Julia Roberts - biography, photos, movies, personal life, news 2021



Julia Roberts is a Hollywood movie star, which, after a brilliantly executed major role in the film "Pretty Woman" became a real icon of the genre of a romantic comedy. During the acting career, it was repeatedly becoming a laureate of prestigious film - "Oscar", Bafta, "Golden Globe" and others.

Hollywood Star Julia Roberts

The actress 5 times received the title of the most beautiful woman of the planet in the PEOPLE magazine ranking. Her smile was compared with the smile of Mona Lisa, and the cream of chestnut hair became the object of imitating fashionistas around the world.

Childhood and youth

Julia Roberts was born on October 28, 1967 at the Hospital of the American town of Smirns, located in the north-west of Georgia. Mother Julia, Betty Lu Bredimas, was an actress and together with his wife Walter Grady Roberts led acting courses for children in his hometown. In addition to Julia, two more children were brought up in the family: Eric and Lisa. All children of the family will continue in the footsteps of the mother and become actors in Hollywood.

Julia Roberts in childhood and now

After the birth of Julia Betty was forced to leave the job that he had a negative impact on the well-being of the family. The situation saved Cortet Scott King, the widow of the famous fighter for the rights of Black Martin Luther King, whose children visited the theatrical school of the four Roberts. It was Cooltha for first time a young mother's hospital accounts paid.

When the girl was 5 years old, the parents divorced. Julia and Lisa stayed in Smyrna with her mother, while Eric with his father moved to Atlanta. Soon Betty Lu Bredemas tied his fate with Michael Moouts critic. Michael turned out to be a cruel man, he drank and did not hesitate to handclay, raising steppers. Because of the stepfather, young Roberts constantly swore with his mother.

Julia Roberts in youth

Future star grew a dreamy child. As a child, Julia believed that she was able to communicate with animals, and this faith inspired her. The girl dreamed of becoming a veterinarian. In school, Roberts tried to be unlike everyone, she wanted to feel special, although the girl did not stand out for special talents. She played on the clarinet, participated in local theatrical productions, inspired by the successful theater career of Brother Eric Roberts.

When Julia was 10 years old, her native father died from cancer. The girl did not know that Walter was sick, although he spoke with him on the phone every day. After many years, the actress admitted that even after the death of his father continued to communicate with him in his dreams.

Julia and her brother Eric Roberts

At 13, Roberts went to his first job in Pizzeria. Up to the end of the school, she worked out in a shoe store, in the eateries and cafes. After graduating from school, the girl tried to enter the University of Georgia, but failed entrance exams. Then Julia moved to New York to Lisa's sister and recorded on acting courses.


In the first film project, the actress hit the brother Erika. In 1987, he played the main role in the melodrame "Red, like blood." Eric offered her sister episodic role of a farmer's daughter, who did not require almost no acting skills. At the same time, Julia took part in the filming of the film "Satisfaction", where he played the rock performer. For the sake of this role, the actress learned to play musical instruments.

In the same year, young Roberts received the first major role: she played a cafe waitress in a romantic comedy "Mystical Pizza".

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The next film of the ascending star of Hollywood, which was close to world recognition, became the "steel magnolia" tape. The story talks about the life of 6 women, in particular Shelby Latcher, whom Julia played. For this role, the actress was awarded the Golden Globe award for the "best role of the second plan" and was nominated for the Oscar Award.

In 1989, Julia Roberts took part in the filming of the film "Beauty" directed by Harry Marshall. The producers were looking for the famous Hollywood star in a couple to the chief hero of the picture, whom the young Richard Gir played, but Marshall insisted on Roberts candidate. She was not immediately called to the project, first from the role of Vivien Ward refused Karen Allen, Meg Ryan and other Hollywood actresses. Many of them counted below their dignity to play the role of a "girl of easy behavior."

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On the set of the paintings I had to rewrite the plot: Roberts's popularity grew so rapidly that the director did not dare to make a gloomy film final. After the release of the "beauty", the actress received the status of the star Hollywood, and also became the owner of the second "Golden Globe" and the nomination for the Oscar premium for the "best female role".

Star status actress opened her doors to other serious film projects, she was offered the best roles, and her fee of $ 300 thousand (so much Julia earned Wivien Ward for the role) turned into millions.

