Niko (Nikolai Marunov) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Dance" on TNT 2021



Niko is a famous Russian dancer, well-known lovers of directions High Heels and Vogue. A participant in several seasons of the Dance program on TNT, the choreographer is rarely divided by the moments of his biography, but persistent fans are able to compare the facts.

Childhood and youth

Nikolay Marunov (NIKO) was born on April 6, 1997 in the city of Astrakhan. In the family, besides, there is another son. Junior dancing got into senior classes. He tried himself in the directions of hip-hop, Jazz Funk and House, but by 2010, taking master classes from foreign teachers, finally chose a Vogue style for himself.

At the age of 15-16 years old, a guy, along with adult dancers, participated in Vog-Battle and Vog-Balah. Often these speeches ended with a teenager victory in 3-4 categories. Soon Nikolai was invited to enter the Russian Chapter Iconic House of Ninja - Ningga House. The young man then received Niko Ninja nickname.

In 2018, he came out of the house, but the guy was almost immediately invited to New - Iconic House Of Revlon. Since then, the pseudonym joined the end of Revlon. By this moment, strip-plastic appeared among the skills of a young man, he organized a team titled Seven Hills, as the choreographer took the Galileo ballet under his manual.

After moving to Moscow, the dancer began to perform with the Red Haze Crew team. At one of the workouts, Alexey Karpenko noticed him and invited TNT to transfer TNT.

"Dancing" on TNT

On TNT, the performer VOG participated in the casting of the 2nd season "Dance", he acted as a contestant in 5 and 6th, and in 3 and 4th he was invited as a choreographer.

Among the best rooms of Marunov, his fans celebrated in 2018 by the composition of Deela Ding (Leo Justi), thanks to which he came to the show. Nikolai then performed under the pseudonym Niko Revlon, and Egor Druzhinin gave him a pass to the 5th season.

But his performance with Ulyana Dylase "Color of Mood Blue" turned out to be ambiguous, although the jury liked. After him, the dancer left the composition of the participants. The usual viewers representation of the duet seemed to be vulgar, and the expenses of the direction - fiery and bold.

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On the casting in the 6th season, the young man passed in a pair with Chris White. With all the frankness of the direction of the VOG number, the pair also appreciated the judges, and the audience, it turned out to be strong, technical and synchronous. The guys wanted to get to different mentors: Christina - only to the friend, Nikolai - only to Miguel. But Marunov has not once again noticed his unwillingness to be a universal performer, so he did not work with participation in the show in 2019.

Personal life

Marunov is a cheerful and open person, he has many subscribers in social networks, with whom he shares a photo and video. At the same time, access to a personal life dancer does not give anyone. Fans still guess if their idol meets with someone, what is his orientation and is he has a girlfriend.

Guy growth 183 cm.

Niko now

In 2020, the show mentors decided on those participants who would come to the scene in the last 7th season of the show "Dances". It turned out to be among them and Marunov. Singing questions of fans, in Instagram-Account, he immediately answered:

"You say - why? And I will answer - hachu ... the last thing is still !!! ".

The first tours of the show Nikolai passed brightly, confident and charismatic. The rapid dancer was lucky, because the second speech was instructed to prepare in his favorite style. Experts put him top balls and wished to send immediately to the semifinals.

Now the young man is in demand in the dance world. He goes around the country with master classes, still performs on Vog-Balah. Regarding the teaching information in the network Contradictory: In 2018, it was known that the choreographer leads classes in several studios, but also there is evidence that it does not have students.

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