Maria Ivashova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Granddaughter Svetlana Svetlynaya 2021



Maria Ivashova - the granddaughter of Soviet kinodius Svetlana Svetlynaya. Despite the fact that Maria is far from show business, her name occasionally pops up in a yellow press, which is associated with the bizarre behavior of the grandmother. Ivashova from time to time comes to the TV show, where it shares the details of the family biography.

Childhood and youth

Mary got the surname of the grandfather - the famous Soviet actor Vladimir Ivashov, who in 1961 married Svetlana Svetlynaya. In marriage, two sons were born with her - Alexey and Oleg. The younger Child The movie Star died, and Alexey Ivashov became a dentist and started a family. It was in it on June 16, 1984 a daughter of Maria was born in Moscow.

Maria Ivashova, Grandma Svetlana Svetlynaya and Son

Masha studied at Moscow School No. 1294 with an in-depth study of the German language, and higher education received in Tver. Following the Father, the girl chose a medical specialty and graduated from the Tver State Medical Academy, becoming a dentist.

Although Ivashova chose a profession, far from publicity, he felt in response from time to time. For example, I became a member of the show "Fashion sentence", which brought her grandmother with a complaint about the sporty style of granddaughter.

Svetlana Svetlynaya did not immediately accepted Maria. The fact is that the actress did not approve the selection of the son, the Olga did not want to converge with his wife. In the family and now there are damages and mutual resentments, the details of which are also seeping for television. And grandmother, and granddaughter willingly devote the public to the details of their personal problems.


Maria works by a dentist and does not think about another profession. She grabs the received income to live in the capital and provide himself and the Son with everything necessary. The apartment in which Ivashov lives was bought for revenue from real estate that was inherited from uncle Oleg. While the housing was not sold, it was leased, and the money for him was given Svetly. When the son and granddaughter sold the apartment of a younger son, Svetlana Afanasyevna took it as a personal insult.

Personal life

For the first time, the personal life of Ivashova was discussed in television in 2001. Then the 17-year-old Maria came to the realistic show "Behind the glass", whose participant was her boyfriend Alexander Kolovoy. The guy who lives under the sight of the 24-hour TV camer allowed himself to smell himself with a colleague on the project and paid: Ivashova came to shoot the program and arranged a scene, after which the couple broke up.

Maria Ivashova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Granddaughter Svetlana Svetlynaya 2021 3750_2

Later Maria married Alexander Sipatoy, in marriage with whom the Son gave birth to. The woman called the child in honor of the grandfather - Vladimir. Judging by the photo, boy and outwardly similar to the famous artist.

However, the husband turned out to be a man unreliable, and the granddaughter of Svetlichnaya preferred to raise Volodya on their own. She left her maiden name that boy wears. Svetlana Afanasyevna offered Mary to make great-grandchildren with his heir, however, Ivashova insisted that the boy's majority of the boy was still learning in the Cadet Corps.

Maria Ivashova now

On November 11, 2020, Maria came to the ether of the program "Let them say" in order to refute the accusations of the grandmother at the embonstruction of the grandmother. On the eve of Svetlana Svetlynaya announced that the nearest relatives want to kill her to get an expensive inheritance in the form of a Moscow apartment in the center. The actress stated that her home became dangerous for life: at first the light device fell on it, and then she discovered mercury balls from a broken thermometer on the floor.

Svetlana Afanasyevna is obvious: the granddaughter-Medic scattered mercury in the apartment to speed up the death of her grandmother. In response to accusations, Maria in the studio just laughed, explaining that he did not pretend to the inheritance Svetlly.

Maria Ivashova with her husband and son

Ivashova had to be met for not paying an elderly relative enough attention lately, because it was focused on the help of a sick father. Her parents are still not at the expense of the actress, who does not feel from the Son and his spouses sufficient support.

Maria is inclined to take the side of the father and the mother, who are wary of the disappearance of the Svetly Romance with young people. They are confident that beloved, which, by age, actors in his grandchildren, are completely certain mercenary intentions against Svetlana Afanasyevna.

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