Yana Churikova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, TV presenter, "Instagram", Projects 2021



Yana Churikova - Russian TV presenter and producer. During the career, he rose from TV presenter of Russian MTV to the head of the youth and musical broadcasting of the Viacom Holding. Inspected leading project "Star Factory" for ten years.

Childhood and youth

Yana Alekseevna Churikova was born on November 6, 1978 in Moscow. By nationality, she is Russian. Yana's childhood took place in Hungary, where her father Alexey Churikov passed the military service. Mother Elena Churikova by education economist.

In 1985, parents gave a girl in elementary school in the city of Temk, which is in the center of Hungary. Children's memories of Yana are connected with these places: together with his friends, she was looking for a sleeve and cartridges, examined the trenches of the Second World War, Aerodrome, Radar. At the beginning of the two thousandths, being a popular TV presenter, Yana made a pilgrimage to the places of his childhood, but found the remnants of the garrison that came into decay.

As a child, the girl attracted many professions, but, according to her own words, for the most part this was due to their external attributes. Among the hobbies were paleontology, zoology, music and much more, up to the profession of the dentist. And one of the brightest impressions in life was the visit of the Opera House, where the girl was struck not only music and scenery, but also solemn, luxurious outfits of the audience. Later, Jan decided that he could learn more about all professions at once, if he would become a journalist.

The Churikov family returned to Moscow in the late eighties, when Soviet troops came out from Hungary. At first, the girl had no friends, and the capital herself left a painful impression - the dark, terrible city, the streets of which are evil people, as comments on the memories of Churikov's time.

The girl's life was transformed when she began studying in the junior newspaper "Verb", which was an alternative to the "Pioneer Truth". Children came to this newspaper with a tendency to writing activity, where they were trained by the basic profession. There, Janana had new friends and a matter of life. In 1994, the girl ranks second in the literary Olympiad in Moscow. Also during work in the "verb" Yana sings for some time in the rock band "Tales for adults", which, having played several concerts, disintegrates.

In 1995, Yana Churikova enters the Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting of the Moscow State University. Her diploma project was called "the influence of musical television for mass consciousness on the example of the MTV TV channel." After completion of studies, he entered the graduate school, where the sphere of its scientific interest becomes the process of socializing the youth audience under the influence of television.


During the election debates of 1996, young journalists were invited to the Vladimir Posner program, including Yana Churikov. A brief speech of Yana attracted the attention of Cyrus of the Statutin, an experienced journalist and producer of the ATV television channel, which invited Churikov to practice. The first project of a beginner journalist was the program "Time -" under the post of Lion Novozhenova. For some time, Janu did not pass on the air, as she had, according to executives, too children's voice. But in three months she still released a debut report.

A year later, a young journalist is set to work in the TV company "MTV Russia" at the beginning of the editor, and then the TV host. According to Yana, she even had to write for several years in the questionnaire to receive an invitation to this work. Later, when this circumstance was revealed, the girl had already managed to establish himself as a conscientious employee.

In the early stages of the work, Yana Churikova received experience in many specialties related to television, which gave her the opportunity to subsequently become the leader of his own team. In an interview with the "Echo of Moscow" radio station, Yana Churikova notes that it is clear to it, what should be achieved from people how to arrange the work of the team so that each participant felt comfortable.

Among the projects that were popular with Yane Churikova, the program "12 evil spectators", which she conducted from July 1999 to January 2002. The concept of the program was that the invited participants watched the video and tried to objectively evaluate the video. Since the assessment was often negative, the star was invited to protect the clip. According to the results of the program, a vote was conducted for the worst clip.

The professionalism of Yana Churikova as a leading show was noticed, and she was invited to work for the first channel. At first, Yana led the youth television program "Lens", then she worked for some time in the "Good Morning" program.

The most successful project in the creative biography of the TV presenter is the musical show "Star Factory", which she led for eight seasons. Work on the "Star Factory" can not be called easy. In one interview, Yana Churikova admits that this project took 90% of the time, and sometimes she even had to spend the night at work. But all these difficult circumstances only emphasized the popularity of the show among the audience, and, therefore, all the difficulties of production will not be in vain.

Yana Churikova is considered one of the most sought-after leaders in Russia. Among its projects "Golden Gramophone", which she led together with the popular TV presenter Andrei Malakhov, "The History of Song" and remembering the audience an extreme show "Brutal Games", whose participants are undergoing complex tests on the obstacle course for victory.

Since 2007, the TV journalist has been working in the Studio "Red Square", which exists on the basis of the "View" television company. Twice performs the leading musical charts of the best songs of the Year "Red Star". Yana Churikova, together with the producer Yuri Aksutoy, was a commentator Eurovision Song Contest 2015.

In 2007, Yana took part in the "Circus with Stars" show. Together with other Russian celebrities, she competed in the circus genres and performed dangerous tricks. So, in the first series Churikova had to enter a cage with tigers. One of the predators jumped to the TV presenter. Fortunately, it cost without injury.

From October 2013, Yana Churikova is held by the post of Channel General "MTV Russia". In addition to the senior position, it continues to show creative abilities in other fields. In the same year, on the first channel with Churikova, a music project "Universal Artist", she also made the leading opening ceremony at the Universiade in Kazan and some events of the Olympiad in Sochi. In 2014, the journalist became the voice of the TV channel "Friday!".

