Elena Turbal - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Series, Filmography, Films 2021



Elena Turbal has already decided for 5 years that it will become an actress, and never regretted his choice. She gained the love of the public, playing bright roles in Ukrainian films and television series.

Childhood and youth

Elena Turbal was born on August 28, 1984 in the Ukrainian capital of Kiev. The future star from the early years has demonstrated interest in the acting profession and stubbornly went to the goal, despite the prohibitions of parents.

After graduating from school, she entered Kiev University of Theater, Cinema and Television named after Ivan Karpenko-Karozh, where he studied under the leadership of Leonida Mug.


Elena's screens debuted in 2003, immediately in the lead role. She played a girl named Yank in the drama "12 kopecks." The father of the heroine is an alcoholic, so it is forced to earn a living herself, collecting empty bottles. But even despite all the difficulties, Yanka remains a child and believes in the best.

In the following years, the star filmography was replenished with small roles in such projects as "good guys", "brother", "demons" and "swallow nest". She managed to play in the 5th season of the sensational Ukrainian series "Svati", where she played the realtor Irina Borisovna, and in the Women's Doctor who loved the audience, in which Elena appeared in the image of the Sherrya Calanta on-screen daughter.

But the first wave of popularity came to the turbal after she received a major role in the entertainment show "Three sisters", in which I replaced Jan Glushchenko. The plot unfolds around three girls - blondes, brunettes and redheads who dream of a comfortable life and successful marriage. Actress Anna Salivanchuk and Victoria Bulitko became colleagues from Elena on the site.

The next screen that replenished the piggy bank of the star was Anya from the family saga "House with Lilies". She tells about the Hero-Frontovik Mikhail Govorov, whose family moves to the house, which is imposed for a long-time curse.

In 2016, the turbal once again experienced a dramatic image in the melodrama "Podlids". Each episode of this series is a separate story about saving the newborn, left in the hospital. Masha performed the star loses the fruit during childbirth, but it is decided to give a family to the brightened child.

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According to the artist, the role was not easy for her, because at that time she had not yet had experience in pregnancy and motherhood. But on the site there were doctors who helped her get into the image. In addition, Elena had to attend classes on the Indian dance, because in the plot of her heroine married to the Hindu and works as a teacher in the children's choreographic studio.

In the same year, the actress again appeared before the audience in the lead role, which she performed in the comedy "Night of St. Valentine". This is a story about several young people and the adventures that they have to survive during the celebration of the day of all lovers.

No less exciting was the plot of the series "Temptation", where the star embodied Alexander Kumachev. Events unfold in a mansion of a rich businessman, where, under the guise of the maid, a girl penetrated, who wants to learn the truth about the death of her husband. But on the way to goal, the heroine has to go a lot of obstacles, and among them a meeting with the first love. The melodrama was extended by the 2nd season for which the turbal returned to his role.

After that, the star did not cease to shine on the screens, participating in the creation of such Ukrainian TV projects as the Ring Ring, "My Perfect Mom", "Podkin" and "obedient wife".

Personal life

The stars' personal life has developed successfully, she is married to the director Stanislav Capralov. In August 2018, the actress gave birth to a son, which called Lv. She quickly returned to work and in the fall he pleased the public from the set of melodrama "zero cycle".

Elena Turbal now

In 2020, many actors remained without work due to a coronavirus infection pandemic, but the turbal did not miss self-insulation. She devoted himself to care for the family and was able to spend more time with her husband, which rarely sees due to dense graphs. Together they created a documentary dedicated to the tragedy in Chernobyl.

To see Elena on the screens fans were able to be in the fall. In October, the premiere of MiG migrama, stolen by happiness, in which the actress performed a major role. Her heroine Asya creates desserts, the taste of which can give a sense of happiness for a few seconds who will try them. But the girl herself does not feel joys since her beloved spouse died while a stupid joke girlfriend does not change her life.

In November, the series "Milling" and "Shadow of the past", in which the actress played small roles. In 2021, the star continues to delight the public with new images. Now she supports relations with them in "Instagram", where publishes photos and is divided by news from the creative biography.


  • 2003 - "12 kopecks"
  • 2011 - "Three sisters"
  • 2012 - "Female Doctor"
  • 2014 - "While the village is sleeping"
  • 2016 - "Wiring"
  • 2016 - "Valentine's Night"
  • 2017 - "What does your wife do?"
  • 2017 - "Ring Ring"
  • 2017 - "Perfect Enemy"
  • 2018 - "Zero cycle"
  • 2019 - "Obedient Wife"
  • 2019 - "Podkinysh"
  • 2019 - "My Perfect Mom"
  • 2020 - "Shadow of Past"
  • 2020 - "MiG, stolen by happiness"
  • 2020 - "Mawai"

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