Pavel Zarubin is known as the Interviewer of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and leading television programs on the Central All-Russian Channels. The young man who began his career in the Mass Media Bashkortostan is now among the most popular media personalities at home and in the countries of the former CIS.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Zarubina's biography began in the ancient Bashkir city of Beloretsk. The future journalist appeared in 1984.

Since childhood, a boy supported by intelligent parents passionately wanted to work in the media. From an early age, he did everything possible to fulfill the cherished dream. Pasha showed himself as a humanitarian, so father and mother gave the Son to the best of secondary secondary schools near the house.

In high school, a student who fond of history and reading the works of Russian classics, released the wall newspaper and worked as a freelance correspondent in the editorial office of the Beloretsky Worker edition.

Having received primary education and certificate with high estimates, Zarubin continued to move towards the goal and went to Ekaterinburg to enter the Ural State University. A. M. Gorky. Under the supervision of experienced teachers, a graduate of Beloretskaya school was easily prepared for the entrance exams: an essay wrote brilliantly and answered questions on other subjects.

Professor of the Faculty of Journalism made from Paul a highly abstract professional. After graduating from the university, the graduate specialist was an internship on a number of regional television channels, and then received a place for the news editor and leading in a commercial media company "Four".

From the moment the young ambitious native Beloretsk appeared in the Essential Studio, the daily programs have become "lively" and closer to the people. Thanks to the Zarubina, the regional television channel has gained popularity in the region and acquired a wide visual audience.

The reasons for this, people considered the natural openness, emotionality and the immediacy of the graduate of the Ural University, as well as the skill in a fascinating form to present the moody, dry material.

For two years of cooperation with the "fourth channel", Paul raised qualifications at times. In 2002, members of the Academy of Russian television presented him with the "Tefi region" award in the "Telegraph" nomination.

Becoming the holder of the honorary award, Zarubin wondered about the career on the central channels. Moreover, the leadership of the All-Russian State Television and Broadcasting Company promised a regional-scale star in the editorial office of news programs.

Personal life

Personal life Pavel Zarubina is hidden from strangers. Few people who follow the fate of the journalist know that his wife is a classmate and colleague Maria Kalashnikov.

Pavel Zarubin and Maria Kalashnikova

In the Account in the "Instagram" a native of Beloretsk there are no photos of families and loved ones. Because of this, VGTK employee who publishes the announcements of the weekly author's esters on social networks, counted the cohort of the most mysterious and interesting mediaperson.


After moving to Moscow, Zarubin began to move rapidly on the career stairs. In 2005, the young correspondent joined the cohort of journalists called the "presidential pool", and began to illumine political events, receiving information from the inside.

Becoming an indispensable employee of the Russian TV channel "Russia-1", Paul began to go to foreign business trips and interview the leaders of foreign states. Lighting the life of the world community, a graduate of the Ural University annoyed representatives of Western media, but at the homeland of the graduate specialist regularly recognized the hero of the day.

Officials often considered Zarubin's behavior invalid. The professional was criticized for the fact that serious events looked like this is an entertainment producing television show. Incomiputers annoyed the emotional supply of the material and the ability to express personal opinion, as well as the rapid professional growth of the author of reports and political news.

In the mid-2010, the name of the Russian correspondent was mentioned in connection with the scandal on the Economic Forum in Lithuania. Paul and colleagues were sent from the territory of the Baltic as an external threat to National Security. The journalist accused of attacking the opponent "Putin's regime" - the Chess player Harry Kasparov and the popular blogger of the Mountain Bogen during unauthorized filming in the Vilnius hotel provided for the official meetings and round tables.

The situation with the use of smartphones and miniature video cameras, regarded as a provocation, threatened to grow into a large-scale international conflict. In the comments after the incident, the young man stated that the real reason for the expulsion was journalistic activity and the habit of telling the truth by a simple and understandable language.

In 2018, Zarubin together with TV presenter Vladimir Soloviev released a program called "Moscow. Kremlin. Putin, "telling about the work of the head of state and the attitude to the past, the present and the future of the country.

The project attracted the attention of millions of spectators of the channel "Russia-1" and endowed Paul the status of an approximate Russian president. Journalist VGTRK became the author of exclusive reports, weekly broadcasting in the framework of transmission with fabulous ratings.

The experience gained in youth helped a professional to find an approach to the main figures of world politics. In winter, 2019, Zarubube attended the Norman Four Summit and was able to personally communicate with the Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky and representatives of other participating countries.

Pavel Zarubin now

Now Zarubin continues to work on the TV channel "Russia-1" and make a weekly program "Moscow. Kremlin. Putin. On the 2020, the reporter presented a selection of the best presidential jokes and other taking care of topical materials and interviews.

Spectators learned that the Americans rejected Russia's proposal on a new format of cooperation in the field of information security and that there is no such thing in "big politics" as friends. In addition, the correspondent explained the audience to the meaning of manipulations with a folder on which there were notes for the meeting of the Council on Culture, and disclosed details of the trust relationship between Putin and the former mayor of the capital Yuri Luzhkov.

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