Mitya Fomin - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, former girls 2021



Initially, Mitya Fomin was going to associate life with his healing, but the creative start would still won. As a result, he was the frontman of the Hi-Fi group, and then created a solo project. Today, Mitya is one of the popular singers on the Russian stage.

Childhood and youth

Dmitry Fomin was born on January 17, 1974 in the city of Novosibirsk. The guy's parents turned out to be an example of the Soviet intelligentsia: Father Anatoly Danilovich had the title of associate professor and taught at the Institute of Communication, Tamara Pavlovna's mother was a patent engineer. Mity Svetlana's sister received a higher education in the conservatory and later played in the ensemble of ancient music.

Fomina had a happy childhood. From the early age of the Mitya, whom the parents were called only so, was fond of reading, in the family of Fominy, almost all periodicals of those times were written.

The future singer collected toy cars and military equipment, parents often pumped the child with new toys. Little Mitya loved animals: he had a guinea pig, hedgehogs, courses, fish and other pets. When, after school, the young man stated that he was going to become a veterinarian, no one was surprised.

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The profession of the veterinarian in those times was not so popular, and the parents of the young naturalist advised him to become a doctor. Fomin easily entered the Novosibirsk Medical Institute, for the Pediatric Faculty. In parallel with the study of the anatomy, he visited theatrical university as a free listener.

In 1994, being at the third year of the university, Mitya Fomin took an academic leave and at the invitation of his friends went to England. From a foggy Albion, the future singer of the Russian stage went to America, where he was forced to work in different places. Mitya studied English, carried away by the American Music Theater and began writing the first songs.

A year later, Fomin returned to his native country and continued his studies at the institute, although he was finally convinced that he wanted to tie fate with the theater.

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Shortly before the final exams in a medical university, Mitya went to the capital of Russia, where entrance contests were held in 4 theater institutes. Painted by success, Fomin returned home, passed the exams and received a diploma of a pediatrician who immediately handed his mother.

Mitya again went to conquer Moscow and entered the All-Russian State Institute of Cinematography named after S.A. Gerasimov, on the acting.

The leader of the guy became the most discerning Joseph Riekhelgauz, the director of the "School of Modern Pieces" theater. Fomin successfully studied for about six months, but due to the rapidly developing career, the singer was forced to quit classes.

Hi-Fi Group

In Moscow, Mitya Fomin met with Eric Changturia and Pavel Yesenin. Producer Canthuria and Composer Yesenin at that time were looking for a soloist for a new project and offered this role Fomin. Mitya, who experienced financial difficulties due to expensive training at the university, agreed to the offer of friends and signed a contract for 10 years.

On August 2, 1998, Pop Collective Hi-Fi appeared. At the same time, Mitya Fomin met other participants in the group - Timothy Splekin and Oksana Olesko. The guys started shooting a video clip on the debut song of the group "Not given". The composition and video orders to it brought to the unprecedented popularity of the new Russian musical project.

The composition of the group was repeatedly subjected to changes. In 2003, Oksana left the team and the model Tanyshina Tanyshina was invited to her place. The girl went on the scene of only 2 years, after which she was replaced by Catherine Lee. Later, when Fomin himself left the group, Kirill Torilushkin took his place.

For 10 years, the team led by the Frontman of the Mieti Fomin was published 3 albums. The artist himself starred in 12 clips of the Hi-Fi group and continuously toured through the cities of Russia. The musician participated in the creation of such hits as the "secondary school N ° 7" ("And we loved"), "stupid people", "trouble".

Although Fomin was officially considered a soloist of Hi-Fi Group, not his voice is heard at the studio records. The band songs until 2009 played the author Pavel Yesenin himself. The composer admitted that Mity had vocal data, however, she chose to sing alone. Thus, for 10 years, Fomin performed as the frontman of the group, performed numbers at concerts, filmed in the clips and gave an interview.

According to Mitya himself, he "animated songs" Yesenin. In one interview, the artist admitted that he washes that he did not fulfill the vocal parties in the group and considers such a situation with his burden. Perhaps this is what in 2008 pushed Mitu Fomin to leave the Hi-Fi project and make a solo career.

Solo career

The singer began preparations for the solo project in advance, while still participant in the Hi-Fi team. The artist himself wrote several lyrics and collaborated with other talented Russian pop authors. In 2009, after the official end of the contract with the Hi-Fi group, Mitya began cooperation with the musical producer Maxim Fadeev.