Julia Roberts on Prize

In 1990, 4 paintings with the participation of starry artist were released: Joseph Ruben Thriller-Melodrama Ruben "In bed with the enemy", the melodrama of Joel Schumacher "Die Young", the criminal thriller Alan Pokula "Case about Pelicans" and Fantasy-tale Stephen Spielberg "Captain Hook". And although the paintings turned out to be financially successful and were supported by the audience, none of them was able to achieve the popularity of "beauty".

In 1996, a picture of Stephen Friers "Merry Railil" was published on the screens of cinemas, where Julia Roberts performed a major role. The cash collections of the film did not even cover the cost of its creation, and Roberts for the first time for his career was nominated for "Golden Malina" as the "worst actress."

Hollywood smile Julia Roberts

A year later, the celebrity decided to tie with the "gloomy" projects. She played the role of culinary criticism in the romantic comedy "Wedding Best Friend". The public and critics took the film favorably.

Soon, with the participation of Julia on the screens, the family drama "Migchah" and the criminal detective "conspiracy theory" came out. But the audience wanted to see the loved duet again from "beauty", so the scenario was written to the romantic comedy "escaped the bride," where the main roles got the stars Richard Gira and Julia Roberts. The director of the film was again performed by Harry Marshall.

Julia Roberts and Richard Gir

The next significant film in the career of the actress was the biographical belt "Erin Brockovic" directed by Stephen Golberg. Julia played the role of the chief heroine Erin Brockovic, the defenders of human rights, fantastic against environmental pollution. The picture becomes a hit and brings the star of Hollywood to her first statuette "Oscar".

Julia Roberts in the film

The creative biography of the artist develops successfully, Julia does not cease to play in big cinema, it is invited to many famous projects. In 2012, Julia Roberts took part in the shooting of the comedy "August: County Osage, where he played with the famous Meryl Streep. The film crimits were delighted with the acting game Roberts, and the actress itself was again nominated for the popular filmmakers of America.

Today, Julia Roberts is one of the highest paid actresses of Hollywood. Her fees for the project reaches $ 25 million. In 2010, the picture was reached by the picture "Eat, Pray, Love" directed by Ryan Murphy. The film tells about the married woman named Elizabeth, which went to travel around the world. To know and find itself succeeded in India and Indonesia. After the release of the film, the actress admitted that she was Hinda for religion.

A year later, the film "Larry Kraun" came out on the screens, in which Roberts starred with Tom Hanks. The picture was ambiguously accepted by critics, like the work of the actress in the "Financial Monster", where Roberts played a pair with George Clooney. However, in contrast to the film, the Julia game was rated high.

In 2017, Julia Roberts is newly nominated for the Antipremia "Golden Raspberry" as the "worst actress" for the role in another film - Comedy "Unquest Lady". In the same year, the premiere of the family drama "Miracle" about a boy suffering from a rare disease took place. Julia Roberts appeared on the screen as a teenager mother.

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In 2018, the actress once again appeared in advertising. She starred for the French brand Lancôme roller dedicated to the new aroma of La Vie Est Belle. This is not the first experience of the Hollywood Star in working with the global giant of the cosmetology industry. In 2011, she had already appeared in the advertising campaign of the L'Oreal concern, but then the broadcast of the video in the UK was the cause of the scandal. At the request of public activists, the rollers were prohibited due to the explicit use of photoshop.

Julia Roberts in Perfume advertising LA VIE EST BELLE

For several years, Roberts collaborated with the trademark of female tights Calzedonia. Having become the face of Givenchy, Julia managed to earn $ 1 million. And for a silent role in the roller of the coffee brand of Lavazza, the artist received $ 1.6 million at all. The star was needed only to smile.

Personal life

Julia Roberts became a famous person in Hollywood not only thanks to the movie, but also star novels. In his youth, she met with the actors Matthew Perry and Liam Nison.

On the set of "steel magnolia", Roberts had a novel with a partner on the set, actor Dilan McDemmott. There were rumors that the couple even wrapped around and will soon play a wedding. But the marriage did not happen, and the actress itself was increasingly noticed in Richard Gear in the company, which gave rise to new woven on the personal life of the movie star.

Julia Roberts and Santherland Kifer

During the filming of the film "Komatozniki", Julia met a Canadian actor Santherland. Lovers gave an interview with the press, telling about love at first sight. Julia and Kifer appointed a wedding date, but 3 days before the event in the newspapers there was a compromising photo of Sutherland with an unknown girl. After such a wedding could not be speech.

In 1993, Julia Roberts legalized the relationship with Country Singer Lile Lovhett. The newlyweds were familiar only 3 weeks before the wedding, and held all the family life in the roadway. After 2 years, the couple decided to break the relationship.

