Arthur Oganesyan - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Autoboker, Actor 2021



The character named Chuna, the Russian audience "Yutyuba" learned back in 2012. The web series with his participation has become one of the most popular on the net. Today, Arthur Oganesyan continues to cooperate with Artem's patronage and even debuted on the big screen.

Childhood and youth

Autobakeger is not divided by the details of the early biography. It is known that Arthur was born on February 3, 1987. In one of the video of the Yutiub-Channel Artem Karokoz Colleagues Oganenna characterized him as a person who "should always have someone else."

Arthur Oganesyan in youth

And it is pure truth. In his youth, he got involved in dubious adventures, played gambling and often remained without funds. It forced him to constantly borrow money from friends. It's time to appeal to not to whom. And then Artem Karokozyan came to the rescue, taking free to the new blog about cars.


Arthur successfully fits into the web series "directly kaha!", Which tells about the life of the Sochi local resident. The humorous project brought the glory to the king beer and the performer of the role of Sergo - Artem Kalajan. Chuna got the role of local authority, who challenges Kakha.

A few years later, Artem Karokozyan realized that he became closely as part of this character. I wanted to move on and develop. At the same time, the call came from Chuni - the guy did not ask for help, but I wanted to get a job. The idea of ​​creating content on the car themes came. So the ARTEM KAROKOZ channel appeared.

The first challenge with which bloggers faced is the lack of a professional operator. Non-normalized shooting schedule, strict demands - the reasons for which local specialists did not agree to work in a team.

By random coincidence, at the same time, the operator appealed to the guys, who offered his services and sent a portfolio. Subsequently, it turned out that he himself is the father of three children and lives in China.

Despite this, a man agreed to come with his family to make trial videos. And immediately became part of the team. The task of Chuni and Artem was to take reviews on the car - the rollers were measured ridiculous, moderately useful and contained an abnormative vocabulary.

Competitors who issued such content on the Internet there were plenty. And the guys set themselves the task of dialing at least 500 thousand subscribers during 2019. They overcame this figure after 4 months.

Arthur is sure, the secret of their success is in sincerity and improvisation. The idea of ​​doing a steep autobagger's spokesmage was winning. Soon a man appeared in the team without a certain place of residence named Volodya.

Later, the Oganesyan and his colleagues confessed - the goal to make out of a man who spent the last 7 years of life on the street, a man, not so simple. Sometimes two-minute videos with his participation had to take clock. Volodya simply could not remember the two sentences.

In addition, a man often tried to return to past life. Vtihar drank, invited friends to removable apartments.

The serious transformation process at least paid off. Volodya became the star of the Internet. Arthur and Artem began to invent commercials for this character. This is one of the few videos on the "Youtyuba", which users not only did not scroll through, but watched and asked for another.

For the Oganenna Participation in the project and in time, the handful of the Korobanka help hand became a new life step. He got out of debts and stopped worrying about that he could not feed the family.

Personal life

Arthur - Happy Father of Two Children. The eldest daughter Carolina is a copy of the mother of Irina. And now the girl is leading a personal account in "Instagram", exposing photos with loved ones.

The younger child is the son of Amiran, from an early age is not indifferent to cars. Oganesyan is proud of children, demonstrating heirs in their instagram account. But the spouse of Blogger Irina prefers to remain in the shade. And thoroughly protects his personal life from Follovover.

Arthur Oganesyan now

2020 became in a professional biography of Avtobliker Icon. After all, the premiere of the film "Directly Kaha!" Took place on November 12.

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The heroes of the series of the eponymous series have become actors of comedy cinema. Also participated in the shooting and professional artists - Mikael Pogosyan, Lyudmila Artemieva, Marina Kaletskaya. The director of the painting spoke Viktor Shamirov.

The plot of the film has become a certain continuation of the web series. True, Chuna now appeared in the role of Ruslana shining at the wheel of the BMW. Initially, the film premiere was scheduled for April 1, 2020. However, due to the closure of cinemas was transferred to autumn.

Explosive comedy with already familiar characters expected caused an excitement among kakhi fans. The oil into the fire poured the fact that performers of major roles - Artem Karokozyan and Artem Kalayjyan - turned out to be at the time of the premiere in a quarrel.

Chuna is not going to leave the actor's career and continues to work on the project Artem Karokoz.

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