Serdar Kambarov - biography, personal life, photo, news, makeup artist 2021



Serdar Kambarov is a famous makeup artist, whose services are resorted not only to ordinary women, but also representatives of the world of Celabriti. Popularity The representative of the beauty industry added participation in the command of the leading show "Restart" on the TNT channel.

Childhood and youth

Serdar Kambarov was born on March 25, 1985. The native city of the man is Ufa, where his father Ashirmurad and Mother Goulder arrived from the Far East. The parents of the boy met at one of the concerts, where the future head of the family spoke with his musical group "Balisayt".

Serdar Cambarov in youth

Young people had to meet secretly, as the parents of the musician demanded from him to marry only on Turkmen. From these restrictions, lovers and drove from Turkmenistan, and later settled in the homeland Guldar - in Bashkiria.

Despite the mixed blood, the Serdar considers himself to be Bashkir by nationality, although he recognizes that his appearance does not reach local canons. As a child, he had repeatedly heard the hiss of the Urus-Pupus - local considered the guy Russian.

The past of the chapter of the family affected his children: Headar and his sister Akson was sent to a music school. The young man graduated from Clarinet class, entered the Ufa School of Arts, which once graduated from the singer Zemfira, and worked as a street musician. Also in his youth he was engaged in choreography and worked as a dancer in clubs.


Having completed education as an artist and conductor of the brass orchestra, Kambarov with his wife Anastasia Pussina, which is an Anastasiya Annecy clothing designer, began to attend fashionable shows. The bustle of the boggy was not joking the man, and when he saved his wife's show by making me a make-up of her models instead of a missing worker, a steep turn happened in the work biography of the former musician.

Of course, before making a career in the beauty industry, the makeup artist studied at the masters in Ufa, Moscow and Israel. Among his mentors, the famous Felix Stein and the cult Denis Kartashev, and at the same time the meicaper continues to study new techniques. He believes that the beauty-sphere requires constant development and does not tolerate stagnation.

For 5 years, Serdar made a dizzying career from an ordinary master on the mission to an elite expert, owner of a network of studios and a beauty school. Now celebrities and disciples are built to him.

Among the directions, which are engaged in the gurus of Star Makeup, there is a blog. His makeup artist leads, in particular, at the Playground "Instagram", where it tells and shows in the video professional lifehki and secrets of everyday, weekend and anti-aging makeup.

Due to popularity among media persons, in 2016 the expert came to television in the reboot show. Together with him, Ksenia Borodin, Evgeny Zhuk and Victor Ponomarenko.

On the official website of the Makeup master honestly admits:

"I am a beauty-dependent ... I need everything to be stylish, beautiful and best of your kind."

During his activity, he worked with models on feshen shows and the weeks of fashion, was a member of the jury of several professional competitions and premiums.

Personal life

The attention of the future wife Kambarov managed to attract not immediately: Anastasia did not perceive the bright brunet seriously, and he performed as a dancer, only to release his clothing line.

He helped the young man accident (or fate) - in their pair dance for the new year, the girl damaged the leg so that it was in the raceup, and the Serdar surrounded her care and was able to charm the chosen.

Now the couple has two children - the son of David and the daughter of Amelia. Parents enjoy publishing their photos in instagram accounts and do not forget about romantic confessions for the second half, without hiding personal life from subscribers.

Cambarov lives on 2 cities, for a while arriving in Moscow, but, of course, prefers to stay with his family in Ufa.

Serdar Cambarov now

After four years of the project "Restart", in 2020 the TV presenter left the transfer. The latest issues of the program with his participation have shown in early November. The schedule of the master is still painted for months ahead: These are master classes for colleagues, work with students in their own school of the SERDAR Kambarov School and, of course, communication with customers.

Do not stand still and production: Serdar launched the line of the base dial for a beginner makeup artist, which includes brushes from natural and synthetic material.

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