Metropolitan Macarium - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause of Death, Metropolitan Moscow and All Russia



Metropolitan Macarium was a prominent religious figure of the XVI century. Under the young king, Ivan the Grozny Archbishop Novgorod and Pskovsky, who was a supporter of Josephstania, became the Vladyka of All Russia. In the late 1990s, the builder of the temples and the author of the collector of Cheti Mini was ranked in the face of the Holy Church Church, the memory of the successor of Joseph Volotsky worship on December 30.

Childhood and youth

Mirskaya biography of Metropolitan Makaria began in the region of 1482. The boy, named after Archangel Mikhail, was born in the house of the believers of the Great Principality of Moscow. The ancestors faithfully served as Orthodox rulers.

There were many people related to the church in the family of a religious figure. In family memories, Joseph Volotsky, Igumen Vasian, Sacrediere Ignatius, Archimandrite Cassian and a number of owners of spiritual ranks.

About parents know a bit. The father named Leontius died shortly after the son was born. The mother left without her husband went to the monastery and accepted the tonsure as Inokin Effrosignia.

As a child, Mikhail, brought up in the tradition of Orthodox faith, decided to renounce the world and become a novice. In the Paftyev-Borovsky monastery, located on the merger of the Esthers and Protvo, he received a name in honor of the hermit of the Macaria of the Great (Egyptian), revered by parishioners in the Lica Rev..

Then the young man entered the monastery, which was given by Joseph Volotsky from the reverend father of Paphunia. The teacher and the founder of the Josepho-Volokolamsky Assumption Monastery had a huge impact on the worldview of the future Metropolitan.

For several years, Inok studied church literature. Senior comrades helped comprehend the meaning of prayers and rites, as well as the art of icon painting. Delighted into the cell, the son of Leonty spent the days in thought about humility and monastic feats, it helped to get used to deprivation during long strict posts.


At the beginning of the 1520s, Makarius was prescribed by the Mozhais-Puddhagian Nativity of the Virgin of the Mozhaisk Monastery, and then he received San Archbishop Pskov and Novgorod and a place in one of the oldest Orthodox Russian dioceses.

The energetic minister of the Church sent the strength to correct the situation at the department, where the Decade was unparalleled by Vladyka. A consistent supporter who learned about the state of affairs in male and female parishes, began to establish the monastery economy and achieved the transfer of local parishes to the "Hostel Charter".

By increasing the number of Christian communes, where the buildings and nuns lived under the same roof, Macarius initiated the compilation of an updated church-church-tree arch. Without attention, Vladyka has not remained the process of restoration of the great sacred icons and frescoes in the central temples of Pskov and Novgorod.

In the Cathedral of St. Sophia, which was the spiritual center of the Diocese, Archbishop released the great Chenet Minei, who was a meeting of original and translated monuments of living and rhetorical literature existing on Russia from ancient times. The arch, numbering a dozen volumes, was placed in the library of the Orthodox church. Thanks to this, the books of Holy Scripture, Catema and other texts of didactic and historical nature have been preserved until today.

In the spring of 1542, the boyars from the famous Prince of Shuisi, which were ruled in the minor heir to the Russian throne Ivan IV Grozny, appreciated the merits of the Archbishop of the Pskov and Novgorodsky and made it a successor of the deceiving confidence of Metropolitan Ioasaf. Macarius did not meet the expectations of the rulers and contributed to their removal from power.

Metropolitan Macarium and Ivan Terrible

In the future, Macarius became a member of the elected Rada and had a huge impact on the acts of the sovereign, the king and the Grand Duke All Russia. In 1547, the native of Moscow walked the son of Vasily III to the kingdom and supported his intention to marry the daughter of the metropolitan Scholnichnaya Anastasia Romanovna Zakharian-Yurieva.

After the solemn ceremony in the Orthodox Kremlin Temple, at which young John received from the hands of Metropolitan Barma, the cross of the life-giving tree and the Hat of Monomakh, changes began in the Orthodox state. In the year of the convening of the first Zemstvo Cathedral, the author of the ministerial Mine, who welcomed worldly reforms, insisted on canonization and glorifying new saints and carried out work on the preparation of lives.

In the early 1550s at the meeting with the participation of Ivan the Terrible, Boyar and representatives of the highest clergy, which received the name of the precinct Local Cathedral, Macarius defended the right of monasteries to the land, disputed by Andrei Kurbansky and the Tsarist Mentor Protopope Sylvester. At the same time, in Moscow, they created a printing house specializing in the press of church books.

Metropolitan Moscow and All Russia was aware of the foreign policy affairs of the state. Vladyka blessed the campaign of Ywan IV's troops on Kazan and predicted a unconditional victory. When the army who visited the places associated with the name of the legendary commander Dmitry Donsky, sent the news about the capture of the city, which was the center of Tatar Khanate, built the Church of Basil Blessed in the capital. Later, Makarius, sanctified this masterpiece of architecture, sent to the captured territory of Archbishop Guria, to the world called Grigory Rugotin to the world, and strongly supported the activities of the educator and missionar.

Personal life

In the personal life of Metropolitan Makaria, there was no place for his wife and children, so he cared about each who attended his parish.

Vladyka did not share people on rich and poor, small and great. He helped prisoners his own and gathered money to buy out Russian soldiers captured by the Tatars. During the time of drought and Mora, the Archbishop of Pskov and Novgorod convened a clearing and a few days in a row read sermons and prayers. According to legend, the sprinkling of the surroundingness of holy water laid an end to a terrible epidemic that took hundreds of lives.


In the autumn of 1563, Metropolitan was cold during the commissioning of the godfather and told the king, engaged in the country division project for the land and "Sovereign Lightness of Officon" about the intention to leave the service and spend the rest of the days in the Pafnutiyevo-Borovsky monastery.

Ivan the Terrible did not want to remain without the support of the chief representative of the clergy and persuaded the Makaria to change their mind. Health problems were aggravated, and on the last day of 1563, the Vladyka died suddenly.

Chronicles, presumably present at the grave in the Assumption Cathedral, captured the portrait of a dead religious figure and mentioned that his face was "Yako Light Shyaya, for his pure, and immaculate, and spiritual, and gracious life and for other virtues, not Jaco the dead, but Jaco Sleeping videoTi. "

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