Gela Meshi - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Series 2021



Gela Mashi - the actor is diverse, was and a gamlet, and in love with a tagged high school student, and political prisoners. A man, so finely combining the game with the emotions, which he is experiencing behind the screen, endowed with a talent over, confident fans. The fact that Mesh is a solid naked nerve, there are still university teachers and taught to worry inside. In life, the artist says, he is undiscome:"All from the soul. And the meaning of living otherwise? You will think that you can, but what can not, then there will be the peppercorn. "

Childhood and youth

Gela was born on May 13, 1986 in Gori (Zodiac sign - Taurus). With the beginning of the Georgian-Abkhaz conflict, parents moved to the capital of Russia. Mama Marina Antonovna - Russian, the actor himself also counts himself to this nationality. Father Raul Sevarovich Georgian and Spanish roots. The head of the family is a big fan of football, and son wanted to name Rocca Junior, in accordance with the traditions of Brazilian football players. But Mom insisted in the name Gela.

At school, the young man studied badly, three times turned out on the verge of exception for hooliganism, but she gladly chased the ball and played in amateur time. To instruct it on the right path, the parents had to take over the belt, recalled Money in an interview. Only in high school, wondering how to live on, he realized that he really knew how to play football and expressively read.

The literature teacher recommended the gel to engage in theatrical studio. The news that the guy gathered in the artists, caused a laughter from close: allegedly the profession will not bring money. And when he entered Gitis, was very surprised.

After studying the year, Money was transferred to VGIK to Vladimir Grammatikov. Then he left and from there to get to the course of Konstantin Raikina to the MCAT Studio School. Later Gela explained these throwing. In Gitis "Guys relaxed with Valyajna." At the Cinematography Institute, hopes for fast shooting were not justified. And Raikina does not burn, "the actor needs a tough discipline to work and work."

Personal life

"I do not like publicity, I do not like to be at the festivals, premieres and I do not want to put a personal life at the bottom. I walked to the profession for this. Better watch movies with my participation. "In such words, Gela explained why it is rarely seen on the red walkways and the name does not flash on the press pages. He did an exception except for "Evening Urgant" and a pair of radio stations.

Nevertheless, the Mesha is not deprived of relationships due to relationships with Catherine Klimova. The acquaintance of the couple occurred on the film crew film "Wolf Sun". Katya then experienced a difficult moment of breaking with Igor Petrenko. At the beginning of the novel, the gela did not believe that the star would answer with reciprocity, but insistently argued how he was not indifferent to him. The fact that Klimova is a large mother and older for 8 years, a man did not pushed. After the third sentence, the hands and hearts of Catherine agreed to become the wife of Mesha.

In June 2015, the actors played a wedding, and in October the daughter named Balla appeared on the world. The name chose a happy dad, who wanted to be keenly combined with patronymic.

Money took the older children of spouse as relatives. Lisa he was ready to support in the choice of profession: the girl was thinking to go in the footsteps of the parents. With Matvey and rooted, the gel had friendly relations, he worried about the boys, tried to be a careful listener and the good adviser. "Instagram" artist testified to harmony in the family. Now there are only a photo of Ball, bacstreji with filming, advertising posters.

Spouses broke up in 2019. But even before the corresponding stamps appeared in their passports, the gel had to constantly refute rumors about divorce. He considered the Union with Katya and the birth of his daughter's main achievements, dreamed of replenishment, said that professional success is now not an end in itself.

"Creative family is always very interesting, you can discuss, argue, consult, this is a development. The main thing is not to interfere in the role of each other, do not teach your second halves, how to play correctly. No one knows how to do it. "

I regretted Money only about the incompatibility of the graphs and immediately added that in this situation you can find a way out, arranging each other.

Wine for the destruction of marriage fans of the couple laid on the gel. At first, the media wrote about ambiguous publication on the actor page on the social network. At the Moscow International Film Festival, Klimov and Meshi passed before the audience apart and on different days, and behind the scenes of a young man accompanied the daughter of the Arab businessman Catherine Assi, the executor of the role of Stewardess in the comedy "Flying crew".

The application was submitted to Katya, and in 2020 she encouraged the public with recognition that the former spouse still helps her and talk about the final break. The reasons for the divorce, admitted the actress, became its difficult character and the desire of gel to the implementation of their own ambitions. A man of his warehouse is little status of her husband Klimova, so the couple decided to "take a pause." Mesh himself from the moment of parting with Catherine does not comment.

