Lyudmila Tatarova - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, Sergey Dzhigurda, Denis Matrosov, Gemini Sons 2021



Lyudmila Tatarova - actress theater and cinema, preferring to play positive roles. However, in her personal life everything was not so beautiful, as it happens on the screens. Moreover, the details of family dramas became the subjects of loud scandals and ended in television broadcasts.

Childhood and youth

Lyudmila Vladimirovna was born on July 1, 1973 in Moscow. However, the early biography of Tatarore passed in Sevastopol. The girl's family was far from art. Mother was engaged in the house, brought up two daughters. Father earned a life repair of radio engineering and maritime courts.

From an early age, the daughter had dreamed of a ballerina's career, even before entering the school he was recorded in a ballet class. There he learned until 11 years old, until once the teacher said the pupil that he had nothing to do in dancing.

But she did not despair. And when I learned about the opening in the city a mug of acting skills, immediately discharged there. After graduating from 8 classes in a secondary school, the girl told his parents that was going to enter the theater school. She sent statements immediately to several institutions, and accepted a graduate in Dnepropetrovsk.

After graduation, Tatarore received many proposals from local theaters with the promise of major roles. However, the beginner actress returned to Sevastopol and there began to make the first steps in the career in the Dramatic Theater named after A. V. Lunacharsky.

Once Lyudmila came to visit classmates to Moscow. Many of the old acquaintances served after the school in the theater of the Russian army, and Tatarov went straight there. In the foyer, an administrator approached her and, having learned who in front of him, offered to communicate with the leadership. The girl decided to watch, and the next day he was already enrolled in the state (1993).

Later, the native of Moscow still decided to receive a diploma of higher education. So at the age of 34, she graduated from Gitis. And a year later he had already had the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

Theater and films

Between the stage and the movie Lyudmila Vladimirovna chose the theater, preferring to play the heroine, causing the audience admiration and empathy.

Among the brightest Roles of Tatar, such as Gertrude in the play "God, King's store!", Annushka from "On the Little Play", Sylvia - "Harold and Mod" and, of course, Dorothy from the beloved story "The Amazing Wizard of Oz."

The actress filmography contains not so many projects. In the cinema, a graduate of the Dnepropetrovsk theater school began to be filmed already in Moscow in 1995. The debut took place in the film "Golden bottom" of the Polish director of Marek Novitsky. Following Lyudmila Vladimirovna took part in the project Leonid Queinihidze - "House", where he performed the role of Katyushi Maslova.

Lyudmila Tatarova - biography, personal life, photos, news, actress, Sergey Dzhigurda, Denis Matrosov, Gemini Sons 2021 3509_1

In addition to films, Tatarova considered a proposal from producers of the series. In the multiserial picture "Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions - 2 "she got an episodic role. In "Ramaney" actress received more on-screen time, playing in two series.

Despite the fact that Lyudmila's heroines Vladimirovna acted more often with positive characters, she had to portray the "scandalous aunt" in the TV series "One day there will be love." And this role was given by a native of the city of Moscow surprisingly easily, which cannot be said about another character - Anna Stem from the "courtyard". According to the plot of Anya Krotky, kindly patient to infinity.

Subsequently, the actress most often appeared on small screens in Russian series. This is the 5th season of Sklifosovsky, "such work", "Mrs. Mrs. Kirsanova."

Personal life

With the first civilian husband, Lyudmila Vladimirovna met in the theater - both played in the play "Chipollino's Adventures". It was a crazy love that did not lead to an official marriage.

In the transfer, "Let them say" Tatarov explained the unwillingness of Denis Matrosov to make the proposal of his hand and the heart banned by his mother. According to the heroine of the transfer, Galina Fedorovna experienced that the daughter-in-law would have the right to the Moscow apartment.

But in the youth of Tatarov paid little attention to such moments. When prevented - it was insanely happy. But after the appearance of twins sons (date of birth on April 3, 1999), scandals and reproaches began in the family.

In the Certificate of the birth of children in the column of the Father stood a ditch - their parents explained in different ways this situation. Matrosov's wife argued that the man simply did not believe in biological paternity. Denis, on the contrary, exhibited the guilty actress, remembering how she did not allow him to go to the registry office.

Anyway, in this family there was a difficult period - the newly-made father later did not participate in the upbringing of the heirs, and Lyudmila Vladimirovna had to take children alone. For many years after the gap in the personal life of a single mother, there was no serious relationship, until she met on tour with Sergey Dzhigurda.

Initially, it was a warm friendly communication. The actress did not think about a colleague as a future husband, because he also was officially married. And only 6 years after the first meeting, Sergey Borisovich decided to divorce. And when made an offer to the star theater, she, without hesitation, agreed. And even took the double surname - Tatarova Dzhigurda.

The new her husband accepted the children, and he literally replaced the father's boys. Spouses are happy with each other, despite the 17-year-old difference in age. They try to spend more time with sons, go to sea resorts in four, as evidenced by joint photos. In Standagram-Account, Sergey Borisovich posts a video where Soviet songs under the accompaniment of the guitar sings with his wife.

Lyudmila Tatarova now

During the period of self-insulation at the beginning of 2020, associated with a coronavirus infection pandemic, the actress, like many of her colleagues, continued to work. The first experience of the online play "With you and without you" happened in May.

To the 75th anniversary of the victory, the Star Scene took part in a joint music project with former classmates, Svet song "Bryanskaya Street".

The actress demonstrated its musical talent at the "Staircase" festival, timed to the birth of the birth of the city of Moscow. And the first performance after the exit from self-insulation took place in September - Tatarova played in the formulation of Anna Karenina.


  • 1995 - "Golden bottom"
  • 1995 - "House"
  • 2005 - "Viola Tarakanova. In the world of criminal passions -2 "
  • 2006 - "Students-2"
  • 2007 - "Mad"
  • 2009 - "Platini-2"
  • 2009 - "Once there will be love"
  • 2010 - "Dvorik"
  • 2011 - "Comrades Police"
  • 2012 - "Moscow. Three stations "
  • 2016 - "Such work"
  • 2016 - "Sklifosovsky. Resuscitation »
  • 2018 - "The Secrets of Mrs. Kirsanova"
  • 2018 - "My heart is with you"

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