Protopop Sylvester - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, Russian Orthodox priest



Protopop Sylvester is one of the advisers of Ivan the Terrible, the religious and politician of Russia XVI century. The head of the Annunciation Cathedral was part of the elected Rada and was one of her leaders. The Russian Orthodox priest is also known as the author of the work of the "Small Domostroy" and the lives of Holy Princess Olga.

Childhood and youth

The exact date of birth of men and other facts of the early biography of researchers are not established, but according to some reports, he was a native of Novgorod and came from the priest's family. The approximate years of his life is dated to the end of the XV - middle of the XVI century.

The first mention of Silvestre refers to the period of 1543-1547, when he arrived at the yard from Novgorod to Metropolitan Macaria or came to his retinue. According to the memories of contemporaries, a high morality, honesty and gratefulness can be attributed to the features of the portrait of a religious figure.


Church's career is amazing with his takeoff. It is believed that during the Big Moscow Fire of 1547 and the subsequent rebellion of the Sylvester appeared before the young Ivan IV with an accusatory speech, accusing to sins and crimes, and the tragedy himself rank to God's punishment. This plot was depicted later on the picture Pavel Pleshakov.

The tsar was not angry at the reprisal of the king, then he was not angry with a bold priest, but on the contrary, closer to himself and put on the restoration of cathedrals during the Kremlin. Because in the hometown of the city, Sylvester has learned to understand the iconopisses, his assistance in restoration and instructions to the masters were indispensable.

Gradually, the church joined the political life of the royal court, playing a completely role in the history of reform. He made together with the religious thinker Maxim Greek and the Voevoda Alexei by the adshev conductor of the will of the informal government under Ivan Grozny - Selected Rada. The strength of this body was such that even the boyar duma eclipsed.

Cooling Ivan Vasilyevich to his mentor accounted for a time of severe sickness of the king. The researchers also associate a lamp with the refusal of Sylvester to swear to loyalty to the Tsarist Son and maintaining relations with the brother of the Grand Duke, Vladimir Staritsky.

Be that as it may, gradually the church removed from public affairs, and he took up his immediate responsibilities. At this period, it is working on 64 chapter "Domostroja" - the army of the rules of conduct for citizens. It is believed that the final message and the punishment from the Father to the Son in this chapter is written by a priest for his heir.

A little later, Grozny dismissed and elected Rada, as it did not come down with her representatives in views on foreign policy.

After 1560, when rumors about the involvement of the priest to the death of Anastasia Zakharynya-Yurieva, Sylvester went to Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, and after the Solovetsky Monastery, where he accepted, becoming ink Spiridon. Here, by reference, and spent the rest of my days the famous mentor Ivan the Terrible.

Personal life

The Church Worker's family acquired in Novgorod. Together with the son of Anfim, the priest was engaged in creating books and icons that exhibited for sale among other goods. According to documentary evidence, Sylvester, together with the heir, led trading affairs, including with foreign merchants, but some of the funds did not forget to sacrifice the church.

According to the allegations of contemporaries, it was for trade affairs with overseas traders, Protopop had an impact on the contractual relations of Russia with neighbors.


It is believed that the Protopop Sylvester died in 1566, although the cause of death so far no researcher found out. The burial site indicates the territory of the Kirillov of the Monastery.

Protopop Sylvester - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, Russian Orthodox priest 3634_1

After himself, the Orthodox priest left the cultural heritage, and the descendants remember him as an influential person at the court of Ivan Vasilyevich. According to some reports, the church figure put his hand to the creation of the register of stories to decorate the Golden Chamber of the Kremlin Palace and worked with the icon painters.

The image of the church is captured at the burrow of the Millennium of Russia, opened in 1862 in his homeland. The cinema is told in the Multiserful films "Ivan Grozny" (2009) and "Grozny" (2020).

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