Theater and films

The creative biography of Gela began at the MCAT Studio School. Together with the University's diploma, the actor received the first role, and some other, Gamlet. Director Yuri Kars first watched Shakespearer formulation in the study theater. Then the Prince of Danish played one Byron. However, to shoot in the "Gamlet. XXI century "invited an inexperienced Money. Dmitry Dyuzhezh, Armen Gigarkhanyan, was then invaluable help, and became a close friend of Victor Sukhorukov. For this work, the gela received the prize of the Festival of Cinema and the Theater "Amur Autumn" in Blagoveshchensk.

Soon the comedy "Adult daughter, or a test on ..." came out on the screens, in which the young actor lit up in the episode, and the main roles were performed by Olesy Suzilovskaya, Ilya Shakunov and Dmitry Maryanov. The viewers noted that Mesh was similar to the young Sergey Bezrukov. This comparison later manifested more than once. Gela told how the student copied the voice of the "Brigades" star.

He made it possible to work in the head of the Bezrukovy Moscow provincial theater, along with Danila Ivanov and Polina Galkina to play "Sirano de Bergerac". From MGT Mesha left when he could not combine performances with filming in the project Renata Davletyarov "Donbass. Color ".

On the stage of the "Stanislavsky Electric" Gel went out in productions "Seven days before the Flood", "Valencian Madness", "Trojan War will not", "Silence - Gold".

As an incredible good luck, the actor recalled on cooperation with the world celebrity Decan Donnellan in the play "Storm". Meshi and four more colleagues were taken out of 500 candidates. The owner of the three premiums named after Lawrence Olivier Russian conquered the readiness to play two central roles in Romeo and Juliet.

The recognition of the artist brought the image of Alex Weinstein, a high school student experiencing sympathy for the heroine of Victoria Poltorank, in the series Ramil Sabitov "Physics or Chemistry." Suitable growth (176 cm) and subtitle, at that time, the physique allowed the gel to realistically portray a teenager.

In 2013, Medeleh played a major role in the "Son of the Father of Peoples". A film about the fate of Vasily Stalin, a brilliant military, the creator of sports teams of the USSR Air Force, after the death of Joseph Vissarionovich sentenced to the conclusion and conclusted in the conclusion, made it truly popular. For the sake of reliability of the hero, the actor recovered by 10 kg. The son of Vasily Alexander Burdonsky praised Gel for the accuracy of his father's transfer.

Director Sergey Ginzburg later suggested him to star in the tape called "Wolf Sun". Moles reincarnated in the scout, embedded in the rear of the enemy and in the territory of the enemy who met love. As a result, he begins to doubt whether it comes correctly, spying behind loved ones. On this set, the artist learned to ride a horse.

In the sports drama "Shot" gela performed the role of the biathlonist Olympics aspiring, in the mystical series "Guardian" - in the ghost guarding the wife of the investigator. And with a melodrama "everything just", he went to the Festival "Window to Europe" and took part in the competition of the directorial debuts of international filmmot in Sevastopol.

Moles, in a desire to bring the truth of life, he himself came up with a hairstyle, a manner of behavior for his character from the series "Rained" - a man, 15 years later in prison for someone else's crime. At school, the actor was engaged in the Greco-Roman wrestling, and the former sambist prisoner in the plot. For a couple of months of training, he mastered the techniques of a new sport. Anastasia Panin and Nadezhda Marquins, the Star of the Drama Andrei Zvyagintseva "Elena" became partners of Gela.

The painting "Black Cat" is recognized as comparable with the cult multi-sized film "The meeting place cannot be changed." The plot is based on real events and prototypes and is built around the gang, in the ranks of which are completely advanced Komsomol members and drummers, some are even presented to government awards.

Law enforcement agencies do not occur in something to suspect exemplary citizens. Money played the leader of the criminal community. He dreamed of working with Ekaterina Guseva, and with Mikhail Boyarsky, and even to fit into the skin of the villain. In the Black Cat, such a chance introduced itself.

Money gela in the film

In addition, he said Gela, the series emphasis was made not on the scene of violence, but on what the people encourage people to negative. For example, for his hero, the motive was the departure of the beloved girl in the performance of Maria Andreva, and when the money and the power appear, it is not easy to minimize the path with the curve.