Julia Roberts and Lyle Lovnett

2 years old Star Hollywood met with the actor of the series "Law and Order" Benjamin Brett. By that time, the actress tried to keep the press away from his personal life, and the details of their novel know a little. Brett wanted a full-fledged family and children, and Roberts completely devoted himself to the career of the actress.

On the set of the painting "Mexican", Julia met a future husband, operator Daniel Moder. At the time of the start of Roman Moder was married. In 2002, Danny divorced his wife faith Steiner Moder. There were rumors in the press that the famous Julia Roberts was forced to pay the former spouse of the "express" modest to speed up the divorce. In the summer of the same year, lovers played a lush wedding.

Julia Roberts with her husband Daniel

After 2 years, twins were born in the family - Boy Finnia Walter (in honor of the father of Julia) and the girl Hazel Patrick. Julia took up the education of children on his ranch in Taos, New Mexico City. In 2007, the couple was born another child Henry Daniel.

Julia Roberts with children

Julia Roberts is a fashion legislator in terms of hairstyles. She burst into large screens with a drain red hair, and then changed their length many times, color, shape, appearing on the screen with bangs and without, with "Bob" and "Cascade", with a high bundle or "shell". Enjoying the experiments in the youth, lately the actress more and more prefers the classics.

Hairstyles Julia Roberts

Roberts - a loving mother of three children and a caring aunt. Julia played a big role in the fate of his niece, his brother Eric's daughter, Emma Roberts, who also became an actress. After the scandalous divorce, Emma's parents stayed with her mother without a bed, and it was a aunt who helped a woman with a child. In the future, she always took care of the niece and even discouraged her to marry the actor Evan Peters, motivating it by the fact that it was not worth doing such a serious step in his life in such a young age. It is known that the couple in the end was engaged, but in early 2016 he finally broke up.

Julia Roberts and Emma Roberts

It does not fit with the Personality of Roberts Scandalous Story, associated with the death of her pivot sister Nancy Mouture. She negatively responded to Roberts, who allegedly mocked and cheered over her sister.

According to the official version, 37-year-old Nancy Mouauts died from drug overdose, although American tabloids do not exclude that it was suicide. In a suicide note, three pages were devoted to the pivot sister, where Nancy accused Julia in unwillingness to communicate with her, in the ban to see the sick mother. Roberts did not comment on sister's attacks after her death, abolished participation in all entertainment events and, according to eyewitnesses, he burst into the funeral.

Julia Roberts with Nancy's sister

Now the actress lives with her husband and children in Penthouse in Manhattan. Julia Roberts is the owner of a film company and is engaged in charity.

Julia Roberts now

In 2018, the actress filmography expanded on 2 more projects. At the International Film Festival in Toronto, the drama "Return Ben" was shown, where the actress was starred as a mother of a young man who escaped from the rehabilitation center to parents. Later it is found that Ben (Lucas Hedgees) is in danger.

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In November, started showing the dramatic series "Return home". Julia embodied on the screen the image of a social psychologist who helps the soldiers to return to the usual civilian life. Once the heroine Roberts understands that herself received a mental disorder.

The year became for Julia a turning point. The actress officially announced that it would no longer appear in his favorite romantic comedy genre. Her seriously interested in working on television in large dramatic projects.

Julia Roberts in 2018

The actress still amazes fans with their boyfall and the perfect figure. When 175 cm increases, its weight does not exceed 61 kg. The celebrity does not apply effort to maintain low weight, but after filming in the last TV series, Julia has lost markedly. According to the artist, it happened naturally because of the heavy load on the set.

In the fall of 2018, Roberts surprised the Instagram subscribers with a new image. The star of Hollywood painted her hair tips in pink color and braided braid. The photo and the thematic video of Julia posted in a personal microblog.


  • 1988 - "Red, like blood"
  • 1989 - "Steel Magnolia"
  • 1990 - "Beauty"
  • 1991 - "In bed with the enemy"
  • 1991 - "Captain Hook"
  • 1997 - "Wedding of the Best Friend"
  • 1997 - "Conspiracy theory"
  • 1999 - "Fallen Bride"
  • 2000 - Erin Brockovich
  • 2003 - "Smile Mona Lisa"
  • 2010 - "Valentine's Day"
  • 2010 - "Eat, pray, love"
  • 2013 - "August: County Osage"
  • 2016 - "Unquest Lady"
  • 2017 - "Miracle"
  • 2018 - "Return home"

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