In 2017, Yana Churikova became the moderator of the round table "Development of a business strategy of essential and non-ester channels", which was held in the framework of the 20th anniversary exhibition-forum CSTB.telecom & Media. Representatives of broadcasting channels were invited to participate in it, including Cyril Makhnovsky. In the format of discussions, the gathered tried to determine the further path of development of their business in the conditions of expansion of OTT-technologies.

In 2018, a number of significant events occurred in the professional life of Yana Churikova. TV presenter has become the federal ambassador of the World Cup. In the Moscow metro was allowed the thematic composition dedicated to the upcoming event in which the stations are announced by its voice.

At the beginning of the year, with the participation of Churikova on the service "Yandex. Music "Broadcast a weekly music talk show. Alexander Leaves, the son of the television journalist Vladislav Listeyeva became the co-host ether.

In May 2018, Jana made a commentator of the International Music Competition "Eurovision". On his page in "Instagram", she at the request of fans amounted to the list of favorites of performances.

In the same year, Churikova became a leading concert, which was organized to support Vladimir Putin in the presidential election. Her co-support was Dmitry Guberniev.

In 2019, Yana, together with Valdis Pelsh, Anna Ardova and Alexey Makarov, removed the documentary "Big White Dance", which is dedicated to white sharks. The TV host had to immerse in the water of the Pacific Ocean to get acquainted with predators closer.

Personal life

Yana's first husband is the director and TV presenter Ivan Tsybin, with whom her mother introduced her mother. Yane liked Ivan's professionalism and his personal qualities. The couple lived in married for four years, after which Yana became the initiator of the divorce, since she had a novel with a businessman and director of the PR-agency Denis Lazarev.

In May 2009, the pair was born daughter Taisiya Lazarev. In an interview with Yana Churikova, reveals the secret of successful motherhood: you only need to shift your own ego to the background and do not interfere with children find their own way in life. In 2016, changes were planned in the personal life of the TV host: it became known that the spouses broke up.

From the first years of work on Television, Yana Churikova came across the question, whether she is inna Churikova's relative. As the TV presenter specifies, the similarity with the star of the Soviet and Russian screen has impressed her, and Yana even calls the actress with his "metaphysical mother", but there are no true kinship between women. Yana and Inna only nameslites. In 2017, the first meeting of the TV host and actress after the play Inna Churikova in the theater of Nations was held. Photo Yana posted in "Instagram".

Now Yana Churikova is in perfect physical form, which is celebrated its subscribers. According to Yana, with a height of 175 cm its weight now hesitates around 67-73 kg depending on the time of year. But such parameters were not always. Being a 20-year-old student, who just started working on television, the girl scored 95 kg of weight. This complex did not interfere until she fell into a frame, where she appeared co-host Anton Komolov in the MTV channel program. Against the background of the subtitle young man, Yana looked, according to her, four times more.

The girl began to fight an extra kilograms with a hard way - refused food, drank only water with lemon and reached the desired result: the size of the clothes began to decrease rapidly. After another time, Churikova began health problems: Tremera hands appeared, the loss of memory was affected. Soon it took the help of an endocrinologist. Yana overcame difficulties and eventually gained harmony. In nutrition, it prefers to use meat, fish and vegetables, eliminated refined products, and physical form help support Pilates classes. Fresh the appearance of Churikova adds a new haircut.

On November 6, 2020, Yana celebrated its 42nd birthday. Traditionally on this, Churikova suits a holiday in Moscow. However, this time she decided to rush to the extreme north, as followed by subscribers in "Instagram".

TV presenter published a video and photos on which with a happy smile engaged in diving in the Barents Sea:

"Catch a report from the birthday! I really wanted to be at sea. The dream came true. I'm on the sea! On the Barents. Warm sea, like southern nature, easily fall in love with yourself. When you are Yun, looking for simple pleasures. But other values ​​come with inner maturity. And the harsh beauty of the Kola Peninsula and the amazing abundance of the local underwater world turn over the idea of ​​what diving is. This is the northernmost point where I immersed. "

It is worth noting that traveling to the Kola Peninsula is very popular among Russian stars. He recently visited TV presenter Yulia Baranovskaya, as well as actress Anastasia Makeev.

Yana Churikova now

Quarantine 2020 Yana Churikova held at home as a responsible citizen. Together with his daughter Taisia, she spent four walls of the week, and then moved to the maximum contact restriction mode. All working issues TV presenter solved online.

In order not to bother at home, Yana was a schedule for the day. It entered the yoga and classes in Spanish. In addition, the star decided on the cardinal changes in appearance - without waiting for the opening of beauty salons, herself painted his hair in red color with the help of henna.

On October 17, the annual international educational campaign "Total Dictation" took place. For those who wanted to check their literacy, the text was read by Yana Churikova, Viktor Shalya, Galina Yuzfovich and Andrei Gelasimov. The event took place in the online format.


  • "Big Cinema"
  • "12 evil spectators"
  • "Lens"
  • "Good morning"
  • "Star Factory"
  • "Golden Gramophone Award"
  • "Song history"
  • "Brutal Games"
  • "The Red Star"
  • "Universal artist"
  • "Eurovision"
  • "Big white dance"

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