Already in early April, the first solo song of the Russian Artist "Two Earths" sounded on radio stations. The composition was well accepted by listeners, and soon a video clip earned the first line in the Khit-parade "Russian Ten" from the MTV TV channel. In six months, the artist stopped working with Maxim Fadeev and since then independently deals with his albums.

In 2010, Fomin published the second single "That's all", and the song of the same name has won the second place in the Golden Gramophone Hit-parade. In the summer of the same year, the third single singer "Everything will be fine" came out, which had an English-speaking version OK. The composition became the hit of the radio, reached the third position in the Tophit hit parade and was marked by the Golden Gramophone Prize. At the same time a popular composition "Gardener" was presented.

After the single, the debut solo album of the artist "so it will be" was followed. The record received rather ambiguous assessments from Russian critics: some praised Fomin for successful musical solutions, others talked about too simple lyrics.

In 2011, Mitya recorded a duet with a singer Christina Orsoy song "Not Mannequin". A year later, the singer became an invited party of one release of the TV show "Ural Pelmeni". The room was called "Mitya Fomin and Mafia".

Up until 2013, Mitya Fomin consistently publishes 4 singles, one of which, "Lights of the Big City", is recorded on the music of the famous British group Pet Shop Boys. In 2011, this song was awarded the Golden Gramophone Prize. In the same year, the artist nominated immediately to 2 RU.TV awards, where he won the new arrival category.

In May 2013, Fomin produces the second album "Naggly Angel", which became available in a digital format on the iTunes platform. Among the hits of the plate, the song "Eastern Express" is especially highlighted. She received the nomination of the RU.TV award in the category "Best Dance Track".

Despite the absence of the official date of the release of the next album Fomin, for 2 years he managed to publish 4 new singles - "home", "barely breathing", "tomorrow will be everything differently" and "That's how I love you."

Mitya Fomin made his debut as the leading musical chart-parade "Tophit Chart" on the MTV television channel in 2010. For 3 years, every Saturday an artist commented and presented to the audience to the thirty of the most popular hits of Russian radio stations.

In April 2017, the singer presented a new acoustic program "Tomorrow will be different." The concert took place in the diplomatic hall of the State Kremlin Palace.

This event became the beginning of the Fomina's charitable tour of the Far East. The tour was held with the support of the Life Line Foundation, which helps sick children, the ambassador of which the artist is since 2008.

April 7, 2017 Mitya became the leading "Russian Chart" on the channel Muz TV. On the graduation ball, which was held this year in the Kremlin, the musician performed a new hit "I like you." At the same time, the premiere of the song "Be Nearby" took place.

A year later, Fomin with Oksana Olesko for the first time in 10 years came to the scene together. It happened at the concert "Hands up!" In April 2018. Then Dmitry said that they recorded several new songs with Oxana, and a little later on the official website of the group there was information that the team is preparing for the shooting of the clip on the song "Wake me".

In the summer of 2018, Mitya, together with Albina Janabaeva, recorded the song "Thank you, my heart" by Duet. And then the artists starred in a video on this song. In 2019, the release of the new hit Fomin "Dances at work" took place.

At the beginning of 2020, Mitya in a duet with Anna Semenovich, presented the composition "Children of the Earth". Musician lays out their clips and other videos on the personal Youtyub Channel.

Despite the conditions of quarantine, Fomin did not reduce the pace in creative life. Shortly before the outbreak of coronavirus infection, the artist has replenished with a 5th solo album "April". Mitya mentioned that in the lines of some songs, prophetic thoughts are felt about the loneliness and deserted urban streets.

Since the beginning of the self-insulation period, the Contractor recorded the Italian version of the song "Everything will be fine", which sounds like Lascia Scivolare, which figuratively means "let it be so." In his interview, the star star expressed the opinion that the world after a pandemic would not return to the previous state.

TV project

In 2011, the singer participated in the filming of the reality show "Vacation in Mexico" from the MTV music channel. Fomin appeared as a guest star in one episode show.

In 2013, Mitya became a member of the reality "Island", filmed based on the "last hero" TV show popular in the 2000s. Together with other well-known figures of the Russian show business, Fomin mined his meal and lived in the most uncomfortable conditions of Palau Island. He also played comic, in island traditions, a wedding with Catherine Gordon.

In 2013, Fomin took part in the shooting of the reality show "Tishka". The participants should have made a jump in the water from different heights. Although Mitya did not achieve victory, he remained satisfied with the participation in the transfer.