In 2017, the artist unexpectedly turned out to be approved for one of the roles of the Military Drama "Sobibor", subsequently nominated for Oscar and awarded TEFI. Initially, Medeleh did not assume that Konstantin Khabensky will lead the process, and the stars of foreign cinema Christopher Lambert, Mikhalin Olshanskaya and Philip Reinhardt, will be invited to the main roles.

Arriving on the set in Vilnius and talking to the director, Gela realized that this is an unusual project. Hubensky at the first meeting suggested each performer to participate in the development of the nature of his hero. Before the start of shooting, Meshi was asked to lose weight. The amateur of Georgian cuisine, replete meat and flour, threw 6 kg. The output of the film was timed to the International Day of Memory of the Holocaust victims.

Money gela in the film

Another equally significant item in the filmography of Gel is the spyware series "Embassy". The actor appeared on the screen in the form of secretary of the Russian diplomatic corps, which participated in the drug trafficking. The project also involved Igor Livanov, Victoria Tolstoganov, Vitaly Kishchenko.

The scenario of the Drama "Save Leningrad" describes the event of the Second World War from which only in the 21st century was removed by the secrecy. Milche Character, Officer of the NKVD, on the one hand, cowardly driving in power, and on the other - a romantic, changing under the influence of feelings for a girl. The picture failed at the box office and awarded unflattering comparison with the Titanic blockbuster. But gela believes that any criticism is a sign that the film hooked, and to stand in the same row with James Cameron, too, recognition.

Comedy "Billion" - another gift of fate for Mesha. The director Roman Jugunov approved his candidacy and Alexander Bortich "By default". Working in Monaco and the Cote d'Azur near the Screen Father Vladimir Mashkov, who possess the amazing sense of humor, will be remembered for life. The role demanded from the gel of new efforts to learn how to play the piano and control the excavator.

Money gela in the film

The children of the businessman who plans to rob their own bank, got the heroes of Grigoria Kalinin and Pavel Chinarev. The acting ensemble there was a place and the real oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov.

Already mentioned "Donbass. The outskirts "- tape on the beginning of the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Gela played the militia, which saves from the shelling in the basement of the house. And there are hiding representatives of both parties, despite disagreements that help each other survive. This film, admitted an actor, not in favor of political conjuncture, but a way to show that for people really important.

The picture was filmed in the Crimea, but Meshi did not occur to the head that for this reason he could close the entrance to Ukraine. On the border, even collected "Consilium" and, fortunately, missed. So he calmly went to Kharkov, to his wife.

Gela Meshi now

The plot of the drama "Neither step back!" Eroxates with the famous tape "And the dawns here is quiet": the same idea that the war is not a female face, the same strengths, not by the years of the maiden shoulders that have not broken under the severity of deprivation. The main role was received by a student of Schukinsky School Valentina Popov. Her heroine rusts to take revenge on the fascists for the death of the family.

The gela embodied the image of a severe commander of the intelligence company, whose good motives prevent the girl to realize the intended plan. Against the background of training for the preparation of saboteurs and partisan operations, the history of love of young people is unfolding.

The actor noticed that he liked to act in the war pictures about the past, he likes more than those that talk about modern times.

"I read a lot of different scenarios about today's life. As a rule, their young people write. So, they do not feel pain and suffering. Everyone wants to shoot Arthaus, in which the action takes place on some kind of winery. I personally do not understand this genre, I love the classics more. "

Money is a supporter of ideas that united the peoples of the Soviet Union, and sometimes regrets that there is no longer anything like that. He is ready to join the party, and the money from officials ask if it is necessary for the implementation of the patriotic project.

At the beginning of the 2020, Renat Davletyarov began working on the film "Pilot". The prototypes of the actors were the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, including Alexey Maresyev. In addition to gel, Peter Fedorov, Elena Drobysheva, Anna Peskov is involved in the filming. The producer hoped to present a picture to the court of viewers at the end of the year.


  • 2009 - "Hamlet. XXI Century"
  • 2010 - "Adult daughter, or test on ..."
  • 2011 - "Physics or Chemistry"
  • 2013 - "Son of the Father of Peoples"
  • 2014 - "Wolf Sun"
  • 2015 - "Shot"
  • 2016 - "Rainted"
  • 2016 - "Black Cat"
  • 2018 - "Embassy"
  • 2018 - "Sobibor"
  • 2019 - "Save Leningrad"
  • 2020 - "Billion"

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