Galina Nesasheva - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, personal life, Vladimir Neshev 2021



Galina Nesasheva never received a professional musical education, but it did not prevent her to perform on stage. She became famous as a star of the 70s, which conquered the public with a low heartfelt voice.

Childhood and youth

Galina Semenhenko (non-Sashev) was born on February 18, 1941 in the Arkhangelsk region. Her parents arrived in Russia from Ukraine and are located in a military town under Onega. Gale was only 4 months old when the Father was sent to the front, and she stayed together with his mother. They lived in an old wooden house with moldy walls, the angles of which had to pour boiling water to somehow protect the little child from infections.

After the war, the girl's father was sent to serve to the Urals, where later they moved with her mother. But on the arrival it turned out that the man had a different family for a long time. The only thing that he did for the ex-wife and daughter - placed them in a military town under Chebarkul and helped to restore the documents lost on the road.

In a new place I had to be not easy, the mother of Gali got to work in a kindergarten and often disadvantaged to feed the daughter. Soon the Father's family moved to another city, and the local head of the part began to care for Raisa Gavrilovna. When he died, they were asked to leave this place.

So Semenhenko was in Chebarkul, where her mother was taken for any job. She managed to visit the waitress, buffet, a cook and a librarian, if only the daughter did not need anything. At that time, Galina just showed a singing talent. She became a soloist of the choir in the Palace of Culture named after Maxim Gorky and took lessons from professional musicians.

The actress often performed at concerts and actively participated in creative amateurness, which brought her the status of a local star. But in high school classes, Gali began the first experiences in their personal life, because of which she decided to go to Chelyabinsk. There, the singer was listening to the theater, but could not get into the troupe because of young age. She was asked to come in a year, which became another test, because Mother got sick.

For a while, the girl became the only breadwinner in the family, she was translated into the evening school and settled to work in Atelier, where she was sewed. Galya did not like her work, so the invitation from the Khmeuser of the Chelyabinsk Opera House was salvation.


Years of ministry at the Chelyabinsk scene left pleasant memories in the memory of the star. She was still young and did not have a special education, but the head treated her warmly and told her voice, because the performer had rare contralto.

But after the singer acquired his own family, the salary in the theater was missing. In his youth, she was distinguished by decisiveness, so he ventured to move to the closed city of Ozersk, where the operetta was acting as an artist. During this period, Galina Alekseevna has discovered the ability to actor, she played in the play "Living Corpse", "Amanda's Birthday" and "Promenban".

The surroundings were delighted with the stars talent and advised her to go to Moscow. Then the artist took a vacation and set off to try happiness in the team of Oleg Lundstrema, but because in the capital she was nowhere to live, returned to Ozersk. And then on the recommendation of acquaintances moved to Tambov and joined the "Youth" ensemble.

Naewish has worked for 6 years in Tambov philharmonic, but its salary remained low, so she willingly responded to the proposal to perform in the Moscow Music Hall. After that, in the biography of Galina Alekseevna, a creative dawn came. She actively toured and performed on television, and her songs "White Swan", "Sinya" and "Birch's" became hits.

In the late 70s, the artist suddenly disappeared from the screens and did not speak. Later it became known that she was faithful to the article in which he wrote about her drunk debauchery. The performer returned to the stage for almost 10 years later, in order to re-please the listeners with her music, retained the image and repertoire, but the former glory no longer restored. This did not prevent Galina Alekseevna to lead an active creative life. From the mid-90s, its discography was regularly replenished with new albums, among which the "islands of separation", "Indian summer" and a collection of songs from the "Golden Collection of Retro".

Personal life

The first love of the artist met in the 8th grade. Then she looked older than her age and often had in the local club, where young officers visited. Among them was Oleg, who conquered the heart of the girl from the first dance. But it was worth it to find out how many years she, as he immediately stopped the relationship with her.

Galya was very worried, but soon after moving to Chelyabinsk met the dancer Vladimir Kolchanov, who began to provide her signs of attention. At that time, the performer was not even 18, and she was not ready for a serious relationship, so he switched to another girl, which later married.

But fate again brought them together, and this time mutual sympathy turned into a rapid novel. Galina became pregnant, and Vladimir decided that he would leave the family for her. Lovers moved into a tiny room in a communal service, which the theater allocated them, and some time lived in the soul.

The star gave birth to the chief of the Son, who was named Leonid in honor of his deceased brother. But when the baby was not and years old, the singer began their health problems. She left the child's child and left to be treated in Sochi, and soon after returning he learned that she would change the quiver. The artist could not forgive betrayal and announced parting.

After moving to Tambov, Galina Alekseevna met Vladimir Zaasheva, who became her first husband, because they were not painted in the registry office. The spouse was a friend and defender of the performer, supported her in everyday life and in creativity. He adopted the son of his wife from the first marriage and gave him his surname, and soon the lovers had a daughter of Alena.

Family life lasted almost 17 years, but with time I did not understand that the feelings for the chosen was cooled. Once on tour in Yalta, she met the young fan Edward, with whom she had a short novel. And later the star fell in love with the drummer Boris Bogrychev, about treason with whom her husband learned.

After the divorce Galina Alekseevna married Bogrychev married. But the marriage turned out to be unhappy, the spouse saw and sometimes raised her hand on her. As a result, the actress did not suffer and left him. She did not make any attempts to establish a personal life and focused on taking care of children and grandchildren.

Galina Nesasheva now

Now the star remains a public person, she performs on television and cooperates with the press, where her photos and interviews are published. In 2020, non-Sayshev repeatedly became the guest of the program "Hello, Andrei!", Where he spoke about the Soviet stage with other guests.


  • 1969 - "Song of Happiness"
  • 1969 - "Sochi-69"
  • 1970 - "Sings Galina Nesasheva"
  • 1970 - "Kalinka"
  • 1970 - "Didnote"
  • 1971 - "Nina Lights" songs "
  • 1971 - "Woven Wovenka"
  • 1971 - "Wind"
  • 1972 - "From the village of Nearhalch"
  • 1973 - "Galina Nesasheva"
  • 1973 - "Wait, wait"
  • 1996 - "Sliding Islands"
  • 1999 - "Indian Summer"
  • 2008 - "Love Russia"
  • 2008 - "Do not fly away, love"

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