In May 2020, Mitya became a guest of a humorous Internet show "What happened next?", Where he talked with leading Nurlena Saburov, Alexei Shcherbakov, "Tamby" and "Reptiloid". A little earlier, Fomin fulfilled the remix on the famous hit "Everything will be fine" with the residents of "Comedy Club" Maxim Averin and Zurak Matu.

Drug addict

In July 2021, Mitya took part in the secret project for a million, where he shared the shocking details of his life. Unfortunately, the history of famous artists is often associated with drug use. This fate has not passed and Dmitry.

In a conversation with Leroy, Kudryavtseva, the singer frankly told when it was exactly the beginning to forbidden drugs. This period was associated with the peak of the popularity of the Hi-Fi group. Realship, recognition, infinite tour and a large emotional load - to all this young man was not ready.

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At a certain moment, the psyche Fomin gave a failure, and he began to use forbidden substances. After some time, the artist realized that he moved the line. His hallucinations happened, and their own behavior became more complicated.

Then Mitya decided to deal with addiction. In the show he told: a certain point of reference for "growing" was a strong shock due to the loss of a loved one. Over time, he managed to cope with the deadly habit.

Personal life

It is known that the high and sports (height of 181 cm, the weight of 75 kg) Mitya Fomin has never been married. Also, the artist has no children. Because of this, some believe that Dmitry is one of the representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation, others are confident that this is only an image created within the project. In any case, the artist does not like to let out of foreign things in his personal life, preferring to keep many of his relationships in secret.

In 2010, rumors were that Mitu connects relations with the businesswoman Ksenia Merz. And this Roman Fomin considered so serious that even made the girl an offer to become his wife, however, it did not reach the wedding.

Then the network has information about the romantic singer's union with Katya Gordon. The public believed that celebrities secretly tied themselves to marriage. Later, the artist still spoke on this. The young man confirmed that he was in relations with Catherine, but then the couple broke up.

When Tanya Terreshina appeared as part of the Hi-Fi group, Fomin became very close to the new participant of the collective. Running rumors about the moment of marriage again. But the girl was then met with an oligarch, so the information about her relationships from the militia cannot be considered reliable.

It is just known that Mitya Fomin became the godfather of the child of Tatiana - daughter Aris. Today, the singer often openly says the words of gratitude to Mita for everything that he does for the baby.

It is known that Mita Fomin in his youth attributed a novel with Zhanna Friske. The couple was repeatedly captured in an embrace in secular events, but nothing but the friendly feelings of the artist did not experience each other.

In 2014, the family of Fomina Nastiglogo Mountain - did not become a favorite father and the head of the family. Then the artist was responsible for mother and sister on himself. To cope with the loss, he went to the creation of new songs.

At the end of 2017, Ksenia Merz in the program "In fact" stated that Mitya Fomin could be the father of her child. However, the DNA test turned out to be negative. Then it became known that at one time the girl made an abortion from the singer, because she was not sure of his beloved. A man has expressed regret for this, because, in his opinion, they could create a beautiful family, and now they have left with anything.

For the life and creative biography of Mitya Fomin, a thousand-minded audience in the instagram social network is observed. The pingers account is officially verified. There the artist shares with fans of personal and working photos.

A year later, Fomin was in the center of a homosexual scandal. The singer has breaking the wedding with the chosen, whose name is unknown. After that, rumors were again crawled that Mitya - Gay. And journalists began to expect from the artist of Caming-Aut, which never happened. The singer himself continues to argue that he is a normal man who wants family and children.

Mitya watches the appearance. In order that the body maintained former harmony, he regularly engages in sports, visits a cosmetologist and a masseur. Much attention, the performer pays his hairstyle. A musician likes to experiment with hair length, as well as with a haircut. Among his bright images is oblique bangs, shaved under zero head.

Mitya Fomin now

In 2021, Fomin took part in the show "Extremely". His performance in the image of Lion Leshchenko caused an ambiguous reaction of the audience and the jury. Only Elena Vaenga put 5 points performer. Then a series of failures for the artist continued until he managed to brilliantly embody on the stage the image of the singer Paul Stanley (KISS). This time, the jury, though fotomin guess in the image, praised him, adding 20 points contestant.


  • 2010 - "So it will be"
  • 2013 - "Judge Angel"
  • 2016 - "Tomorrow will be different in different ways."
  • 2018 - "4x4"
  • 2020 - "April"

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