Boris Goryachev - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, "Turkish Choir", wife, soloist ensemble 2021



The pastry of the summer of 2021 was marked by heavy losses for Russian music lovers. July 15, the biographies of two famous musicians were broken off - Peter Mamonov and Boris Goryachev. The causes of the death of both stars became coronavirus infection and its complications. But if Peter Nikolayevich managed to step over the threshold of the 70th anniversary, then the charming soloist of the Ensemble "Choir of Turkish" did not live up to 50 years.

Childhood and youth

The future owner of a lyrical baritone, which appeared in 1971, celebrated his birthday in one day with Vladimir Putin - October 7. Grandfather Boris masterfully performed Russian romances, and the mother had a musical education.

Boris Goryachev with daughter

From 6 years old, the boy sang in the children's choir, and with 8 mastered the game on the accordion in DC at the ZIL plant. At 9 years old, Goryachev was enrolled in the 4th grade of the Choir School named after A. V. Sveshnikov. A schoolboy, who used to sneezing with allone children, was embarrassed at first, being the youngest and purely boy of the boy, but soon it was organically joined the team. After graduating from the school, Moskvich entered the conservatory, and then transferred to the department of choral conducting the Music and Pedagogical Institute named after Gnesinic.


In early youth, Boris acted in the Chamber Collective "Akathist", specializing in spiritual music. At 23, Goryachev began to perform along with the "Peresvet" choir.

In 2003, the vocalist came to audition in the "Choir of Turkish". Bariton singer fascinated the leader of the team of Mikhail Turkish, but Maestro advised vocalist to become more touched and dynamic. For six months, the graduate of Gnesinka fulfilled the requirements and joined the famous ensemble, performing compositions on the top ten languages. One of the hits of Goryachev was the song Somos Novios, in which Tenor Oleg Blyakhorchuk was solved with him.

In 2020, Boris founded the "Academy of Vocal". The singer spoke about the online school in an interview with Glukk's wife - the leading Russian Rock program at Radio Rocks St. Petersburg.

Personal life

Happiness in the personal life of Boris found in adulthood, married in 2014 on a graduate photographer Natalia Shatalka. In February 2018, the spouses played another wedding, this time the celebration passed in Las Vegas in the chapel, which was forgiven with the idle life of Frank Sinatra and Bruce Willis.

On April 26, 2019, the family was full of another member - the wife gave Boris's daughter Eve. The photo of the heir was taken by a decent place on the singer page in "Instagram".


Goryachev fought with COVID-19 for 3 weeks. Boris was not vaccinated from coronavirus. Having learned about infection, the singer was immediately hospitalized in order not to risk a family. However, the cunning disease was stronger. Farewell to vocalist took place on July 17 in the Great Hall at the Troyekovsky Cemetery of Moscow.


With the "Turkish Choir":

  • 2004 - "Star Duets"
  • 2004 - "Such great love"
  • 2004 - "When men sing"
  • 2006 - "Born Sing"
  • 2006 - "Great Music"
  • 2007 - "Moscow - Jerusalem"
  • 2007 - "Music of all times and peoples"
  • 2008 - "Alliluia Love"
  • 2009 - "Show continues"
  • 2010 - "Music of our hearts"
  • 2012 - "Everything about her"
  • 2017 - "Victory Songs"
  • 2017 - "With you and forever"
  • 2021 - "Men's Songs"

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