Konstantin Kosachev - biography, personal life, photo, news, Federation Council, vice-speaker 2021



Russian diplomat and politician Konstantin Kosachev received worldwide fame after a replica in PACE in September 2009 on the tie of Georgian president Mikhail Saakashvili. Now I can not even believe that in the youth Konstantin Iosifovich agreed to become a speech of the Russian Minister of Foreign Affairs Andrei Kozyrev, which is nicknamed by the conciliatory pro-Western position "Mr." Yes ".

Childhood and youth

The future statesman appeared on September 17, 1962 in the village of Mammontovka of the Moscow Region, which is now the neighborhood of the city of Pushkino. Konstantin is a second child in the family of diplomat Joseph Kosacheva, born in the city of Votkinsk, and his wife, the translator of Nina (in Maja - Assumption). A daughter was born to the bone of the spouses.

Grandmother policy on the paternal line - Anna Fasina from Udmurt Old Belovers. The remaining ancestors of Konstantin Iosifovich by nationality are Russian. Pradady on the motherboard - Tambov merchants of the grandfather and Zhmaev, who have lost their property after the October Revolution. The cousin of Kosacheva Evstaphi Afanasyevich Sannikov died in 1941, defending Moscow from the coming Germans.

As soon as the Kosta turned 2 weeks, Nina Gennadyevna returned to Stockholm with the newborn son, where Joseph Artemyevich served under the Soviet embassy. In the capital of Sweden, Kostya went to the first class. However, in 1980, Kosachevy returned to their homeland, and the son of the diplomat continued his studies at Moscow School No. 648.

In the early 80s of the 20th century, Andrei Karlov, the future Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Russia in Turkey studied at the beginning of the 80s of the 20th century. After the death of Karlov in 2016, the School No. 648 was named after a graduate-diplomat who died in the performance of official duties.

After receiving the certificate, Konstantin followed the family tradition and entered MGIMO. Many years later, Kosachev learned that he watched him in the opening exam, "in the diplomatic university in 1979 there was a bust of applicants from nomenclature families. Suite helped a great knowledge of history. All 43 classmates Constantine also from the first attempt to be enrolled in institutions.

In the university, Kosachev not only studied on perfectly, but also was a soul of the company and a singing on the cabins and parties. Without finishing MGIMO, he accompanied the group of Soviet party workers on a trip to Sweden as a translator.

After receiving the higher education, Kosachev became the referent of the Scandinavian country department in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. From 1984 to 1988, a young diplomat worked in Gothenburg.

Career and politics

In 1991, Konstantin Iosifovich was sent to Stockholm. For 4 years, a graduate MGIMO "ran" the path from the third secretary to the adviser to the Russian Embassy in Sweden. The planned cooperation of Kosachev with Kozyrev did not come around, because Boris Yeltsin sent the Middle Middle to resign.

From May 1998, Konstantin Iosifovich worked as an assistant on international issues of the Government Chairman. Mostly, Mamontov's native remembered the turn of the aircraft Yevgeny Primakov over the Atlantic in March 1999 after the start of NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.

Kosachev was elected four times a deputy of the State Duma - first from the party "Fatherland - all of Russia", and then from United Russia. In December 2014, Konstantin Iosifovich became a senator representing the Council of the Federation Chuvashi, and after 9 months he began to submit a government of the Republic of Mari El in the Senate.

Since April 2018, Scandinavian specialist is included in the US sanctions list. Since March 2019, sanctions against Konstantin Iosifovich and 113 more politicians close to Vladimir Putin introduced Canada.

Personal life

Personal life of Konstantin Josefovich is stable and prosperous. In 1988, a man took Ludmila Alekseevna Murana to his wife. Politics Three children are the daughters of Maria and Anna, as well as the younger son Sasha.

Kosachev is an avid cat and biker. In 2017, Senator made Motovoy to Tatarstan, Udmurtia and the Republic of Mari El, the photo from which was published on the page in Facebook. In the area of ​​the city of Votkinsk, Konstantin Iosifovich visited Grandmother's graves and grandfather.

At the end of 2018, the policy was reproached for the repost of a picture and statements from the page in the "Instagram" of Anna's daughter. The heiress of the Dynasty of Diplomats, at that time lived in Paris and already presented the parents of two grandchildren, wrote:

"When the hurricane rises, not the time to take care of the strength of the house, time to raise sails."

Konstantin Kosachev now

In March 2020, Kosachev, together with Senator Andrei Klishas, ​​suggested introducing a law prohibiting Russian ambassadors to have double citizenship. In June, Konstantin Iosifovich, in an interview with the channel "Russia 24", explained the importance of amendment to the Constitution establishing the priority of Russian laws on international legal acts.

In the fall of 2020, Kosachev continued to comment on foreign policy news. So, the victory of Joe Bayden in the elections in the United States, according to the hereditary diplomat, will lead to a growing death in the Donbas. But the American leader will have to be reckoned with the relevant Bill Clinton by the power of Russia.

November 16, 2020 Konstantin Iosifovich on the blog on the website "Echo Moskvy" warned by the elected President of Moldova Maya Sandu from excess Europeanization and Romanization. On November 18, the Senator explained the request of the United States and France on Nagorno-Karabakh jealousy to Russia's success in Transcaucasia.

In March 2021, Kosachev unanimously elected the Vice-Speaker of the Upper Chamber of Parliament. In the post he replaced Ilyasa Umakhanov.


  • 2003, 2009 - Order of Friendship
  • 2004 - Commander of the Swedish Order of the Polar Star
  • 2006 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2007 - Honor Dr. Chuvash State University. I. N. Ulyanova
  • 2008 - Honorary Dr. Institute of International Law and Economics. A. S. Griboyedov
  • 2012 - Medal of the Order "For Merit to the Chuvash Republic"
  • 2012, 2016 - Order of Honor
  • 2015 - Gold Medal "For Merit" of the Republic of Serbia
  • 2018 - Medal of Stolypin II Degree
  • 2018 - Order of Alexander Nevsky

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